Tech House System

Chapter 88: bad cousin

Qi Xiaoyu doesn't really like doing homework at all, but he really likes cousin Shuxun too much. Cousin Shuxun is different from other cousins ​​in the town. In the past, I only thought that he was cool and generous and easy to get along with. Now I find that cousin Shuxun has a gentle and elegant side, coupled with his status as a top student in University A, making Qi Xiaoyu For no reason, the feelings of high mountains are born, and I only hope to get closer to my cousin and get praise from my cousin.

So Qi Xiaoyu held his summer homework and looked at his cousin Shuxun who "reads very well" with anticipation.

On the first day, Wei Shuxun sent them away by needing a rest, Qi Xiaoyu himself was relieved, he didn't really want to do his homework, he just wanted to be appreciated by his cousin.

Jian'an's cousin, Qi Xiaoyu's admiration rose again.

"Cousin, you must teach me to do my homework!"

Mother Wei, who came in with breakfast, asked suspiciously, "Why, Xiaoyu has to do homework?"

"Yes." Qi Xiaoyu nodded vigorously: "I want cousin Shuxun to teach me."

In the eyes of adults, college students will definitely take high school exam questions. So Wei Ma said without hesitation: "Then Shuxun, teach Xiaoyu, don't just bury your head in reading!"

Wei Shuxun put down "Nonlinear Optics" expressionlessly, looked at Qi Xiaoyu who was staring, and sighed: "Okay, bring your math homework."

He is completely helpless in Chinese and English, and there may be some hope in mathematics.

Qi Xiaoyu no doubt handed over a dozen math quizzes, Wei Shuxun sat down at the desk, flipped through it for a while, and Qi Xiaoyu said: "Simple fill-in-the-blank questions and multiple-choice questions. Don't talk about it, I'll explain the calculation problem to you."

Qi Xiaoyu nodded vigorously.

"Start with the calculation of the first question." Wei Shuxun took out the scratch paper: "Let a0=1, a1=2, an+1=2an-1+n, n=1, 2, 3, Try to find the expression of an, its algorithm is to transform the condition into PA>PC>PB, and then apply the sine theorem to perform trigonometric transformation, so that ∠BPC=120°, the same method is used to prove it, do you understand?"

Qi Xiaoyu tattooed her eyes: "I-I don't quite understand, can I say it again, cousin?"

"Okay." Wei Shuxun shook his head, showing a disappointed expression: "The solution is that its algorithm transforms the condition into PA>PC>PB, and then applies the loop structure for triangular transformation , get ∠BPC=120°, using the same method to prove it, do you understand?"

"I...I still don't understand..." Qi Xiaoyu tilted his head in confusion: "It seems different from what I said just now..."

"Still don't understand?" Wei Shuxun interrupted him with an apologetic expression: "Sorry, I'm too complicated... Alas, I'm really not suitable for teaching people."

"No, no!" Qi Xiaoyu took back the quiz, embarrassed: "I, I went back and wrote it myself." It's all because I used to be too playful, and I couldn't understand what my cousin was talking about.

While Qi Xiaoyu put away the test paper, Lin Jianan came over and asked, "What algorithm did you just say?"

Wei Shuxun stuck his tongue out: "I don't know, I'm talking nonsense."

Cousin and cousin came to play on purpose, Wei Shuxun naturally couldn't die anymore. After reading the case of reducing the speed of light, he put away the book and took his cousin to play around. Although Yucheng is a small town, it should have a lot of landscapes and landscapes. Wei Shuxun and Lin Jianan have long been uncommon, but Qi Xiaoyu rarely comes to Yucheng, and the two of them just accompany him on a trip.

The three of them came back from Fengwei Mountain in the evening. They saw the crowd at the gate of the community. When they got closer, they found that there was also a police car.

"Wow, police car!" Qi Xiaoyu exclaimed: "Could there be a case here?"

"I don't know, let's go!" Wei Shuxun turned a blind eye. He had a bad premonition that the people who could attract the police car in the Green Garden community had the greatest chance of his past friends.

As soon as I passed the crowd, I saw Li Zheyou who was escorted by two policemen. Li Zheyou's mother followed behind them and cried, "You made a mistake, made a mistake, my son is very good, how can he sell drugs, he won't sell drugs." She said that she had caught up and pulled a policeman. Without letting go of the corners of her clothes, the police next to her quickly stepped forward and pulled her away.

