Tech Hammer

Chapter 462 Ten minutes of shooting

It had been many years since they had been together, and this was the first time Liu Wei saw Ning Wei acting like a madman.

Liu Wei didn't know much about the previous situation, but he had witnessed many glorious moments since he began to take charge of various security matters at Ningwei. When the Wolf Prize came to China to award him the award, Ning Wei was not seen like this; Ning Xin was successfully developed, and Liu Wei saw the video sent by Huawei’s laboratory. Some engineers were laughing and crying, but Ning Wei always remained calm; Zhang Dingxi developed a three-dimensional display. Ning Wei went to take a look and just patted the person on the shoulder to express encouragement...

But today, this guy was acting like he was going crazy.

The previous melancholy mood disappeared instantly, and Liu Wei quickly became serious...

" what exactly is it like?"

"We have to start with the collider. Do you know the principle of the collider?" Ning Wei said in a hurry.

Although he was very excited, it was obvious that Ning Wei had not given up on the most basic scientific literacy and tried to sort out Liu Wei from scratch. Although he was very excited, he at least did not forget that although his bodyguard had strong professional abilities, he was still a layman in the field of scientific research.

Liu Wei also shook his head seriously.

" doesn't matter if you don't know. Let me explain briefly. You often drive, right? Let's assume that cars in this world exist directly, and there are no replacement parts repair shops or the like. At this time, if we think What’s the simplest and crudest way to know what parts a car is made of? Just hit it!”

"Think about it, as long as there is enough speed and the strongest impact in an instant, will the car be more completely broken? So just hitting the car is not enough. To achieve the best effect, let two cars They started running at the same time, and then hit each other violently. But there is another problem at this time, because the impact angle is different, and when the car is broken due to the collision, the possible results are also different."

"So, we can be more bold and take out 2,000 vehicles at once, install various rocket injection devices on them, accelerate them in opposite directions, and then let them collide together at different speeds. In order to completely observe the impact For the instantaneous effect, we will install a high-speed camera at a preset impact location with 10,000 frames per second, and then completely capture the moment of impact between two rows of cars traveling in the opposite direction."

"At this time we got a series of pictures, and then analyzed them frame by frame to find out what was broken down at the moment when these cars collided. In fact, this is what the collider does. The accelerated particles inside are the cars. , High-speed cameras are those high-precision detectors. The energy generated by cars when they hit at the same speed is different, so it can be divided into different energy levels."

"The LHC accelerates particles to different speeds and then in different energy levels to see what happens when these particles collide. The so-called discovery of new particles actually means smashing the original particles into pieces. At this time, Some new things may appear. But unlike cars, the life cycles of these particles in the microscopic world are very short. For example, the God particle discovered before has a life cycle of only 2.2*10 negative 22 seconds, and then decays into two Z bosons. !”

"This is also the reason why the God particle is so difficult to discover. On average, it may only occur once in a billion collisions, and it begins to decay immediately after it appears. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct extraordinary analysis through massive amounts of data to find anomalies. So. You can think of this large particle collider as a very special kind of microscope through which we look at the microscopic world."

"But this kind of microscope does not allow us to see directly, but shows it through data. Scientists analyze the data from the sensor to restore the microscopic world. This is very difficult. So when a certain phenomenon is bigger than the God particle When the existence time is shorter, trying to find the specificity from the massive data becomes a shackle that restricts our understanding of the microscopic world!"

"However, this time we took the mission to look for possible couplings, so we made a breakthrough. According to the results of our historical data analysis just now, during the collision process in the higher energy region, we saw something that could verify this mission Evidence. To put it simply, in this energy region, particles that were supposed to be knocked out appeared, disappeared in a very short period of time, and then reappeared..."

"How can I explain it to you... By the way, didn't we just say that cars are going to collide? Although in my setting, we don't have a place to repair cars, but we know the basic structure of these cars, such as Four wheels are the most basic component. So when shooting with a high-speed camera, no matter how you analyze it, you should be able to see the existence of these tires, right! Even if these tires are smashed, you still need to be able to see the tires of fragments.”

“But the current situation is that in countless videos recorded by countless high-speed cameras from various angles, after frame-by-frame comparison, within a certain period of time, there are no traces of the existence of these tires at all, not even the tires. There's no debris, but then you see the tire! It's not something that can be explained by a wave function or the Schrödinger equation."

"Do you know field theory? In the concept of quantum mechanics, vacuum is not without any matter, but is filled with various fields and virtual particles. Virtual particles have no mass and cannot be directly observed, but there are observable effects, such as Cassie How to explain the Mill effect... For example, there is an invisible man in this world. We cannot see him, but when he picks up an object, we can know his existence because the object moves against the laws of physics. "

"The field is also not directly observable, but in the process of quantum fluctuations, there will be observable times. The above are the most basic knowledge points you need to master to understand my discovery! Next is the advanced part , what we call theoretically space..."

Ning Wei was talking with great joy, but Liu Wei, who had been sitting upright and listening, finally couldn't bear it anymore, so he shouted: "Stop! Ning Wei, are you planning to train me to be your student? Really, don't Tell me so much, what you call easy to understand, what you call easy to get from this are all bible to me. I can’t even understand what the so-called 2.2 times 10 minus 22 seconds is. What is the concept? So let’s be direct and simple. Just tell us what you just discovered. What can it do? Or what changes can it bring to our world? "

Ning Wei was stunned for a moment, then looked directly at Liu Wei...

