Tech Hammer

Chapter 489 The cancer of academia

In the end, the interview about Ning Wei's winning of this year's Nobel Prize was released directly to the central media without too much editing after a series of meetings and discussions.

The words are a bit radical, but Ningwei's words actually don't make people feel very inconsistent. It gives the impression that if anyone can speak like this to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, it is probably only him.

But those words at the end of the interview shocked not only ordinary people, but also the entire academic circle...

Help the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences make the decision a full year in advance and book next year’s Nobel Prize in Physics in advance? This is really heroic and leaves people speechless.

You should know that this result has not been released yet, but the recommendation letter has actually been issued.

The deadline for recommendation letters for the Nobel Prize in the coming year is January 31 next year, and it is already mid-October. There are only three short months left before the deadline for this year’s recommendations. The breakthrough progress Ning Wei said has not been announced yet. .

In other words, if you really want to reserve a spot for next year's Nobel Prize, you must announce your success in the near future and gain widespread recognition from the entire academic community, so that you can get a ticket for next year's selection.

The time is already very tight. Of course, this also reflects Ning Wei's confidence in the laboratory results. If you look deeper, you can probably see the game between the two sides.

For the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, it may not be without praise.

Especially as the Secretary-General, when announcing the winners, he specifically mentioned that three people should have won the award. As a result, everyone discussed it until midnight and finally decided to award the award to Ning Wei only. As for who the two physicists who could have won the prize were, he did not say.

Many people would not believe it if he did not mean to use eye drops.

If nothing else, the other two scientists who could win the prize were most likely unhappy with Ning Wei. Also, because the secretary-general did not announce the names of these two physicists, it is possible that only those who are shortlisted will be selected.

For these scientists, it may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win the most prestigious scientific award in the world, and enjoy better treatment than their colleagues after winning the award. Now that the opportunity is gone, it is naturally impossible to say that they have no resentment at all. . With this kind of resentment, at least Ning will be more resistant when recruiting talents for that basic physics laboratory in the future.

Maybe this doesn't help. But while maintaining the fairness of the Nobel Prize, it can also give some eye drops to someone who everyone seems uncomfortable with. Not only can it make everyone feel better mentally, but more importantly, it can make some valued scientists They feel disgusted with someone.

The game is always played in real time, and the perception is built up from a series of messy things.

Some ideas may not be effective immediately, but as a chess piece buried there, maybe they will be effective at a critical moment? But no one expected that Ning Wei would drop such a bomb with such confidence in the interview.

For Ning Wei to say this with confidence, he naturally has full confidence in the laboratory's findings. In view of his recent achievements, he has proved that he is extremely clear-headed in the direction of physical research.

Does this count as defeating the opposing army again?

In the coming year, the debate will continue on whether the Nobel Prize should be awarded to the three scientists mentioned by Ning Wei?

Currently, according to the previous thinking of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, any scientist who has won the March Science Prize will not be considered for the Nobel Prize. Even if everyone agrees with this, these scientists can temporarily not win the March Prize and instead invest in the Nobel Prize. Award, this is very interesting. Ning Wei wants to use this method to show that as long as he wins the Nobel Prize at the China Basic Physics Laboratory, he will get it in his pocket?

Of course, these ultimately depend on what Ning Wei's research results are. Do you really deserve this kind of praise?

So when the central media interview was broadcast smoothly and the video clips began to spread wildly on various small video software, the entire Internet was once again excited.

Now no one is even paying attention to the unannounced Nobel Prize in Literature, Chemistry Prize and other awards. Countless people are discussing what this so-called Nobel Prize-level research result is. You should announce it soon!

"Ning Wei, what you said in the central media interview was not just an exaggeration, right?"

As soon as the show aired, Ning Wei received a call from Lao Tian.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, Lao Tian, ​​the mentor, is actually very frustrated. Because there are very few emotions that can be very satisfying all the time. For example, Tian Yanzhen's mood must have been very high yesterday. The fact that he made an exception and stayed with Lao Ning until he got drunk is proof of this. But after his emotions were high, Ning Wei's unreliable speech made this big shot worry again...

Now Ning Wei's words and deeds are watched by countless people, but this person doesn't care much about what outsiders think. So will your future be cast into a shadow because you are young and arrogant and talk nonsense?

It would be inaccurate to describe Ning Wei's position in Lao Tian's heart as a pet peeve.

To be honest, Tian Yan really doesn't mind focusing all the negative comments on Ning Wei on himself, in exchange for this disciple's great and upright image, which will be permanently recorded in history.

This has almost become an obsession!

When eating at Ning's house yesterday, Tian Yanzhen specifically told Ning to be cautious when going to the central media and not to talk nonsense. Who would have thought that he would hear such outrageous statements on TV the next day...

Is it possible to die if you don’t engage in language, don’t make people laugh, and just keep dying?

What's even more frightening is that with Ningwei's current status, it's hard to say harsh words as a mentor.

The technical achievements that Ningwei has handed over are not included in the Fields Medal that it has not received yet, but the awards that Ningwei has received include the Wolf Prize, the Chen Award, the Turing Award, the National Science Award, and the National Science Award. Coupled with the Nobel Prize officially announced yesterday, the disciple's achievements in the academic circle have surpassed the teacher by a large margin. Now it is hard to say harsh words, so I can only remind him tactfully.

"Director Tian, ​​you know me. You are not completely sure, and you never get too excited. There are some things in physics that you may not know very well, and it is difficult to explain them, but we have indeed discovered some fundamental principles in quantum fluctuations. Everyone thought it could only be a random phenomenon, but now it has become a rule that can be used, and once these rules are applied in reality, it can be said that the ten-year plan we set has been half successful."

Ning Wei's explanation somewhat reassured Tian Yan.