"You are mistaken, my son is very good... Wei Shuxun...!" Suddenly seeing Wei Shuxun on the side of the road, Li Zheyou's mother rushed to him like a life-saving straw: " Wei Shuxun, tell them quickly that my son does not deal drugs! You are a college student, they must believe you!" She was so strong that Wei Shuxun couldn't break free and was pulled a few steps forward.

"Mr. Police, listen to him, he is a college student, he can prove..." Where did the police listen to him, he took the opportunity to get into the police car long ago.

Li Zheyou said nothing from the beginning to the end, only cried and shouted at the end: "Mom..."

Mother Li stared blankly at the police car that was leaving, and suddenly turned around and gave Wei Shuxun a slap.

"Why don't you speak for Zheyou!" Her behavior was so sudden that Wei Shuxun couldn't react in time, and was slapped. : "My friend Zhe is so well behaved, but you brought it down! You are now well, and you are a big student, but my friend Zhe was imprisoned by you!"

"Hey, what are you doing?" Qi Xiaoyu and Lin Jianan rushed up and pushed her away: "Your son is in jail for my cousin, why do you have time to blame others for your son..."

"Forget it." Wei Shuxun patted Qi Xiaoyu's shoulder, looked at the woman sitting on the ground covering her face and crying, and shook her head: "Let's go!"

Qi Xiaoyu was especially unwilling, and scolded a few more words before leaving. After catching up with his cousin, he asked worriedly, "Cousin, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Wei Shuxun caressed his cheek expressionlessly: "In this way, we can understand the future more intuitively."


"Nothing." Wei Shuxun lowered his eyes: "I will never let my mother encounter such a scene."

Wei Shuxun didn't want to pay attention to the chores of those friends. Li Zheyou was arrested for drug trafficking. Wei Shuxun showed no sympathy except for his courage. While pimping or gambling by other people is contemptible, drug trafficking is not a bad thing.

The case has not yet been heard, only that the police caught Li Zheyou's drug trafficking scene and found a hallucinogen listed as a drug from his home.

Wei Shuxun is not interested in gossip, this is what Qi Xiaoyu asked and told him. But those classmates all said: You and Li Zheyou are good friends, how could you not know the attitude.

Occasionally, when I accompany my mother to buy vegetables, I meet a neighbor in the community, and I also talk about Li Zheyou. At the end, I can't help but say: "I knew that those gangsters would commit crimes one day, look, It's Li Zheyou now, and sooner or later others will have to go in, but luckily your Shuxun is different from them!"

Wei Shuxun hates such remarks, so he turns off his mobile phone and never goes out. Mom and Dad also stopped urging him to go out. They also hated that their son was discussed with a drug dealer.

When the two cousins ​​left, Wei Shuxun felt even more bored. His ears are so good that even if he doesn't want to, he occasionally overhears some talk.

"You said the same people, how come the situation is so different. They are all gangsters, one became a top student of A University, and the other became a drug dealer."

"A lucky one!"

I went downstairs to buy salt for my mother, and before I even approached the elevator, I heard a few women talking. Wei Shuxun looked up and found that the Chen family downstairs was the one who talked the most.

The son of the Chen family took the college entrance examination in the same year as him, but was admitted to the hospital halfway due to excessive tension, and is going to retake the test this year. Wei Shuxun sneered behind her: "Yeah, I'm so lucky I don't have to retake the exam."

Ignoring the frightened women, Wei Shuxun walked into the elevator and asked coldly, "Do you want to come in?"

Several people shook their heads quickly. Before the elevator was closed, Wei Shuxun said, "By the way, I don't beat elders, but I like to do something to my peers and juniors. If you have children at home..." Wei Shuxun wiped his neck.

The intimidation was enough to keep them quiet for a while, but it didn't feel fulfilling. Wei Shuxun leaned against the wall and tossed the bag in his hand: "It's so boring."

What is Zhou Quan busy with? I want him to say something, thank Wei Cheng. Although this descendant was not originally well-meaning, it must be thanked! Seriously!

Staying bored at home and leaving school for half a month, Wei Shuxun returned to school ahead of schedule. He had the spare key of Zhou Quan's house, so he sent an email to Zhou Quan unceremoniously and checked in with his luggage.

