Tech Hammer

Chapter 454 A Crazy Theoretical Framework

Rather amused by Edwin George.

Especially the sentence: "When Americans like to praise others as the best in the world, they actually think that they are the best."

It turns out that these people are quite capable of harming others.

Of course, we can also see that the popularity of some American physicists at CERN may not be as good as imagined. However, Edwin George's face was determined to sever ties with the Americans and he did not hesitate to take sides, which was really irritating.

"Okay... I'll trouble you then, Director George, but I hope this won't happen again. Otherwise, I will consider whether the balance still needs to be paid." Ning Wei demanded seriously.

"Don't worry, Ning, I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again. I will arrange special security to prevent this kind of thing. Trust me, I will make arrangements right away." Edwin George immediately patted his chest and said.

Edwin George also left.

After watching the CERN director leave, Luo Zhiqiang couldn't help but sigh: "Money is indeed a good thing."

Indeed, not just anyone can make the director of CERN bend.

"I feel like the popularity of Americans here is not very good. It's different from what I imagined. Haven't I heard that Europeans follow the lead of the United States?" Ning Wei asked curiously.

After hearing Ning Wei's words, Luo Zhiqiang smiled and said: "Actually, if you really want to talk about it, the Europeans I come into contact with do criticize Americans in the same way. But that doesn't mean anything."

"Anthracene? How do you say it?" Ning Wei asked curiously.

Luo Zhiqiang shrugged and said: "I think the main reason is that we need to rely on the United States for national defense. Most European countries are not large in area and have a small population, so they don't feel safe! So in terms of big policies, we still hope to rely on strength. The stronger side is closer. But at the individual level, Europeans are also very proud. There are many people who call Americans bandits. Anyway, the United States cannot send American soldiers over because of a few quarrels between scientists, right? ?”

Ning Wei nodded, deeply convinced...

No wonder all the old Europeans he came into contact with behaved as if they were schizophrenic. This makes sense. The main reason is that he has no sense of security in his bones. Not only can he not win, but he has to rely on others to provide protection, so he can only get by. My mouth is addicted.

The body has always been more honest than the mouth, and the ancients really did not lie.

"By the way, what did Professor Alex study just now?" Ning Wei asked again curiously.

Luo Zhiqiang replied: "He is doing research on the W boson. Six years ago, Fermilab published a paper in the magazine Science and made measurements based on the data accumulated by Tevatron over the years. The measurement results show The mass of the W boson was heavier than expected. It also caused an uproar at the time, and some even thought that this was the starting point of new physics. Because if this measurement is absolutely accurate, it means that the standard model of particles needs to be modified."

"So CERN has also been studying this result over the years. The Alex just now was a professor at Rice University in Texas. He had previously hosted the photon collision experiment with the support of Rice University and found that photons can produce photons. function, and captured the W boson pair. In this way, high-energy photons can be used to directly measure the electroweak interaction, thereby verifying the mass and characteristics of the W boson from the side. Theoretically, if he can really do it in this direction If it produces results, it can indeed contribute to the standard model."

I have to say that Luo Zhiqiang's answer is very pertinent. Neither praising nor belittling, he also briefly introduced Alex's identity and major achievements to Ningwei. Of course, in Ning Wei's opinion, these achievements are probably not big achievements. But Ning Wei also roughly understood the reason why Professor Alex was so irritable.

After all, he comes from Texas, where the folk customs are known to be tough. According to legend, cowboys are born in places where they are the kind of cowboys who can draw guns at any disagreement. And it comes from Rice University, known as the "Harvard of the South". This is one of the top private schools in the United States and can be regarded as the top university in the South, so it makes sense to be proud.

Ning Wei asked casually again: "Oh, do you think the Standard Model is really standard?"

Luo Zhiqiang thought for a while and replied cautiously: "In fact, no one dares to say that the standard model is the real standard. After all, we still know too little about the microscopic world."

