Tech Hammer

Chapter 472 Big Trouble

Three months have passed by in a flash, and China is about to usher in another Spring Festival in the Year of the Rooster. The 2029 Spring Festival will be on Tuesday, February 13, the day before Valentine’s Day in the West. This is very friendly to many boys and girls in the same city. Valentine's Day falls on the second day of the Lunar New Year. Not only do people have a relaxing vacation at this time, but their wallets are generally bigger. At least it is not a big problem to support those small romances that young people like.

But this period of time may not be as happy as it is in China for many people in the West, especially major Western universities. The highly hidden brain drain has made more and more universities begin to pay attention to this situation.

In fact, from Edwin George's perspective, it can be said that he has been very restrained and cautious.

Although Ning Wei gave him a shot of chicken blood to make him feel that what he did was not something shameful, being in a high position still made him naturally cautious. In the past three months, on average, he has only recommended more than a dozen physics-related professors and engineers to China each month. In total, there are only about 40 people, making a profit of more than 10 million US dollars.

In Edwin George's opinion, this would not attract too many people's attention at all.

This is indeed the case.

CERN indeed did not notice that its supervisor had become a middleman poaching its own corners. For a large research institution with thousands of people resident there, the arrival and departure of about thirty people may be a bit unusual compared to normal times, but it is not conspicuous.

After all, many physicists doing research at CERN are not formal employees of CERN. Many of them work in major universities and laboratories in various countries. They are inherently mobile. If there is no task at hand, they will leave when they leave. There is no need to say hello to CERN, since CERN is not responsible for their salaries anyway.

The only thing that made Edwin George feel slightly uneasy was probably Ningwei or China's attraction to these scientists.

From his perspective, the most optimistic scenario is that he introduces scientists who are interested in developing in China to Ning Wei, and then these scientists can come back without hesitation after going to China. If this ratio could be kept around 50%, it would be perfect.

In this way, he can get money without having too much impact on his current job.

But the current situation is that he introduced 43 people to the past, and only two of them returned to CERN after going for interviews. The others had completed the resignation procedures and made preparations to stay for a long time.

And the two Edwin Georges who came back are not sure whether they are not used to staying in China, or whether they are not needed there much. Because the two of them are mainly doing research in the direction of condensed matter physics calculations, this area seems to be the strength of the Chinese side.

At least judging from his communication with these scientists who went to China, they seemed to be very satisfied with the new environment.

It is said that the cafeteria of the institute where they currently work has senior chefs from all over the world, and they can eat the freshest ingredients every day. This is nothing. The most outrageous thing is that according to what Ronnie Lansing said when he was chatting with him one day, he felt that he had received unprecedented respect and meticulous care in China, because the laboratory he was responsible for even had a person dedicated to him. Service life assistant...

Therefore, he does not need to worry about any life issues at all. Even if he forgets to eat when he is busy, the assistant will deliver the food to the laboratory on time and watch him clean it up after eating. He will be reminded regularly every day to ensure a certain amount of exercise. She will also take the initiative to help him plan his travel plans during his vacation and introduce him to friends so that his daily life will not be so boring. Strictly monitor his physical condition and then give various health suggestions...

Well, because this guy was obviously quite busy, the two only chatted for about ten minutes. But the information revealed has already made Edwin George feel something different...

This kind of treatment? Is it necessary to train these scientists to be unable to take care of themselves, so that they cannot leave China at all?

If it were just like this, Edwin George might not be too worried. After all, everyone’s needs are different.

However, some scientists who are more concerned about personal privacy and do not need similar services are obviously treated differently. It is said that all benefits are optional. It seems that everyone can choose the life and leisure style that best suits them. What is even more exaggerated is that Edwin George learned from many feedbacks that they all seemed to have found the kind of confidant who understood them best after going to China... …

Not only do you share the same goals, but after just a few casual conversations, you will find that everyone has the same outlook on life, values, philosophy, outlook on life, etc., many of their views, hobbies, etc., and it is extremely easy to find topics that both parties are interested in, and just sit and chat. The kind of soulmate who never feels tired all night long!

Simply put, I understand them better than my parents!

When Edwin George heard the news, he only felt a question mark in his head...

People all over the world know that confidants are closely related to their growth environment and thinking patterns, so these people who have never met so-called confidants in the Western world just happen to meet them in the Eastern world, which is completely different from their own growth experience. Already?

Just one or two. After all, there are always exceptions in this world, but he has learned that at least a dozen past scientists have the same feedback, which makes Edwin George completely unable to understand. It's just off the mark...

He had no idea how China did this. This probably means that he hasn't thought about March yet, let alone that March will not only be responsible for daily scientific research and calculation tasks, but also very carefully analyze all the subconscious thoughts of every scientist who deserves to be win over.

In this era of big data, as long as there is enough data, machines can actually understand people better than people, especially when the machine itself has certain human thinking patterns. It can analyze human subconscious thoughts from all aspects of human Internet behavior. As long as the data sample is enough, its expression preferences, reading preferences, consumption preferences, etc. can be clearly analyzed.

Next, we will conduct an advanced analysis of the viewpoints held by human beings subconsciously from these superficial preferences in life. The next thing will be even simpler. When the files for these scientists who go to China are established in March, the big sponsors will spend a little money, pay a certain monthly salary, and hire some actors whose appearance and conversation meet the expectations of these scientists. .

