Tech Hammer

Chapter 505 The focus of external propaganda

After the welcome ceremony for the new students, Chen Diancheng understood why he looked familiar when he saw Cheng Xiaolu again.

I've just seen it, so of course it looks familiar. At that time, I didn't think about it in front of Director Ning. His main focus was on the junior fellow student in the class. Now that I see the two of them again, I naturally think of them.

However, before he could say anything, the junior brother took the lead and spoke shyly: "President Chen, today is also Xiao Cheng's first day at the center. According to the schedule pushed by her mobile phone, she can only meet with the instructor tomorrow. She also wants to I want to get used to the learning rhythm of the research center as soon as possible, so I want to learn about it with us, okay?"

Chen Diancheng was stunned. As someone who has experienced this, of course he can understand the thoughts of his junior classmate. I sighed in my heart: Another boy who was blinded by the cute appearance of a girl has fallen! This is really...confused.

Of course, nothing would show on his face. Chen Diancheng kept a smile and replied happily: "Of course, let me think about it, Cheng Xiaolu, right? She should be a bachelor's and master's student at the University of Science and Technology, which is also a brother institution with us. It seems that the third branch of Ningshe was established at HKUST. By the way, Xiao Cheng, didn’t you join Ningshe when you were at HKUST?”

This question made Cheng Xiaolu slightly embarrassed, but she still answered: "Well, actually I want to join, but joining Ningshe is too difficult. The requirement for HKUST to join Ningshe is to win a gold medal in a national competition And the ranking is no lower than tenth, or the professional performance ranking remains in the top five in the grade for three consecutive semesters. I am a little behind on both sides. Well, actually it is not a little. In fact, I only got two in the first five or four years of grade. times, and not consecutively.”

The two boys looked at each other, and it was obvious that the girl was not the only one who was embarrassed.

"Let me just say, the standard was set a little too high at the beginning, but Ningshe was established by seven people, and the other six bitches must do this, and there is nothing I can do about it." Chen Diancheng spread his hands and shook his head casually. Lid goes out.

"Yes, yes, I heard about it when I first joined Ningshe. Mainly because Senior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Jiang insisted on this performance requirement." Zhu Xudong nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"So I often say that Yongjia and Wenhan deserve to be singles for the rest of their lives. These two idiots are not good people. They rely on their grades to be a little better than others and show off their power every day! When I was the squad leader in Ningban, I won't tolerate them. Okay, let's not mention those two birdmen. Come on, I'll take you to the sports ground for a walk. Let me tell you, no matter what happened before, getting here is a new starting point. Qingshan Basic Physics Research The center’s goal is the sea of ​​stars!”

The stadium of the Aoyama Research Center is behind the five-story administrative building, next to the auditorium where the welcome ceremony was just held. It was already eight o'clock in the evening, the stadium was brightly lit, and the turf was extremely well maintained. To the outside world, it would definitely be a holy place for aunties to dance square dances or children to play football. But building it here is obviously a waste of such a good stadium. There was almost no one in the square.

There were only a few people walking on the runway, and they probably looked like Zhu Xudong and Cheng Xiaolu. They were all newcomers to the research center today. They were walking together and chatting excitedly about something.

"Hey... look at how excited these young people are. After two days, they will know how painful it is to come here. Let me tell you, it is easy to do something here, but if you want to It is really difficult to successfully get a doctorate. Graduation from the research center does not depend on how many papers you have published in top journals. You will know it when you meet your supervisor. The criterion for graduation here is to solve a new problem in a specific research direction. ."

"So you may not have an intuitive understanding. I can tell you something more specific. The instructor here will not choose a topic for you, but will give you several specific research directions for you to choose. After choosing, go directly to the specific laboratory. , follow me for two years first, and when you have a certain foundation, you will discover the difficulties encountered in those research directions. "

"At this time you can start over again, choose a problem, set up a new laboratory, and focus on solving this problem. When this problem is completely solved, you will graduate. There is no such thing as fraud, and there is no such thing as buying papers. Yes, let me tell you that all the problems you encounter here are basically those that have never been encountered before. Do you remember that Director Ning once said something very awesome in an interview after he won the Nobel Prize? If you force it?"

