Tech Hammer

Chapter 460 There are always more solutions than problems

The snow-capped mountains of the Jungfraujoch are beautiful; the water of Lake Lucerne is very clear, and the lion statue is very exquisite; the fountain in the Port of Geneva does indeed spray very high; the swans of Lake Zurich are very elegant; the sewage structure of the Qilun Castle proves that the assassins of medieval Europe are really capable. Climb up through the defecation channel, and then stab the noble's anus directly with the gun...

I had a lot of fun this month, and I felt like I had gained a lot of boring yet rich knowledge.

For example, speeding fines on Swiss highways are determined based on income. Those who have no money will be fined less. The minimum is 60 euros. If you are rich, you will be fined very high. It is said that the maximum has reached 700,000 euros. What’s more interesting is that from Sunday to Saturday, the fine amounts are slightly different on different dates...

This even made Ning Wei want to drive a car, and then fully experience how the Swiss traffic control system defines income and calculates fines, so that he can easily calculate the number of the rich man who was fined 700,000 euros for speeding once. What is the approximate income.

Sure enough, as long as you go out for a walk, you can find the joy of calculation everywhere in life.

Unlike Ning Wei, classmate Jiang is really addicted to the mountains and rivers here.

The two focused on completely different things about this trip, so they gained twice the happiness. For Ning Wei, the greatest satisfaction comes from psychological satisfaction.

On the night of the awards ceremony in March this year, he partially fulfilled the drunken promise he made to his woman after getting drunk. This fully proves that he is a man of his word, the kind of guy who spits and nails every time!

Of course, how much manpower and material resources have been expended is a matter of opinion.

After all, he came to CERN under the guise of an urgent scientific research mission, otherwise it would affect the scientific research progress of the entire human race. But after arriving, the time spent near CERN was no more than two days. Specifically speaking of scientific research tasks, the time spent deep inside CERN was no more than ten hours, which also included social time inside the Nuclear Research Center and time with Luo Zhiqiang. The time when the professor explains his original theory.

If you think about it carefully, this is really too much.

So after receiving a call from Edwin George, who told him tactfully that CERN had fully fulfilled the previous contract and was about to start normal internal trial plan arrangements, Ning Wei discussed it with Liu Wei and decided to go ahead. Go back to Merlin, treat these people to a meal, and then leave calmly.

By the way, Luo Zhiqiang can also be taken back.

Yanbei University has already said hello and will send other professors to take over Luo Zhiqiang's previous work. It's just that the graduate students who followed Lao Luo were temporarily aggrieved and may need to re-plan their graduation projects.

The groundwork for CERN has been laid, and within a month, thousands of terabytes of data will have to be analyzed by experienced people. Professor Luo Zhiqiang, who has participated in the entire project research, is naturally the best choice. This makes sense no matter where he is. Moreover, I told Edwin George before that if there are still scholars who are willing to go to China to help with this research result, I would rather do it than refuse.

Of course, there is still no such thing.

After all, his theory has not even been published publicly. Scientists with academic pursuits will not waste this time, and those without academic pursuits would rather look down on it. So it makes sense to only take Luo Zhiqiang away for the time being.

As for Jack Ness, he was not invited, and in fact could not be invited.

The olive branch has been extended. This CERN employee with amazing talent but no interest in academics is said to have gone to the Bay Area of ​​New York for vacation a few days ago after applying for annual leave. The rational side of the scientist prevented him from directly quitting his job at CERN. Work, but obviously fast.

Maybe many ordinary people sneer at tens of millions of dollars, thinking that the rich need to calculate their net worth at least 100 million dollars. In fact, for the general public, as long as they don't mess around with a net worth of 10 to 20 million dollars, they can live a comfortable life. .

Even for Jack Ness. After all, he wouldn't be able to earn so much in his current job even if he attended CERN step by step for the rest of his life.

Classic money changes life.

