Tech Hammer

Chapter 479 Swinging the Knife (Part 1)

For most people in this world, it never makes much difference when it starts to get dark, and then it goes dark, and so on.

Change happens quietly in this cycle.

The accumulation of small things one by one opens up the chapter of the era. The seven-day holiday in the Year of the Rooster is over, and life with struggle as the main theme is about to begin again.

The above is Ningwei’s thoughts on life in this New Year.

Ten days before the official Chinese New Year, he celebrated his 29th birthday and was about to enter his thirties. As people get older, they naturally have more emotions about life. Well, this is self-deprecating, just like many teenagers in their twenties who call themselves uncles on the Internet, it’s pretentious!

However, the main reason for this sigh is to marvel at Lucy Rowan's extraordinary fighting power, which Ningwei admires very much.

This makes Ning Wei feel that studying mathematics or computers is really a waste of talent for this woman, and she should devote herself to social and humanistic research. Philosophy, history, politics or communication, there is always one suitable for this woman...

Of course, Ning Wei didn't just sit back and watch, he actually made a contribution.

If it were just an accurate spread in March, it wouldn't care whether Lucy Rowan's account was banned. Thinking from a non-human point of view, the account number is not important, the important thing is the content. To let the machine understand things like face and dignity, it is indeed adjusted to the highest level of difficulty. This is even more difficult than fuzzy recognition, as it has evolved like a completely intelligent life type.

But I would rather be a human than a machine.

Although it was customary to criticize this talented beauty when meeting each other, when speaking to others, they must share the same hatred and hatred.

So after discovering that Lucy Rowan's multiple accounts were blocked and inaccessible, he made a few calls despite being on vacation.

This kind of private communication does not require brilliance in writing. If you would rather consider yourself to be a commoner, you naturally do not need to use the diplomatic rhetoric of "don't say what you say without warning" that is difficult for foreign friends to understand. It can be expressed very directly.

It roughly translates to "Lucy Ron is our professor at Yanbei University and one of ours. If you block her account, you are slapping us in the face. If you hit my company, I will fight you to the death. If you don't believe me, Try it!”

Well, we have to fight hard!

If it were another person saying this, it probably wouldn't have any effect, but it was Ning Wei who said it. After all, the other person didn't dare to say tit-for-tat: "Just give it a try!"

In particular, there are often some deviations in understanding according to the Chinese and Western contexts. Ning Wei did not explain clearly whose life he planned to fight for this time. In fact, many top bosses in the industry have a somewhat unfriendly view of this guy. When this guy chooses to explode, he usually puts others' lives at risk. The lessons of Ericsson back then and now Intel are still vivid in my mind. To be honest, it’s very uncomfortable.

From a Western perspective, it is generally accepted that it is unreasonable, let alone martial arts, and does not respect the rules.

This kind of threat is very frustrating, but there is no way, because Ning Wei is different from others, because he really dares to do it if something happens. Many things that have happened to him over the years have proven this. So after a few hours, the big guys who control the discourse on the Internet finally gave up.

In the past, when the March Intelligent Platform was not as strong as it is now, no good results would come out of any efforts, so even if you were frustrated, you still had to endure it. The thinking mode of strategic concentration can always easily gain the upper hand when the situation is temporarily unfavorable.

Now our own strong artificial intelligence research is also advancing. Maybe we can surpass the March platform in a few years? If you postpone it until then and then try your best, you will eventually be able to have greater control. Not to mention that this attack is on a huge private education system. In fact, it has little to do with these major Internet companies. There is no need to sacrifice yourself for others.

Not to mention that if the cost of education is reduced, it will actually be beneficial to these large companies. When outstanding students graduate, they do not have to carry heavy student loans, and their subconscious salary requirements will be slightly lower, which will benefit labor costs.

Of course, the most important thing is that although the relationship between the two parties is very complicated, there is no need to really fight for it with someone who is powerful and dares to fight hard.

So they gave up, and Lucy Rowan's account was blocked for less than an hour before being unblocked.

This actually pushed the pressure onto Lucy Ron again.