"What a coincidence, I thought so too. So leave him alone and let's do our thing." Ning Wei smiled and patted Luo Zhiqiang's shoulder, and then suddenly asked: "Professor Luo, don't you think in your heart that in fact what happened just now Professor Alex said that, right?"

Luo Zhiqiang smiled bitterly and replied: "This is true. But let me be honest, Academician Ning, have you forgotten that you never told us what the goal of this experiment is? We are just cooperating with you as much as possible according to the requirements. Completely collect the data you need. In fact, I have talked with Lao Gu privately. If it is not confidential, it can be more efficient if you can tell us the detailed requirements."

Ning Wei smiled and replied: "Professor Luo, I really didn't want to hide it from you on purpose. The main thing is that the things I want to verify are, how should I say, more whimsical. But it doesn't really matter now. Well, here is a pen. Follow the paper?"

"Uh? Yes, some..."

Soon, Luo Zhiqiang left the conference room, and when he came back in, he took a stack of A4 manuscript paper.

Ning Wei picked up the pen and quickly started writing on the paper.

"Professor Luo, this is some of my recent research, and I just take this opportunity to discuss it with you. I started my research from the Dirac equation. We know that in the original Schrödinger equation, due to the asymmetry between time and space, in order to make the Schrödinger equation In line with the special theory of relativity, Dirac modified the Schrödinger equation to a certain extent and obtained the Dirac equation."

As he spoke, Ning Wei began to write a formula on the paper: E=(m^2+p^2)^(1/2), where the speed of light is set to 1.

"The biggest problem with the original Dirac equation was that negative energy would appear in the solution of the equation. But in classical relativistic mechanics, when there is no potential energy term, the energy is always positive. Allowing negative energy in quantum mechanics means that a particle has a probability of spontaneously moving to a lower level. Energy transition, and according to the law of conservation of energy, this process will release infinite energy. If this is true, then theoretically there will be disasters everywhere in our reality instantly. So Dirac predicted the positron, and I am grateful to these big Man, we have the basis of quantum field theory."

"The above is the most basic theory that everyone knows. Next, we assume that O-xyz and O-x'y'z' are two reference systems respectively, v is the relative speed between the reference systems, and c is the speed of light, then According to the Lorentz transformation, we can get t'=(t-vx/c)/(1-v/c). Here we assume that v→c in the formula, then we can derive it by examining the partial differential t'/vdv Describe the instantaneous changes in clock speed relative to speed, as follows..."

"The next thing I want to talk about is the key point. I also derived some theories through mathematical methods. What we have to do next is to define a special imaginary space. I gave it a name: short space. This space The biggest feature is v\u003ec, good news, we are going to start converting formulas simultaneously..."

Ning Wei explained in his mouth and kept writing. Soon a piece of paper was filled with writing. Ning Wei threw the used manuscript paper aside and picked up the second manuscript paper...

Next to him, Luo Zhiqiang was already scratching his head...

He couldn't understand Ning Wei's derivation process.

The reason is also very simple. The initial entry point was too simple. Not to mention him, a professor who specializes in high-energy physics, he felt that any graduate student could understand the meaning of those formulas and representations.

But there is no excess in between...

When the topic started to turn into short space, Luo Zhiqiang felt that his brain was starting to lose track...

No, it should be said that the difficulty began to increase significantly from the beginning of the partial differential expression. Although he didn't want to admit it, he did have an unclear feeling. Because although he couldn't understand those complicated formulas, he could tell that Ning Wei's research was within a mathematical framework and followed the orderly framework of theoretical argumentation. For example, there is a difference between infinite-dimensional operators and finite-dimensional matrices.

As for the effective framework in physics, it is simply three steps. The first step is to propose it. After it is proposed, the second step is to insert basic theories into the framework to fill up the framework system and use these theories to solve problems. The last step in the description of this world, such as Newton's mechanical system, Maxwell's theory, and Einstein's special theory of relativity, is to test whether these theories are correct through experiments.

