Tech Hammer

Chapter 500 A vague breakthrough

Facts have proved that no matter where it is, when a so-called secret that should not be disclosed for the time being is told to the second person's ears, it is destined to become a secret known to everyone. The specific manifestation is probably that Luo Zhiqiang, a professor who was originally unknown at CERN, suddenly became very popular and was often mentioned.

At the same time, the course of scientific moral cultivation has also been determined, and it will be held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 7 and 9 pm, which is twice as long as the previously mentioned three-hour course per week. Not only that, each project team has been established with a scientific ethics supervision group. This unit usually has no interaction with the scientists and researchers of the project team, but if it receives a task, it will conduct due diligence on all behaviors of the project team members and issue a prudent professional ethics report for everyone on the project team.

According to the official statement, this report will be included in the archives of Huaxia scientists under construction. If there are stains in the report, it will be difficult to cooperate in any form with Huaxia's scientific research units, including joining major scientific research units including universities. .

If they are foreign scientists, they may be directly persuaded to return. The annual scientific ethics examination results will also be entered into this file. Internally, passing the exam is a necessary condition for obtaining the title of professor. Externally, this file is at least very authoritative in China.

In the future, if you want to contact various scientific research units in China, including universities, enterprises, and research institutes, the hiring units will probably first try to see if they can retrieve the files. According to the laboratory, this is very convenient. The files are managed by March, and the files can be retrieved through multiple methods of comparison, such as facial recognition...

Of course, you can also forcefully not go to class or enter the file. But in that case, he would either have to work as a handyman in the laboratory for the rest of his life, washing test tubes every day, or he would have no choice but to leave the laboratory, or even leave China.

This is obviously not the same as many people's original intention.

Without Luo Zhiqiang's achievements, many scientists might have chosen to leave in protest, but this result has given up many people's thoughts. There is a very complicated mental process involved.

To be honest, when Luo Zhiqiang's name began to spread in this large experimental center, most scientists did not believe the news. To be honest, most people, even some Chinese researchers, are quite unfamiliar with this name.

Of course, old Robben is a very low-key person. He mostly does some basic data processing work at CERN. He has also published many papers over the years. However, a basic paper at CERN often has dozens or even hundreds of authors. The names are sorted. It’s often about the first letter. As we all know, the letter L is relatively late, so naturally it doesn’t stand out.

The question is, even such a previously unknown physics professor can achieve such achievements here, so... what if it were me? In fact, this sense of substitution is very strong, strong enough to make many people less resistant. More importantly, many people really want to know the latest research progress on short space.

You must know that this is the first time in human history that a macroscopic object has been sent into an unknown space that is different from the real space, and it can be brought back again. This is of great help to scientists in studying ultimate questions such as the origin and nature of the universe, the truth of the world, etc.

What are the rules of operation of this world? What is the nature of time, space and matter? Does multidimensional space really exist? If it exists, is it eleven dimensions like mathematical calculations? Is there an end to the universe? What do its boundaries look like, if any? If a parallel universe really exists, are its physical laws the same as ours? Where did humans come from? Are there any higher-level life forms in the universe?

There are too many questions. If they leave the basic physics laboratory of China at this time, it means that even if some of the answers are really found in this laboratory in the future, they will not know it for the first time, and it may even be this. You'll never know in your lifetime. Because there is a question mark as to whether the answers to some questions will be announced to the public.

This also makes many scientists reluctant to leave the laboratory. Hearing the truth in the morning can be fatal in the evening. If you only sacrifice a little bit of freedom to know the truth that keeps the world running, it is actually worth it. Even scientists who came here purely for fame and fortune would be reluctant to leave.

If a university professor like Luo Zhiqiang, who once had no sense of existence, can come forward, it will further prove that China's basic physics laboratory is now the most likely place to produce results. It has the most correct direction and test platform for basic physics research in the world. This alone is enough to make them bearable.

In fact, the mentality can be changed very easily. It is nothing more than scientific and moral cultivation... In fact, many people know why they came to this event. In fact, it's not a big deal. If there is no way to take advantage of it, then no one has it. In the end, everyone will just have to rely on their own abilities.

To be honest, the R\u0026D funds allocated by various project teams of the Basic Laboratory are relatively abundant. Of course, it is not evenly distributed. If you perform well, you will naturally get more. This is actually nothing to criticize, it is the same everywhere. The most important thing is that the scientific research environment is actually very good. It is not wise to give up at this time.

So the noisy voice finally became quieter. When it was time for class, except for those who really had important matters to ask for leave and made appointments for make-up classes, the vast majority of staff still rushed to the buildings scattered in various scientific research classrooms. Offline scientific training courses began. Each project team also accepted the addition of a new department in the team that did not have much dealings with them on weekdays, but controlled all surveillance videos in the laboratory and strictly recorded all experimental processes.

Of course, during this process, the entire R\u0026D center became more sensitive to the name Luo Zhiqiang, and almost everyone would inquire about their latest results. The gossip even spread outside the R\u0026D center for a while, but there was no definite evidence, so it didn't cause much trouble yet. Of course, it may be that this result is too terrifying. Before it was finally confirmed, many people still thought it was too science fiction.

But this actually didn't have a big impact on Luo Zhiqiang himself. He has been really busy recently and didn't even have time to pay attention to the messy things in the outside world. After all, he was shocked by his own research results every day, which was enough for him to be too lazy to do anything. Ignore any external disturbances.

"Academician Ning, this is the fragment of the latest successful test. Look..."