Lifting the lockdown does not mean that there is really no resistance at all.

The battle to challenge public opinion and cognition using the pen as a sword is often no less than a battlefield with real guns. Different opinions collide on the Internet, generating countless sparks, subtly affecting the perceptions of participants, magnifying tiny black spots, and then using specious language to support and make more people agree with their own opinions, and even trigger endless abuse. and criticize each other...

So under this operation, Lucy Ron was actually scolded miserably. Whether it is on the external Internet or the Chinese domestic Internet, there are many people criticizing Lucy Ronn.

Ningwei couldn't control this kind of thing, so the kids from Ningshe took action again.

Chen Diancheng is very familiar with throwing money. Anyway, I can still make money back, so I don’t feel too bad about it.

And this time Ningshe also found a different approach. The money was not purely consumed, but was directly allocated to well-known political and legal colleges in China according to rankings. Ten schools were selected, and each received 20 million in funding. This money also successfully mobilized many people from these universities to start investing in this battle. It was actually a win-win situation.

For the law school, it not only received high funding, but also got an opportunity for many students to participate in the practice of this type of civil cases. Undergraduate students collected evidence under the guidance of graduate students. Professors with more social resources called to start communication and negotiations. Letters from lawyers were sent out in batches. Ningshe also naturally began to enter these schools to recruit new students...

It cannot be touched abroad, but as soon as the demonic wind blows up in China, it is suppressed alive.

Ningwei is very satisfied with seeing these.

People who are addicted to writing short essays on the Internet are actually very good at using the power of rules to protect themselves. Criticizing those with different opinions is nothing more than the rules changing all the time. Ningshe's approach is to suppress it openly in the name of the general trend. Any criticism on the Internet that is inconsistent with the facts, as long as it is true, can actually lead to an upright lawsuit. It is just that ordinary people are not willing to waste that energy. .

But law school is different. This kind of lawsuit is a rare experience for many students, and practice can bring out true knowledge. What is the procedure for filing a lawsuit? How to write the materials for prosecution? How to collect evidence of infringement of reputation rights, portrait rights, etc., and how to distinguish which evidence is valid and which is invalid evidence? How to prove the subject qualifications of the parties...etc...

Only by combining cold legal provisions with practice can people not be in a hurry. This kind of social practice work is naturally of interest to students who intend to devote themselves to law-related careers in the future. Even if there is no cash subsidy, everyone is very motivated. As the task is released, there are many applicants and participants. Many people were soon distressed...

As for the platform, both Xingyu and Penguin have begun to cooperate particularly actively this time.

Xingyu really has no choice. He once played a good hand until it was ruined. After compensating Ning She for 500 million, he has to compete with Penguin Weibo again for the market. It is already frustrating enough. If he offends Ning She again this time, If you are put in a position by these guys who don't know the heights of heaven and earth, your life will really be in jeopardy...

As for Penguin Weibo...

After all, this is not Penguin's main business. The money for development at this time has to be made up by Penguin Group's game department, which is still the most profitable. Penguin Game Department is tied to Ningfeng Software much deeper than outsiders imagine. Even if the Penguin Group is so large, as long as the person at the helm is not crazy, no matter how much Xiao Jiujiu is in the heart of the person in charge below, there is a high probability that he will not go hard with the main business partners for a casual business layout.

Domestic abuse, criticism and various incomprehensible disturbances were forcibly suppressed.

As for the chaos that is gradually happening abroad because of Lucy Ron's videos, Ning Wei is also paying attention. I would rather pay more attention to how those who suffer losses are dealt with.

Just as he thought, the world ranking of universities has begun to be used as an issue.

Even though the development of artificial intelligence number theory has been in full swing in recent years, and the establishment of Ningban has suddenly emerged, to be honest, Yanbei University’s world ranking is still not high.

It's indeed a good reason. As for the way to deal with it, Ning Wei, the old principal, made several calls to Director Tian, ​​and then held a very serious high-level meeting at the beginning of the new year, and even invited the leaders of the Ministry of Education to participate. After several meetings, Yan Peking University released an official announcement in the most obvious position on its official Weibo and official website...