When these scientists are working during the day, their job is to read the information of these scientists summarized and updated in real time by March, find the topics that these people are concerned about recently and need to be communicated and expressed the most, and then memorize them. They also have to go through March Use three-dimensional display technology to simulate the environment for deduction.

When these scientists finish their work, meet each other in their free time, and then start to like each other, they will have close friends.

It is no exaggeration to say that after three months of training, these alternative actors were able to flatter Chi Guoguo without a trace of fireworks. At least the scientists in the game could not detect it at all.

What Edwin George didn't even know was that for the scientists who were focused on in March, there were more than one such "life confidant" prepared, and there were often as many as three or four. For Ning Wei, all he paid was a salary of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per person per month, but for these scientists, they gained supreme spiritual satisfaction...

In a sense, this is actually "The Truman Show" directed by March. The expenses were paid by Ning Wei personally. He just randomly took 2 billion to set up a special fund to let March carry out this spiritual SPA project. Let these scientists feel that even in their hometown, they can meet old friends who are more considerate than their parents.

To Ning Wei, the money was insignificant, but the effect was so obvious that it was explosive.

Many scientists who have come to China from thousands of miles away seem to be inseparable from this kind of spiritual spa trend. Basically, they take some time every week to invite these friends to meet, chat, or simply have a drink...

Therefore, it is never people who understand these scientists best, but March.

This also shows from one side that if you have money, you can really do whatever you want. Of course, these are just worries for Edwin George and cannot change anything. Because he has already bought his second-hand yacht.

Idyllic is a yacht produced by Benetti of Italy in 2008. The entire yacht is 58.5 meters long and 9.5 meters wide at its widest point. It has a maximum speed of 34 knots and a cruising speed of 17 knots. It has already touched the edge of a super yacht. What makes Edwin George most satisfied is that both the exterior and interior decoration of this yacht are designed by world-renowned designers, which is very consistent with his aesthetic.

Of course, because of the addition of these elements he likes, the price is not cheap, with a resale price of US$24.3 million. After all, it has a history of twenty years. According to professional evaluation, the daily maintenance of this yacht is still very good. As long as the follow-up maintenance is taken care of, it will not be a big problem if it is used for another thirty years. But if you want to have the best experience, you still have to To spend some money on some interior renovations, he had to pay about $2 million for that.

If you add in the fixed annual maintenance costs in the future, no matter how worried Edwin George is, he can't stop. Fortunately, the current impact on CERN is indeed not great, at least the committee has not paid attention to this.

But for many universities that cooperate with CERN, this is not the case, especially some well-known universities, because the siphon effect has occurred.

Such as MIT.

In just three months, the school directors discovered that four professors from the School of Mathematics and Physics had submitted their resignation reports.

This is not a very common thing.

In fact, the positions of university professors are generally relatively stable.

Especially top Ivy League schools like Harvard, Berkeley, and MIT. Professors are like any other profession, and talent can of course be mobile. But it shouldn’t be too frequent in a short period of time.

When another mathematics professor wanted to take an extended leave of absence, Michael Kruthmen, chair of the MIT mathematics department, sensed something was wrong.

"Kerry, can you tell me why? Spring break is coming soon. If you need a vacation, you can wait until spring break next month. I can give you a few more days. Of course, I am not interfering in your private life. But you don’t look like you’re feeling unwell.”

"Oh, Michael, I'm not going on vacation. It's actually a friend of mine who has encountered some bottlenecks in a work he is researching. He hopes that I can help him with some mathematical analysis work. If everything goes well, I'll probably be back before spring break." The professor spread his hands and replied.

"A friend? Can I ask who it is?"


"Kerry, is it really so difficult to say this? Or do you have other concerns?"

The math professor hesitated for a moment, then finally answered, "Well, actually my friend is Benjamin."

"Benjamin Carter? Huh... Kerry, he is indeed a good person. I heard that he went to China after resigning from school?"

"Yes, Michael, well, how should I put it, we have a good relationship, and he wants me to help him."

“Why can’t this be solved remotely?”

"Ah... you know, Michael, some of the data is subject to a confidentiality agreement. Well, I just need a month off, so I can't take time off?"

"That's not the case, but there have been some very bad precedents. Some people submitted their resignations directly after taking leave. This is a big problem for school management. We are all responsible for the students, right?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't do that! Michael!"

"Let's wait, Kerry. Really, it's only more than a month before spring break. Why are you in such a hurry? Or maybe you're not satisfied here anymore? If you have any other ideas, we can talk about it."


Soon, this matter was reported to the school management office.

After all, MIT is a private university. It is well known that private universities have very high requirements for the stability of professors. This is related to the reputation of the school and the collection of tuition fees. At this point, capitalists still retain their most basic moral sentiments.

Although the tuition fee is very high, it at least ensures that you get what you pay for. This ensures that although students studying here will have to bear heavy student loans after graduation, they can at least enjoy the world's top teaching resources and relative superiority. teaching environment.

Now that so many professors have resigned in the school in a short period of time, and they are concentrated in the two important majors of mathematics and physics, this is not good news.

After all, excellent mathematics and physics professors are not so easy to find. They can tolerate normal personnel turnover, but they absolutely cannot tolerate a large amount of brain drain in a short period of time.

And when these school directors began to notice this matter and began to understand the relevant situation in detail, they immediately discovered that similar situations were not limited to MIT. Including Stanford, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Brown University, etc., similar situations have occurred...

Counting, more than ten professors have chosen to resign and leave their teaching positions in the past three months.


This is a really big question!

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