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Chapter 120 Biology Laboratory

Zhou Yunsheng pulled Zhou Yuanyuan, and happily said to Chen Siyu: "Sister-in-law, Professor Du is the director of our company's biological laboratory, responsible for the scientific research project of organ manufacturing.

I have informed him just now that he has arranged for medical personnel to conduct a medical examination on Yuanyuan. As long as the examination passes, we will wait for the successful development of the project. "

Chen Siyu frowned, clenched her fists tightly, and looked forward without focus. After taking a few deep breaths, he said, "Yun Sheng, everything is under your arrangement. Let's go to the laboratory now."

When they walked out of the office, the labrador guide dog stood up immediately when it saw Zhou Yuanyuan coming.

When Zhou Yuanyuan walked out of the room, she stopped. Seeing that her little niece was not leaving, Zhou Yunsheng asked, "What's wrong with Yuanyuan."

Zhou Yuanyuan took Zhou Yunsheng's hand and said, "Sister-in-law, I want to be stupid."

"Yuanyuan, I have my aunt and mother to accompany you, let Benben rest here for a while, and the laboratory does not allow animals to enter. Can Benben stay here with Egg Yolk? Egg Yolk is my dog." Zhou Yunsheng gave She explained clearly.

Zhou Yuanyuan nodded seriously, expressing her agreement.

Chen Siyu walked up to Benben, patted it on the head, pointed to the office and said, "Benben, stay here and wait for us."

Benben is very popular, he walked into the office directly, found a corner and lay down.

Li Hao also brought the egg yolk into the office, and both dogs have been trained. They will not hurt anyone and can be safely left in the office.

They came to the underground garage, and Zhou Yunsheng carried Zhou Yuanyuan into the car. She said to Li Hao: "Brother Hao, you lead the way ahead. Let's go to the laboratory together."

"Okay, the laboratory is not far from here, and we will be there soon." Li Hao nodded and said.

He saw that Chen Siyu also boarded the RV. There were many children's toys in it, which seemed to be the place where Zhou Yuanyuan often lived.

He suddenly saw a female bodyguard walking past them and entering the passenger compartment of the RV.

Li Hao only felt his whole body trembling, his vigilance was too low. There was a big living person beside him, but he didn't notice it at all.

He skipped this matter, started the car and started driving in the direction of the biology laboratory. Behind his vehicle, the RV followed closely.

The interior decoration of the RV does not look luxurious, everything is about comfort.

Zhou Yunsheng was chatting with Chen Siyu. She looked at Yuanyuan and said, "Sister-in-law, Yuanyuan should go to school at this age. She should have more contact with her peers. You are always by her side. It is not good for her growth."

Chen Siyu looked at her daughter who was holding a Pleasant Goat doll and didn't say a word. Her eye circles were red, and she sighed, "Why don't I want her to study and play with most of the children.

It's just that children's worldview is very simple, and they are usually very repulsive to people who are different from them. Yuanyuan is often bullied when she is with them.

This kind of cold violence that our parents don't pay much attention to will cause great harm to children's growth. I might as well hire a private tutor just to teach her. "

"I took her to many well-known hospitals. The doctor's diagnosis was that the fundus disease was very serious and there was no possibility of cure. I didn't expect to see a glimmer of hope from you." Chen Siyu said, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Sister-in-law, I think there is great hope. Li Hao has always been a very calm person. There is no hope, even because of Uncle Li's health, he will not devote most of the company's resources to this project." What Zhou Yunsheng said is the truth , At the same time, it is also enhancing the confidence of my sister-in-law.

Chen Siyu thought for a while and said: "I think your company has not been established for a few days, and even has a biological laboratory. That's what you told me. If others say it, I won't believe it."

"Our biological laboratory is second-hand. It was an English pharmaceutical company. They went bankrupt in the financial industry across borders. They sold the scientific research laboratory and supporting factories in Yanjing. It happens that we need it, and their asking price is also very suitable. We will Buy it." Zhou Yunsheng said simply.

She bought this biological laboratory, and also played a common method of capital, the white wolf with empty gloves.

At that time, the company's liquidity was not enough. She used the company's office building as collateral, and borrowed a large sum of money from ICBC to buy laboratories and factories.

When Li Hao was researching the Skynet system, she was following this procedure. Because the other company also owed ICBC a large loan. ICBC's bank managers are very motivated to prevent bad debts. The Special Affairs Office expedited the process for them.

While they were talking happily, the driver's voice came.

"Mr. Chen, we have arrived at the scheduled location, and the surrounding conditions are safe."

Chen Siyu pressed a button on the car, and the door of the RV opened slowly. She walked out of the car with her daughter in her arms. Zhou Yunsheng finally got out of the car.

They got out of the car and saw that they had come to a science and technology park. It can be seen that there are companies related to biomedicine all around.

Li Hao took them to the biological laboratory newly purchased by Qingci Technology.

As he walked, he praised: "Yunsheng, this is a purchase agreement. We talked very well. Not only this large factory, but also most of the experimental instruments in the laboratory do not need to be replaced. You only need to buy a small amount of top-level experimental instruments .We don't lose money.

In particular, most of the scientific researchers here are graduates of Yenching University. After being tested by Professor Du, the level is still good, which saves us the time of re-recruiting employees. "

Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile: "You think we are taking advantage, but they also feel that they have left behind a big burden. They don't need to deal with employee issues, but only solve the company's high-level issues. Otherwise, they would not have negotiated so happily."

"We each get what we need, our goals are just different." Li Hao said with a smile.

Then he said to Chen Siyu: "Sister-in-law, I have contacted Professor Du just now, and they are ready for all tasks."

Li Hao saw a tall and thin young man coming out to meet him. This is Wang Tong, the manager of the biological branch.

He is the former employee of the pharmaceutical company. After investigation, his scientific research ability is ordinary, but his management ability is very high.

He is an insider and has a good relationship with the former company employees. Let him be the manager of the biological company, and now he is in charge of administration and logistics, and provide a good scientific research environment for Professor Du and the others.

When Wang Tong saw Li Hao and the others coming, a smile appeared on his face, and he said respectfully: "Mr. Li, Professor Du is ready. Before visiting the laboratory, please disinfect it first."

Li Hao knew that this was Professor Du's new laboratory management regulations. The main purpose is to prevent bacteria from contaminating experimental materials.

They walked into a highly advanced sterilization room.

A group of them walked in together, Li Hao originally thought that men and women would be separated. It turned out that Wang Tong didn't mean that.

It was also the first time for him to enter the laboratory for disinfection. He thought it was like what was shown on TV, taking off his clothes and disinfecting like taking a bath.

The result was a special suit made for him, which was similar to a spacesuit, only much lighter.

A transparent round helmet made of unknown plastic was buckled on. Their interfaces are very tight, and there is an oxygen supply system inside the clothes, and there is no material exchange with the outside world at all.

Afterwards, they wore this special protective clothing, which was sprayed with disinfectant solution and sterilized by ultraviolet rays. Just officially entered the laboratory.

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