Ning Wei didn't care whether Jack Ness would become good friends with Bernie Cushing. After all, March is more familiar with this Wall Street capital, so I would rather believe that March can handle this matter very well.

Ning Wei has never let Ning Wei down in March when it comes to coordinating relationships between people through the Internet.

This can be seen from the fact that people as smart as Jack Nice still firmly believe that March's true identity is the white glove of many secretly wealthy people.

I would rather not bother with these messy things to avoid trouble.

During this European execution, the only thing that stood out about him was probably the sincere speech of thanks he gave before the banquet.

"Thank you all very much for coming to this dinner today, and even more grateful for your support of my work this month. In particular, I would like to thank Mr. Edwin George for helping us get busy with this project and solving many issues related to approval. problems, speeding up the efficiency of project advancement.”

"This is a perfect cooperation, and I believe this will not be the only cooperation between China Artificial Intelligence Research Center and CERN. With this cooperation as the basis, I believe we can explore more and more in-depth cooperation models in the future. .For me personally, this trip to Switzerland left me with many wonderful memories.”

"Specifically in terms of academic research, I have reason to believe that this perfect cooperation may bring many surprises to the world in the near future. Maybe until today our cooperation is coming to an end, many people still don't know about this specific project. For details, I can tell you directly today that this experiment is to verify a new theory that may subvert everyone’s understanding of high-energy physics and quantum physics.”

"Our new theory has given more profound thinking to the Schrödinger equation, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, general relativity and even a series of theories that have influenced the entire era. If we can prove it through the data obtained from this experiment, This theory may lay the theoretical foundation for unifying micro and macro. And everyone here has made great contributions to this theory."

"Finally, please allow me to once again thank CERN for its support of the China Artificial Intelligence Research Center, and once again thank Mr. Edwin George for his help. When this cooperation makes key progress, I will invite everyone to China, Let’s witness this miracle that belongs to the times together. Finally, thank you all again for your efforts, thank you!”

He simply spoke for about three minutes and used a bunch of rhetoric to express his gratitude. Within a week, it became a topic of conversation among USERs at CERN.

There is no other reason. For the high-energy physicists here, Ning Wei’s so-called thanks are just pretending to be X.

A mathematician who has made extraordinary achievements in the field of artificial intelligence went to CERN in the field of high-energy physics to give a speech, telling these physicists that the theory he created has redefined the Schrödinger equation, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the general theory of relativity. By the way, It can also unify microscopic and macroscopic physics...

This is probably how everyone feels, as ridiculous as a social humanist suddenly announcing to the world that he has invented a perpetual motion machine.

It’s not that everyone wants to bury Tai Ningwei. Many mathematicians in history are also extremely outstanding theoretical physicists, such as Newton, Descartes, Lagrange, and Einstein.

But that was in history. At that time, the research on mathematics and physics was relatively rough. In this era, the division of labor is too thin, and physics is no longer the era when only mechanics needed to be studied.

High-energy physics, mechanics, optics, thermal, acoustics, plasma, space physics, astrophysics, cosmology, quantum physics... Mechanics can be divided into statics, dynamics, fluid mechanics, statistical mechanics...

The modern scientific system has long been subdivided to the point where researching one direction may require a genius to spend his entire life.

Moreover, Ning Wei had not even published a single paper on physics before coming to CERN. In fact, the papers that Ningwei has published in recent years are still stuck on a paper on artificial intelligence systems and chip processing systems from three years ago, which was published in the Chinese journal in March and was not even converted into English and published in the March International Journal. On the page...

In other words, Ningwei’s purely academic influence has actually been declining in recent years. It’s just that those previous papers are still being cited frequently to support the reputation of academic experts.

I'm not saying that I am too harsh on Ning Wei. After all, everyone knows that most of Ning Wei's energy has been devoted to Ning Xin these years. But academics and technology are two different fields after all. If this guy doesn't come to CERN to get involved, naturally no one will look down on this former academic master. But if you, who are engaged in artificial intelligence and chips, come to point out the territory of theoretical physics, then you are wrong.