The general meaning is that from now on, Yanbei University will permanently withdraw from the international university rankings and will no longer pay fees or submit school data to any international university ranking agency. In the future, Yanbei University will be based in China and focus on running schools. At the same time, we also directly sent letters hoping that these international university ranking agencies would directly remove Yanbei University from the rankings.

Well, I won’t play with you anymore, so you can comfort yourself!

In the future, we will not share with you the data on how many international students the school will recruit, the degree of internationalization, professors, associate professors, laboratory equipment, etc. Don’t worry about the love of international students. From now on, I will just be an unknown Schrödinger ranking school.

Of course, this announcement also makes it very clear. This is done so that the school can focus on improving teaching standards, and at the same time, it also serves the students of Yanbei University and those students whose future goal is to be admitted to Yanbei University. A brief explanation. Although the school has withdrawn from the international university rankings, it will still focus on improving teaching standards, introducing more high-level professors, opening more strong and characteristic classes like Ningban, seizing the advantages of Yanbei University, and upgrading characteristic education. .

The so-called withdrawal from international rankings actually means no longer carrying out discipline construction according to the indicators given by these ranking institutions. At present, Yanbei University does have this confidence.

As a top university in China, this statement naturally aroused heated discussions on many levels. There are some who are worried and some who are supportive, but of course the most people are watching the fun.

It's just that this melon ended up in the school next door...

Especially after it hit the list of popular topics on Dinghu, a bunch of people began to comment briefly, neatly and orderly: "This wave is good for Wudaokou Vocational and Technical College next door!"

It is not uncommon in China for Yanbei University to be hotly searched and Huaqing University to be accused. It just makes people unhappy...

What does this mean? What does it mean to benefit Huaqing? ! Does it mean that we are not as good as our neighbor in international rankings?

But in the end it is still very embarrassing.

After all, the detached attitude of the school opposite is heart-wrenching. We are all at the top universities in China. You pat your butt and say coolly that you are not going to play anymore. If we continue to play, it seems that we will fall into the inferior category.

In particular, countless students from Yanbei University began to express their opinions: "I don't want to play anymore. It's not that I can't compete, but that Yanbei University has already become more confident!" This is somewhat unbearable...

So my family is just not confident?

As the management of the school next door, I want to deal with it coldly, not paying attention, not responding, and just doing whatever I want is the best choice. But the hot search comes suddenly and lasts a long time, which still makes people feel a little defensive.

This is probably something no one thought of before the incident broke out.

The video posted by Lucy Rowan can also trigger the feud between two century-old prestigious schools.

But these are small things...

Ning Wei's final choice of the opposite school is not among Ning Wei's concerns.

His requirement is that people should be recruited well. There are still many vacant positions waiting to be filled in the Basic Physics Laboratory, and there are also many spin-off projects that need leaders. Whether domestic or foreign, everyone cooperates sincerely to implement the first ten-year plan seriously.

By the way, these professors can also bring out a wave of graduate students and become the new force for the second and third ten-year plans.

So after Ning Wei did everything he could, he watched the developments outside and the changes in the thinking of the professors he needed. In March, he was still working diligently to collect statistics on the information these people were paying attention to, and the preferences of the target professors. demands, and whether the attitude of the management on the other side is relaxed...

Of course, it was indeed loosened a bit, but it was almost as Ning Wei expected. It was not a loosening of control, but a loosening of treatment.

Several Ivy League schools have already made rumors that they will consider lowering tuition fees while increasing professors' income levels and remuneration.


Better than the treatment...

That's very good……

Ning Wei also finally launched the biggest killer, the Huaxia Physics Basic Laboratory's recruitment advertisement for the world. This advertisement provides a total of 852 positions for front-line scientific research leaders, as well as 1369 research positions and 1523 assistant positions. Research position...

With the help of March, this widely advertised recruitment advertisement was almost directly posted on the official websites of countless major universities and research centers that met the requirements...

The knife that had been brewing for a long time was finally swung out.

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