Chen Diancheng asked casually.

" it that the Basic Physics Laboratory will win all future Nobel Prizes?" Cheng Xiaolu immediately answered.

Chen Diancheng glanced at Cheng Xiaolu approvingly, then nodded and said: "That's right, do you understand? Here, the instructors train you as future Nobel Prize winners. Most of the problems here are caused by the predecessors. You should understand how difficult it is to completely solve problems that you have never encountered before, and how difficult it is to graduate! But this is not the most worrying thing, you must know that the project teams are on the same level."

"When you do a certain problem in your homework, it doesn't mean that others can't choose the same problem. Although the laboratory data between the same problem is shared through the platform, if others solve the problem first and pass the test, It means that you have failed on this project. Then you have two choices before you, either choose a new problem, or give up directly and don't want a PhD."

"Let's put it this way, we have applied for doctoral programs since it was built, and started recruiting doctors in the same year. Until now, there are no one who is close to graduation. However, the research center is also very user-friendly. The period for special approval for doctoral graduation here is fifteen years. , if there are special circumstances, the tutor can help extend the application time."

When Chen Diancheng said these words, the expressions of Zhu Xudong and Cheng Xiaolu changed...

This is really hell difficulty!

No wonder during the interview, the interviewing teacher repeatedly emphasized that it is very difficult for those who apply for a PhD in the research center to graduate, and asked them to think clearly about whether they can withstand all kinds of pressure, as well as relatively boring laboratory activities, and even use psychological tests. Research whether they are actually suitable for scientific work.

This is indeed an exaggeration, fifteen years. After graduation, I am already in my forties...

"Haha, but don't feel too terrible. Except for the first two years when you were familiar with the laboratory, you didn't have much vacation. After you selected the topic, you actually got a lot of vacation, and your doctoral subsidy is also very high. The country's Various subsidies can be obtained for five years, which almost covers the first five years of tuition. Although you will definitely not be able to graduate in five years, as long as you are not kicked out for being too weak, the tuition will be free."

"And starting from today, the laboratory will also receive a subsidy during the Ph.D. study. This is the bulk of the income, which is at least six figures every year. The starting number is 3 and goes up. More importantly, the basic necessities of life within the research center include food, clothing, housing, and transportation. All recreational facilities are free, so you can’t spend the money if you want, you can only save it. And after you choose a topic, you will have the opportunity to go out for exchanges every year. So you can treat PhD study as a job. "

"The most important thing is that there is the most advanced artificial intelligence platform here to assist you in your scientific research work. This is also a treatment that you cannot enjoy elsewhere. In other words, if you can't achieve results here, then why not change it?" Let alone anywhere else. This is the most important opportunity, so we must seize it!"

When the two people's expressions changed, Chen Diancheng laughed and explained.

Well, to put it this way, it does make people feel more comfortable. If studying for a Ph.D. is regarded as a job, there is nothing unacceptable. There is no worry of unemployment before graduation, and the salary during PhD study is not too low. You can earn at least 300,000 yuan a year without any expenses.

Not to mention that as long as you successfully graduate with a Ph.D., you will be really prosperous. In Chen Diancheng's words, the research center is not training mere Ph.D.s, but training future Nobel Prize winners. Even though the Nobel Prize is no longer as popular as before, it has only gained some attention due to the March Prize. The quasi-Nobel Prize winners and the quasi-March Prize winners are both the best scientists recognized by the academic community.

Of course, the focus is still on the last sentence, the help of March Intelligent Platform...

"Well, senior brother, speaking of artificial intelligence platforms, will Lord March use robots or network monitoring to make fun of us newcomers?" Zhu Xudong couldn't help but ask immediately.

Chen Diancheng glanced at Zhu Xudong. He really couldn't understand where the narcissistic idea of ​​his junior fellow student came from. His title was so bitchy, Mr. March? He couldn't help but scornfully said: "What's going on? How can the artificial intelligence developed by Director Ning be so boring?"

