Tech Translator

Chapter 135 Smart Industry

Seeing that he had obtained enough information, Li Hao turned off the instrument.

He looked at everyone and said happily: "Now we only need to wait for a smog day before we can actually test the effect of the instrument. It will take many experiments before the instrument can be officially finalized. Now wait for the weather forecast to see which day is smog sky."

An Bingning blushed and said, "Brother Li, don't you listen to the weather forecast? Tomorrow is a rare low pressure in this season, which is not conducive to the diffusion of pollutants. The weather forecast reports that tomorrow will be another smoggy day. The pollution level has reached severe pollution."

Li Hao slapped his head with embarrassment on his face. He really didn't pay attention to the weather forecast. I think the environment is getting better and better now, and the haze will take a while to appear. I didn't expect that tomorrow would be a foggy day.

Since tomorrow is foggy weather, they should seize this good opportunity and hurry up to test the effect of the instrument.

After he has finished testing the basic effects of the instrument, he will make multiple prototypes and let the company's employees catch up with the smog all over the country. Test with more data.

He told the meteorological project team: "Tomorrow is a smog day, and our time is very tight. This instrument needs to be in the sky to clear the smog.

Originally, I wanted to use a drone as a carrier, but ordinary drones cannot fly to the specified height. I can only fall back to using helium balloons.

Xue Xue's task is to modify the pod of the helium balloon. The helium balloon pod can hold the battery pack and signal receiver. At the same time, a high-frequency pulsed electron beam generator is mounted outside to keep the instrument stable in the high-altitude airflow.

An Bingning is in charge of going to the HD District Public Security Bureau to apply for the use of helium balloons. I will greet you in advance, and you just need to follow the procedure.

Qi Baojie went to the environmental protection department to say hello, don't we clear the smog when the time comes, they thought there was some unusual phenomenon. "

After Li Hao finished his respective tasks, he asked the engineering team who hadn't left yet to tear down the glass room.

He looked at the crowd and said, "You guys can have a holiday after finishing what I told you. Meet here at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow we will witness the results together. This is the most important day, and it is also helpful for your graduation thesis. For this reason, it is very convenient to ask for leave from the school. "

After he finished speaking, he took the equipment and prepared to go back to the building. An Bingning and the others discussed it and each carried out their own tasks.

Li Hao had just returned to the company when he saw Zhou Yunsheng coming in from the outside.

Zhou Yunsheng looked at Li Hao, holding a big ball, and she asked curiously: "Is this the device you mentioned that can clear the smog? What's the result of your experiment?"

Li Hao weighed the instrument in his hand, said with a smile: "Successful, my idea has been verified, it can really clear the smog and carry out artificial precipitation.

The weather forecast says that there will be smog tomorrow, and we are going to find a place to verify it tomorrow. After many verifications, it can be officially released.

There are so many cities in the world that need to clear smog, this instrument is unique. We can monopolize the entire global market. "

"This is really great, we have another blockbuster product." Zhou Yunsheng was also very happy, she looked at Li Hao and said, "Haozi, come to the office with me, I have something to discuss with you."

Li Hao walked into the office, and he put the instrument by the door. Sitting on a chair, he asked Zhou Yunsheng: "What is it, is it about the production line of the biological company?"

Zhou Yunsheng nodded and said: "The biological company has two options for the production line. One is cheap and the installation is not complicated. It is a conventional production line that can produce various types of contact lenses, corneas, and color contact lenses.

The second is the intelligent production line, which can customize individual products for each consumer according to their eye conditions and requirements.

95% of the processing procedures for each product are the same, but to choose this method, the production line needs to be modified, and product control must also be strengthened. It intelligently adjusts the production process according to the needs of consumers, and each product will be different in detail. "

Li Hao thought for a while and decided: "We choose the second option. The trend in the future will be this kind of personalized customization. Build an intelligent production line now, which can be done in one step, and save you from having to replace it when the market changes in the future."

He then added: "This is one of the standards of smart industry, with the development of artificial intelligence and robotics, coupled with the advancement of processing technology.

In the future market, the personalized products completed by the intelligent industry will gradually eliminate the standard products of the modern industry.

For example, our processing of high-frequency pulsed electron beam generators is to adopt the manufacturing mode of intelligent industry. It uses intelligent five-axis linkage CNC machine tools and 3D printers.

Complicated parts can be processed quickly in real time. The cost is only one-eighth of the conventional processing method. "

Zhou Yunsheng was persuaded by Li Hao, she nodded and agreed: "Then our biological company's production line will choose the second method, installing an intelligent production line.

In this way, the initial investment is higher, and our products are also competitive in the market. While serving consumers, we can also sell more products. "

After Zhou Yunsheng finished speaking, she turned on the computer to show Li Hao the rendering of the production line made by the equipment provider.

As can be seen from the figure, most of the production processes are the same.

However, there are several special production processes that require employees to set parameters according to different situations according to the set conditions.

This can not only satisfy the rapid production of industrialization, but also manufacture individualized products at the lowest cost.

Li Hao was very satisfied looking at this rendering, and said with emotion: "Technology is developing so fast, I didn't expect that intelligent manufacturing production lines have spread in various fields.

I remember the first time I saw this kind of smart production line, it was a CCTV documentary about the future industry. It talked about a new garment factory that can produce personalized clothing according to consumers' personal customized clothing. "

"Why didn't I think of this." Zhou Yunsheng patted the table and said annoyedly, "I'm thinking about our company's employee clothing, and I've gone through the questionnaire, and each unit needs different clothing styles.

Now I hear you say that we can place orders for smart clothing factories. Define the unified part of the group's clothing, and let employees customize their own clothing according to their own needs. "

"This method is very good. It can not only meet the uniformity of the company's clothing, but also meet the personal requirements of employees." Li Hao said in agreement.

He blinked and made his own request: "Yunsheng, you can design other styles. Just put our company's logo in a place that is as inconspicuous as possible."

"The icon must be placed in a conspicuous place, and if it is placed inconspicuously, how can it show the unity of the company. I know what you mean, I designed the icon a little smaller. The exquisite and emerald green gourd is also very beautiful." Zhou Yunsheng knew Li Hao is not very satisfied, she thinks the little gourd icon is very good. Said the compromise plan.

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