As a result, countless jokes about Ning Wei spread inside CERN.

Yes, don’t underestimate the ability of these physicists to create jokes. Their unwillingness to write jokes is purely out of indifference. When it comes to things that challenge authority, their ability to satirize people is definitely no worse than professional jokers.

for example:

"There are no physical problems in this world that Ning Wei cannot solve. If there are, it must be because Edwin George did not follow Ning Wei."

It's a good thing that this sentence also brings the director of CERN who brokered the whole thing. After all, many physicists within CERN are still very dissatisfied with Ningwei's ability to jump in line and work on projects at the expense of money...

"Physics finally ushered in theoretical unification after thousands of years of division. As for how, the father of artificial intelligence unified it with his mouth!"

"You rich people all over the world, your spring is here. Now you only need 700 million US dollars to let the director of CERN tailor a scientific research plan for you. By the way, you can also have physicists around the world cheering for you and achieve success in life. The pinnacle, comes with a video, a permanent souvenir! Isn’t this more prestigious than buying LV? What are you waiting for? Hurry up and take action, the world’s top luxury brand CERN is waiting for you!”

"Schrödinger, Heisenberg, and Einstein were playing cards with a Chinese. Schrödinger said to Einstein, I support you! Then he threw out the Schrödinger equation. Heisenberg said that light is a particle, and then threw out Heisenberg was not sure about the principle. Einstein said that God does not play dice, and then took out the theory of relativity. The Chinese looked at the cards in his hand, touched the cat next to him, and then took out a stack of U.S. dollars from his pocket. .At this time, Edwin George, who was standing behind the four people serving them, saw the stack of U.S. dollars and immediately took out a gun from his pocket..."

There are many kinds of jokes, and many scientists even started to share these jokes directly on their Facebook accounts, and even changed them into comics...

Obviously, in view of Edwin George's contribution to this collaboration, everyone has also given him an extremely important position, at least in the comics. The most egregious thing is probably that in one comic, this guy has a trap around his neck. A dog leash made of dollars...

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight...

Of course, these have no impact on Ning Wei, who has returned to China safely.

Basically just don’t read the information you don’t want to see.

But it gave Edwin George, who was still working at CERN, a bit of a headache. After all, he really made money from this business.

In fact, getting scolded is secondary. The key is that when the Internet is full of negative news about CERN, his position as director is not stable. Although under normal circumstances, the term of CERN director is five years, but if this person There are two reasons why the supervisor cannot gain the trust of the more than 2,600 physicists working at CERN.

Fortunately, Edwin George really made money this time. Even if his position is really eliminated, it won't be a big problem.

But now it seems that the management committee actually has no intention of touching him. After all, this time he not only made money, but also helped CERN make money. As a purely scientific research organization, it has been able to obtain half of the budget from a single project. This has never happened in history. From this point of view, as a management, I would not hesitate to praise such a supervisor...

After all, CERN's equipment is a gold-eating beast. Physicists only care about their research projects and data. Whether the introduced projects waste their precious time, but as managers, they must also consider the operating status of the entire organization. In the past few years, when the global economy has not been doing well, and member states have become more and more strict in approving funds, and they have become more and more stingy, it is really a skill to find such a rich and powerful enemy.

Not to mention that the main reason for this matter is that Ning Wei likes to talk nonsense. If it weren't for those declarations, actually everyone wouldn't have such a big reaction. Therefore, the opinion given by the committee is probably to treat it coldly. After fully appeasing Edwin George, I hope he can continue his efforts and do more of this kind of business.

As for being scolded, after a while, when these physicists have had enough trouble, they will naturally be able to do their research with peace of mind. The scolding will naturally stop, and it will just be a period of grievance...

In order to ensure that Mr. George would not be too upset, the committee even granted the supervisor a month's leave, so that he would not have to face the awkward physicists for the time being...

So there are always more solutions than problems!

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