On the second day after arriving in City A, Wei Shuxun went to visit Han Zhixin, who was doing promotions in the largest Shenghua shopping mall in the city. Seeing the products that Han Zhixin was promoting, Wei Shuxun whistled exaggeratedly: "Wow, cosmetics!"

"Are you literate?" Han Zhixin gritted his teeth: "It's a man. A gentleman. Skin care products!"

"It's almost there!" Wei Shuxun waved his hand: "The sissy thing is very suitable for you."

"It's just for you!"

In fact, the two are about the same size, Han Zhixin is a little taller than Wei Shuxun, but Wei Shuxun used to be a gangster who fights all day long, Han Zhixin is a good student who is gentle and delicate, looks better than Wei Shuxun Xun is very weak.

Now Wei Shuxun has not basked in the sun for a long time, and his body has been transformed by nano-biological robots. The skin is even more white as snow, and to be sissy, he is indeed more suitable than the tanned Han Zhixin - without speaking.

Of course Wei Shuxun does not admit it, it should be said that he has no idea. He was dressed in a simple sky blue sportswear, with a black backpack slung over his shoulders, his hands in his trouser pockets, and his posture was casual and unrestrained. Han Zhixin clearly saw the girls from several promotional booths next to him frequently looking here.

"I thought you..."

"Well, do you want to try the latest grapefruit tea, sir?" A girl from a beverage promotion stepped forward and asked with a smile, holding a small cup of beverage in her hand.

"Oh, thank you." Wei Shuxun took it and took a sip. Seeing that the girl didn't leave, he quickly said, "It's very good, I'll buy it later."

Han Zhixin pushed his glasses: "I really sympathize with those who like you."

Afraid of affecting Han Zhixin's promotion, Wei Shuxun walked around behind him: "I just wanted to ask, why don't you sell drinks, cosmetics... well, skin care products are not suitable for you."

"Of course I know." Han Zhixin's strict nature can't say anything to persuade others, but without persuasion, it is difficult for a man to buy skin care products, so his performance has not been good.

While the two were talking, a customer came up to take a look and turned to leave, Wei Shuxun said with a smile: "Sir, try it, he is using this skin care product, you Look, the effect is obvious, and the skin is not rough even after being in the sun all day."

Han Zhixin's skin is really good, except for tanning, her face has no spots and no acne. The man stopped when he heard the words, looked at the two, and suddenly pointed at Wei Shuxun and asked, "What about you? Do you also use this skin care product?"

"Huh?" Wei Shuxun was stunned.

"That's right." Han Zhixin nodded: "He uses this..."

"I want a set." Before I finished speaking, a set was sold.

Looking at the departing guests, the two looked at each other, Han Zhixin said, "Are you busy today?"

"Invite me to dinner." Wei Shuxun replied.

He helped Han Zhixin as a promotional model for a day, earned a lunch, and bought two bottles of grapefruit tea before leaving. The girl doing the promotion kept blinking at Wei Shuxun, blinking, Wei Shuxun waved his hand and said, "Two bottles are enough, this drink doesn't quite suit my taste!"

Although the pay is only cheap fast food, Wei Shuxun still finds time every day to help Han Zhixin with promotions, although he is quite puzzled why those people buy him immediately after seeing him. He is similar to Han Zhixin, he just doesn't have spots or pimples.

This day, I went to find Han Zhixin as usual, parked the car in the underground parking lot, and immediately after getting out of the back of the car, a few gangster-like people shouted at him: "Hey, you hit Do you still want to run if our car is damaged?' Wei Shuxun raised his eyebrows: "Extortion? "

If you can help, slowly follow the punks out of the parking lot. He had decided not to fight anymore, so he took out an electric baton from Zhou Quan's house for self-defense. He didn't expect to have the opportunity to use it so soon.

I was taken to another remote exit by the gangsters. I thought I would be taken to some alley for blackmail or something, but as soon as I left the parking lot, the gangsters ran away.

"What do you mean?" Wei Shuxun was puzzled, turned around to return to the parking lot, and suddenly heard the learning machine say, "Squat down!"

The body that still had the fighting instinct immediately squatted down, and at the same time there was a soft click, leaving a bullet scar on the ground not far from Wei Shuxun.

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