If it is proved to be correct, it is called a theorem, and a complete theoretical framework can be announced. However, the third step is often a long process, especially the theoretical description of the microscopic world, which is still limited by technological and industrial levels and can only be considered in a theoretical state.

For example, the string theory and field theory proposed by the physics community until now are actually stuck in the third step.

For example, Professor Pan from the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently proved that imaginary numbers are necessary in quantum mechanics, but for physics, imaginary numbers are meaningless. This has become a paradox. So far, no one can give an accurate answer. explain.

In the same way, when the lepton theory is perturbatively expanded, the first few orders are highly consistent with the experiment. However, if the higher-order terms are expanded all the time, it is found that it deviates from the experimental results, and even diverges when all orders are added together.

Really, for physicists like Luo Zhiqiang, many times they even doubt from the bottom of their hearts whether the earth's technology is really locked by sophons as the Three-Body Problem said. Once the critical moment is studied, there will be Invisible forces prevent humans from gaining a deeper understanding of nature.

It had been many years since a new framework had been proposed, and he never expected to see it again today.

Of course, a new framework means a new theory, and it also means a long experimental process is needed to verify it.

Yes, at this moment, although Luo Zhiqiang's logical thinking ability was stuck, his thoughts were far away, and he did not ask Ning Wei to explain to him the formulas that he could not understand. Because people really become self-aware when they reach a certain age. Luo Zhiqiang is 49 this year and will soon turn 50. From the moment Ning Wei used complicated formulas to define the short space, he knew that he did not need to ask questions, because the more he Asking will make you more confused.

However, he did not interrupt Ning Wei. He just waited silently for Ning Wei to give the final result. Because they are all in this field, Luo Zhiqiang knows very well that it is very impolite to interrupt a scientist who is excitedly talking about recent research results. If you don't have the ability to understand, then just hold back...

Not to mention that Ning Wei might be his future sponsor, and he was looking forward to it, because after the argument was completed, Ning Wei would definitely give a conclusion based on the theoretical framework.

In this way, it took about two hours to write one piece of paper after another, and it was spread all over the desk. Ning Wei finally started to prepare the final conclusion.

"Professor Luo, look, do you feel something is wrong at this time? Yes, now is the time to witness the miracle. We now bring this formula into Theorem 7 and Lemma 21. Have you found any problem? In In the short space, we remove t, and all these equations have definite solutions! You should understand what this means, right?" Ning Wei raised his head and looked at Luo Zhiqiang.

Yes, maybe Luo Zhiqiang didn't understand the whole argument, but in the end when he saw these explanations, Luo Zhiqiang could certainly understand what it meant. He couldn't help but swallowed subconsciously, and asked in surprise: "You mean that the ruler is short?" In space, the instantaneous position of particles is fixed? Is it not constrained by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle?”

"Well, that's the conclusion for now. I have a more bold idea, Professor Luo, do you think short space will really exist? If it is true, then many of the things in our universe that make us wonder can be found in Mathematically proven.”

"No, how can this kind of space exist?"

"Why is it impossible? Einstein once chased light. We are sure that the speed of light is constant. So when we are equal to the speed of light, what changes is space and time. At the same time, because of this limitation, we are still unable to determine This kind of space exists in the universe. But if it does exist, think about it, what would the projection of this space in the universe look like?" Ning Wei threw the pen on the table and stared at Luo Zhiqiang seriously and asked.

Luo Zhiqiang remained silent...

But my mind is completely confused...

Indeed, if such a space really exists, then the projection of the space in the universe is enough to support the current expansion rate of the universe, and a large portion of the missing mass of the universe has been found.

In other words, if Ning Wei's theory is ultimately proven to be correct, it can directly unify the micro and macro in a limited way.

Luo Zhiqiang is even sure that once this theory is made public, physicists around the world will probably go crazy, and maybe supporters and opponents will fight. This inference is so bold that if it is correct, Luo Zhiqiang suspects that Ning Wei has unlocked the sophon lock! In comparison, satellite cigarette lighting is simply weak...

Yes, to sum up, this theory can make people go to heaven!

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