When Ning Wei appeared in the laboratory wearing a complete dust-proof suit, Luo Zhiqiang suppressed his inner excitement and began to introduce the latest results to the youngest academician in China. He even unconsciously faced this person who was a whole year younger than him. A round of young people used honorifics in front of them.

It’s not because he is too humble in nature, it’s because Luo Zhiqiang knows very well how these results come from.

If Ning Wei had not shown him the inequality, the two of them had discussed it for several weeks, and with the full help of March, they had completed the design of the model and calculated many parameters. There would have been no way he would have presided over This test.

Therefore, rather than saying that all the results of the current laboratory were accomplished by his team, it is better to say that the young man in front of him put this achievement on him. It’s not that Luo Zhiqiang is belittling himself, because it would be impossible for him to be responsible for these bold experimental processes alone. Not only is it limited by knowledge, but more importantly, he knows very well that he does not have the courage at all.

Many times, being bold is also an advantage in the field of scientific research. Of course, this can also be understood as self-confidence. If you dare to think about something that others dare not think of, maybe you can succeed? Just having courage is obviously not enough, because most of the reckless actions end in failure...

But this time, Lady Luck was on their side.

"Hmm..." Ning Wei looked at the few brown fragments in the test tube and fell into deep thought. This small piece of material was visible to the naked eye suspended in the closed test tube. After the material was updated and magnified several times, Now the radius of the disc-shaped fragment has increased to 120 microns, which is 0.12 millimeters, the diameter has reached 240 microns, and the thickness has reached 60 microns.

If you want to describe it more intuitively, this size is roughly equivalent to the size of four thicker hairs arranged closely together. The original weight should be 0.001667 grams, which is about the weight of two ten centimeter long hair.

This is already a range that can be measured with the naked eye without the use of any observation tools.

Of course, if you really want to observe carefully, you still need to use many other observation equipment. But Ning Wei has already come here, which means that the entire set of tests has been completed before. Of course, the most shocking scene is already here.

After this damaged piece of paper traveled through a short space and returned to the real space, it seemed that it was no longer bound by gravity. In fact, similar conclusions have been reached before, but Luo Zhiqiang, who is rigorous by nature, has never reported it directly. The results of this test can almost perfectly support this conclusion, so Ning Wei came to the laboratory.

After thinking for a moment, Ning Wei sighed: "It seems that gravity is most likely not a fundamental force!"

Luo Zhiqiang stared at the material in the test tube and replied as if dreaming: "Well, this seems to explain some holographic relationships between gravity and quantum mechanics. If we describe a perfect state relative to vacuum, it would probably be like this Yes, but now we have no idea why the material that makes up this TP3 can still maintain some of its original material properties after traveling through space and losing all its mass, which has subverted my understanding of physics."

"The results are actually similar to the last test. Some substances were stuck on it. During the crossing process, some reactions occurred. This may not be a simple physical reaction. There may also be chemical reactions. During this period, particles were exchanged, but Limited by its original mass, the result of the exchange is that its mass is now zero, which is unexplainable!"

"So we still can't understand how this exchange occurs, but what is certain now is that when the mass reaches zero, this exchange stops. The specific manifestation is that the surface of these exchanged materials has certain defects. You see here……"

With that said, Luo Zhiqiang walked to the console and clicked a few times. The enlarged details of the travel material on the three-dimensional display were displayed in front of Ning Wei's eyes.

"This is the current situation of the surface of the material after magnifying it a hundred times. There are traces of erosion on the edge of the material. Isn't this spiral pattern very beautiful?" Luo Zhiqiang suppressed his excitement and asked.

Ning Wei nodded...

To be honest, this result was something he didn't expect at first, because based on previous judgments about the internal environment of the short space, this situation should not exist. But now the facts are before our eyes.

This also means that the previous model is still inaccurate.

"We tried to use the latest plasma accelerator to conduct impact tests. Here is the complete experimental report. This spiral structure is very strong. This is the data output when the impact occurs. We can see that these particles are not really Particles that are replaced when they hit the outer layer are directly bounced away, and all the data now given by the sensor can prove this."

"So we may need to use higher energy level collision experiments to test the ability of this new particle to protect the overall structure. In addition, we are also trying to use scanning light voltage microscopy, study decay products, etc., hoping to understand the microstructure of the particles , spin state, and testing its performance, but without exception, all failed. For example, applying current cannot affect the quantum energy level electron spin of these modified parts, as if there is a barrier to seal the door from our visit. .”

"Originally, I hoped to conduct a virtual test through the March simulation system to make a more comprehensive measurement of the properties of these new particles after understanding these characteristics. However, there were too few parameters and the simulation could not proceed normally. We have We heated its surface temperature to one million degrees Celsius, but it still didn't respond. All means were used, but there was still nothing we could do to get rid of it. Now we are like guarding a golden mountain, but we have no way to start..."

When speaking of this, Luo Zhiqiang's words were full of frustration, and he murmured: "It really can't be explained. I have studied many theories during this period, such as field theory, string theory... but no theory can explain these, including Ning's theory."

Ning Wei smiled, turned around, and patted Luo Zhiqiang on the shoulder: "Lao Luo, don't be upset. In fact, I don't think such a sophisticated theory is needed. Think about the simplest classical mechanics. In classical mechanics , the mass of an object must be positive. We can deduce this using the principle of minimum action. In mathematical terms, the condition for a function to take a minimum value is that the second derivative must be greater than zero. Now it is nothing more than taking into account zero. …”

"Why is it equal to zero? Maybe it's because the positive mass and the negative mass cancel out. Why does it stop at zero? Maybe it's because there are some most basic law restrictions in the regular space of our universe. Well, don't worry about these, theory We can continue to reason, why not put the application first, well, what do you think?"

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