Seeing Zhu Xudong being criticized, Cheng Xiaolu quickly said: "President Chen, that's it. Didn't we call a self-propelled robot to help us transport our luggage today? At that time, Zhu Xudong sighed and forgot to ask you why you can't see the research outside. center, and the robot spoke.”

With that said, Cheng Xiaolu recounted the afternoon's adventure without reservation. This time it was Chen Diancheng who was stunned. Is there such a thing? Speaking of which, he has never encountered it before. Has that cat become sexually active recently?

Of course, this idea was just spinning around in his mind, and it was naturally impossible to say it out loud. However, Ning Wei called him to inform him to ask for this girl’s opinion on whether she was willing to become Mir’s publicity ambassador, and immediately asked him to put the two together. Things are connected...

"Ahem, um, Xiao Cheng, are you familiar with our Director Ning? To be honest, that cat probably only communicates like this with our Director Ning, and other people basically don't pay attention to it. of."

"This... I can't say we are familiar with each other, but we did have interactions before. It should have been when Academician Ning was at Jiangnan University..."

As a last resort, Cheng Xiaolu told the past again.

Chen Diancheng suddenly said: "That's it. No wonder Director Ning specially called me to his temporary office in the afternoon and asked me to ask if you are interested in taking on a very important job. I was still wondering why this good thing was given directly to a guy who just Here are the newcomers who have registered."

"Huh? A very important job?" As soon as these words were spoken, both of them became energetic.

"Well, Mir's external publicity ambassador. If you are willing to take this job, there is a high probability that your future doctoral career will be related to Mir, and the research topics will be closely related to this aspect. But doesn't your supervisor happen to be Professor Luo, Professor Luo is the chief designer of Mir, so you two masters and apprentices are of the same line, which is good." Chen Diancheng said straight to the point.

"No, what is Mir? President Chen." Cheng Xiaolu asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Well, let me tell you in detail. It's not confidential. It will be officially released to the public this Saturday." Chen Diancheng nodded, then pointed to the stands and said, "Let's sit down and talk."

The two of them sat down next to Chen Diancheng, one on the left and the other on the right. The former president of Ningshe said leisurely: "The Mir can be said to be the most important achievement of the Qingshan Research Center in recent years, a truly large aerospace aircraft carrier. , if it is in wartime, it can assume all the functions of a frontline headquarters. The advanced radar system and the ability to communicate with satellites without obstacles, coupled with the super stealth ability, make it naturally capable of early warning and reading the battlefield. "

"At the same time, its load capacity has reached 65,000 tons, which has reached the threshold of heavy aircraft carriers on the sea. At the same time, Mir can also provide a 1.3-kilometer barrier-free air runway under external no-load conditions, as well as ten multi-functional hangars and a Multi-functional command center. In combat mode, through three-dimensional technology and its own material properties, it can be completely invisible in the air. In addition, Mir can enter outer space and travel at high speed in a short time, so it has all-weather and all-round delivery capabilities."

"Of course, as a publicity ambassador, what you need to do is downplay the capabilities of Mir in these aspects, and focus on promoting the concept that Mir is the first large-scale air transport, launch and rescue platform in human history. Let's put it this way, now everyone launches satellites It relies on rockets, right? This is a waste of fuel. In the future, the satellite can be placed directly on Mir, and Mir can fly directly to the pre-designed satellite orbit, release the satellite, and then return directly."

"Theoretically speaking, Mir can send more than ten large satellites and hundreds of medium-sized satellites into orbit at a time. It can also transport aviation spacecraft and provide round-trip services for astronauts on the space station. In addition, Director Ning also said Yes, if the price is right, Mir can also undertake services such as two-day and one-night space tours. Of course, the price is relatively expensive, and it is not possible to add any entertainment facilities on Mir for the time being. It is purely to see the scenery."

"Think carefully today. An email should have been sent to your mailbox. If you want to accept this job, just reply to the email. Then you will receive some more detailed information about Mir, which may be available these days. I’m going to take a look at the Mir and prepare to participate in the Mir’s maiden voyage and the first rescue drill this Sunday. Well, this time you can follow Director Ning and Director Luo to learn how to deal with reporters, because in the future, you may have to deal with external media. You also need to take responsibility. You probably understand, right?"

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