Well, Liu Wei felt like he was going crazy, but why didn't he also feel like he was going crazy now?

It felt very uncomfortable to have such a huge discovery but no one shared it at the first time. Fortunately, the output just now finally made his mood ease a little. Ning Wei immediately started thinking in his brain how to pass Liu Wei His major allowed him to understand the significance of his findings.

"Okay, Brother Liu, let's put it this way, if under the guidance of my theory, the first step is to find the rules for the occurrence of this special situation, and the second step is to find a method to manually control this situation, maybe our aircraft can Achieve the ability to span the known space. For example, our Pterosaur drone took off from Jiangcheng, then suddenly disappeared in the sky, and may appear randomly anywhere on the earth the next second."

"If we go one step further, we not only find a way to manually control this situation, but also convert the coordinate systems of two different spaces in real time. Then it will still be the Pterosaur drone. It took off from Jiangcheng and then disappeared instantly. , can appear in the sky at any place on Earth that we designate in the next moment. Of course, it is not just the pterosaur drones. If we fully master this technology, maybe our satellites and our space stations can also operate in this way. "

"At this time, if our technology matures further, our computing power becomes more abundant, and we are able to complete more complex coordinate system conversions, then our rocket will be launched with an unmanned probe, then disappear at perigee, and when it reappears, it can be near the moon, Near Mars, near Pluto, or even near a planet in the Gamma Galaxy!”

"After this technology is basically mature, we can put animals into these aircraft, use the same method, and then conduct tests. If the animals in the aircraft are still alive during this process, it means that humans will also You can travel through space in this way. From now on, finding planets suitable for carbon-based life forms will no longer be just through telescopes..."

"At this time, we will be able to fully develop the planets in the solar system. The plan to immigrate to Mars is too weak, and the layout is too small! The correct approach should be to count the minerals and resources of all planets in the solar system, and vigorously develop artificial intelligence Use unmanned fully-automatic mining production lines, industrial robots, and space exploration technology to build large-scale supply points and spaceports at the edge of the solar system!"

"The next step is to study the problem of ultra-long-distance positioning conversion across galaxies and spaces. After the spaceport is built, every spacecraft that crosses the solar system can send back space coordinate data synchronously. When we have enough data, we can start mapping stars. map, and has the ability to transport ultra-long-distance galaxies. With the help of the resources of the solar system, we can open up more resource stars, find more colonizable stars, and explore environmental transformation technology..."

"Do you understand now? Brother Liu, what is the significance of our technology? The significance lies in breaking through the space barrier and breaking the shackles of the speed of light in information transmission. The earth's civilization spreads in the solar system, the Milky Way and even the entire universe, and does not even need a Dyson sphere. Because if my theory is right, space travel does not actually require that much energy, and our universe already has a very special space."

"It is very difficult to describe this space specifically with words. You will definitely not be able to understand it using mathematical expressions. Using an expression you can understand, it is probably that if a constant in the space that we can normally observe is used as the reference system, such as the speed of light, Then the speed of light is just the starting point of speed in this space. Of course, this does not mean that general relativity is completely wrong, because all masses here are negative."

"According to my calculations, because of the existence of this space, the universe will show accelerated expansion. During the process of accelerated expansion of the universe, this space is shrinking, but the shrinking rate is less than the expansion rate of the universe. This means It involves another limit issue... Forget it, I can’t explain this to you, but for now, you can think of this space as a high-speed transportation system, such as a high-speed rail system in the universe!"

"But we don't need to build a railway in this space, but we can find the relationship between this system's space coordinate system and our real space coordinate system through countless tests. Every time we calculate a pair of corresponding coordinate systems, it means Now we have opened two directly accessible stations in this space. As more coordinates are opened, there will be more stations directly connected between the two! At that time, we will have to plan various routes reasonably. …”

"Of course it may take several generations and hundreds of years to get to that point, but now within our lifetime..."

This time Liu Wei learned to answer directly and said directly: "Ning Wei, don't talk so much nonsense, just ask if we can open all the coordinate stations around the earth in our lifetime? As you just said, we will upgrade to A drone or other aircraft can fly and then appear anywhere we want it to in a controlled instant?"

"Can you pursue something?! Brother Liu, I'm only 29 this year, and it's my prime! Can we not just focus on the area around the small broken ball? Take a longer view, Neptune, Mining on Uranus, heavy industrial bases on Venus, light industrial bases on Tethys, food growing on Europa, prisons on Mars..."

"As for the earth, if the industry is hollowed out, let it be hollowed out. How to develop it is not what we need to worry about. We just need to create enough resources. Even if I can live longer, after solving the problems in the galaxy After the resources are integrated, we can also see the construction of a space port on the edge of the solar system with our own eyes. It will definitely be the most magnificent man-made celestial body in human history and a transit station for human civilization to the outside world!"

"Hurry up, immediately, right now, imagine in your mind right now that you are standing in a space fortress, with countless space ships coming in and out under your feet. Countless explorers set out from here every day to explore the universe! Or You are a captain who discovered an uninhabited planet suitable for human survival. You report to the earth and call for human resources to develop a new planet..."

"At that time, everyone will find that talents are the most important resource of our civilization! At that time, the most important thing for people who choose to live and work peacefully on earth is to have children, spend time with their children, and enjoy life! People like you are almost 30 and are not married yet. Those who have no offspring may be taken to the shooting range and shot for ten minutes as a warning to others!"

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