Although what this kid said is not that pleasant, what does it mean that there are some things in physics that he doesn't understand? Isn’t it clear that you can’t explain it? !

However, Tian Yanzhen still asked kindly: "Has it been completely successful?"

"How should I put it? We have successfully reproduced this phenomenon in the laboratory twice in a row. In the past, the limit of quantum tunneling phenomenon in the laboratory was about five times the speed of light. Now we can achieve ten times the speed of light. It was once recognized that Although tunneling exceeds the speed of light, the particle waveform will be severely degraded due to the instant of super-light crossing, making it impossible to extract any information.

"But now we have been able to make this process carry simple information and extract it. Let me tell you, don't we have two Nobel Prize winners joining us in the basic laboratory? They have decided to jointly recommend the discovery this year A regular group of three scientists selects next year's Nobel Prize. If I were added now, I would be the third one. Currently, these three scientists are finalizing the paper, and these results will be published in the March journal soon."

After hearing this, Tian Yanzhen was completely relieved...

Ning Wei always makes him worry, but two other mature and prudent physicists have already jointly recommended it. Even if it is an exaggeration, the problem should not be big. Of course, knowing that super-light information transmission has completely convinced Lao Tian, ​​what follows is a strong sense of pride...

If there is nothing wrong with this matter, even though my students have nothing to do with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, they can still make decisions for them.

"As long as you have an idea, I still say the same old saying. When we do academic work, we should try our best to embrace the world with a humble attitude. Of course, for each person, the expression of humility may be different... Anyway, keep working hard! Let's pass it on In two years, I have decided to completely retire. At most, I will have a name in the Institute of Mathematics, and then it will depend on how far you can go!" Tian Yanzhen said with emotion on the phone.

After all, he is already 69 years old. He will be 71 in two years, and his energy is indeed limited. In fact, at this age, except for a very small number of talented people, let alone doing scientific research, it is sometimes difficult to teach students.

In fact, Tian Yanzhen has been semi-retired these years and does not care much about specific affairs. He has stopped recruiting graduate students in the past few years. Next, I’m really waiting to see how high Ning Wei can reach...

"Then you have to take care of yourself. You know, we have formulated a thirty-year plan. I am not bragging. Thirty years later, the plan will be successful. The world's number one scientist is weak. Even double standards are weak. Well, when the time comes we will be playing with flexible standards. Whatever standard is appropriate, then use that standard. You don’t need to be too surprised even if we build a Star Destroyer by then."

After Tian Yanzhen hung up the phone with relief, Ning Wei also started his daily work. In fact, the paper could have been published a long time ago. The reason given after half a month of pressure was nothing more than that it was of great importance and had to be verified repeatedly.

This reason is basically invincible, and there is nothing wrong with it. Physics is always a rigorous subject.

Of course, this paper actually also has March’s contribution, and it is huge. But kittens have little interest in human reputation. According to the rules summarized by the kitten, as long as it works "hard", humans will take the initiative and consciously build a bunch of big houses for it to pile up the things it likes.

Accepting occasional inquiries from Ning Wei is part of hard work.

Just like this moment...

Ning Wei quietly looked at the reports sent through the March system. In the study, a lifelike kitten lay quietly on the desk of the large desk. Sunlight poured into the room through the untied curtains. Under the kitten A light spot is left on the body. If you look more carefully, you will also find fine dust flying in the light beam. The picture is quite harmonious.

Ning Wei held his chin with one hand and swiped at the extended screen with the other hand. Groups of my data appeared in the light screen. Although his serious eyes never fell on the kitten, his mouth was Never stopped.

"March, tell me, what do everyone in the laboratory think of me these days? Is it special admiration?"


"Huh? What are you meowing about? I'm asking you seriously, so answer me seriously! Where are you being perfunctory? What's wrong? Everyone praises me and admires me, are you unhappy?"

Ning Wei said casually. In fact, many times he did not need an answer. Having someone beside him could make the atmosphere less boring. This doesn't distract him much, on the contrary, it often helps him focus more.

For example, when a kitten is chattering next to him but he does not hear what the kitten is talking about, it means that he has found some important data nodes.

Of course there is a reason to ask this...

Security in places like laboratories is tight internally and loose externally. All key project teams work in places where there are cameras that can pick up sound. The entire network security is controlled by March, who is proficient in the languages ​​​​of various countries. Theoretically, all the words people say in their spare time can be recorded by March. It becomes a special type of information and is stored in the database or the memory bank of March.

After being summarized and organized, these data are of great reference significance for Maomao to improve various logistical measures in the laboratory. For example, today two scientists are talking about a certain delicacy they ate somewhere one day. Then one day in a week, they will see this dish lying quietly in the selection area in the restaurant.

Or maybe everyone expresses that they are tired or bored. Depending on the situation, you may receive an invitation to a party or a discussion meeting with like-minded people in the near future.

It can be said that March is the most responsible and best laboratory manager in the world. She is always concerned about the physical health, mental health, and dietary health of everyone in the laboratory, so that everyone can devote themselves to every day with positive emotions. Go to work.

"Meow...some people say that the most vicious people in the world are not as bad as you..."

Ning Wei's hand that was swiping the virtual screen paused, and then his incredible eyes finally fell on the lazy kitten...

He guessed that the original words were definitely not like this. After being condensed by the kitten, they seemed a bit weird.

" don't do human affairs, you threaten the whole world, and are a cancer in the academic world, so master, you are a bad person!"

Well, this must be a spy mixed into the laboratory, spreading false rumors, yes, it must be like this...

"Meow... Master, don't be sad, because according to this statement, I am also a bad kitten, even though I was bewitched by you."

March stretched...

Then he raised his little paw, and then a message popped up in Ning Wei's mailbox, well, the papers of the lab bosses are ready...

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