Tech Translator

Chapter 137: Netizen Controversy

Following the China Meteorological Observatory's announcement, netizens immediately became excited.

In particular, netizens who live in Yanjing initiated actions on the Internet. To find out which technology company conducts scientific research experiments.

A big V on the Internet posted a call: "Everyone, come and find the company that this artifact belongs to, and find out which company it is made by. Weather Lord knows what company makes the artifact that can clear the smog, but he doesn't say anything. .”

Netizens who were excited about this instrument started to look for its company on the Internet with strong curiosity.

Some netizens said that the easiest way to find this scientific research team is to calculate the location of the scientific research team through the weather cloud map.

A netizen, an Akita dog, immediately retorted: "Keep your dog's eyes wide open, the weather cloud map presents an irregular arc, how can it be possible to calculate the location of the experimenters. The HD area is so large, how can it be possible to find the specific location of the scientific research team .”

Netizen Kitty immediately slapped her face when she saw it. She calculated the center of the weather cloud map based on the weather cloud map.

Netizen Xiaomao directly posted on the Internet: "According to the scope of the meteorological cloud map, the location of the scientific research team can be clearly judged.

Looking at the shape of the hole covering Yanjing in this meteorological cloud map, it is an irregular arc.

But we can measure the position of the scientific research team through the basic conditions.

From the satellite cloud image, we can easily analyze that this instrument is installed at high altitude, and its range of action is circular.

Consider today's wind speed, atmospheric pressure, and air humidity. After the function conversion, the position of the scientific research team can be accurately judged. He's in a park in the HD area. "

Netizen Xiaomao directly posted her estimated location on the Internet.

This immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens. After seeing this map, some netizens said in surprise: "He must be here, and I am near this park.

I said that the black rain started at 9:05, but you insisted that the black rain started at 9:08. Now mobile phones use network time, so it is impossible to make such a difference. Now make sure that my location is where the black rain started. "

Netizens owed me a penny and immediately complained about the research team online.

"Which company is this experiment? I'm going to find him there to make a theory. I want them to pay for my car wash and grocery shopping. Suddenly it rained black, and it directly stained my electric car. Even The vegetables I just bought from the vegetable market were all contaminated."

Only a small number of netizens actually go looking for scientific research teams. Most netizens observe online.

Due to the article posted by this aunt, the Internet was immediately divided into two factions.

Netizen Luye Binfen: "I think I should lose money. I also live in the HD area. I thought the smog would be fine, so I put the washed clothes on the balcony. As a result, a black rain directly made my clothes dirtier than before. .”

A netizen's despicable epitaph: "To make this scientific research team lose money, I sent my children to primary school today. We were going well on the road, and suddenly a black rain came.

It directly turned me and the children into mud monkeys. At that time, when I saw the dark raindrops, I was so scared that I was paralyzed.

Fortunately, I saw that the weather king made an announcement, and Ping An Yanjing also forwarded it. I'm not afraid if I know it won't affect my health. Because of this incident, primary schools have delayed entry for an hour. "

The netizen was clear and clear: "Despicable epitaph, this netizen has a rhythm at first glance. I asked which elementary school in Yanjing, he didn't have class after nine o'clock.

I guess the scientific research team has already figured out the time. At this point in time, most people are working indoors.

Besides, before the black rain appeared, there was a reminder time of nearly 20 minutes. At that time, black raindrops continued to fall sparsely in the sky.

Warning people enough, I also work in the HD area and I was walking on the flyover before it rained. Anyway, I wasn't hurt at all.

After realizing that it was raining black in advance, he began to look for a place to hide. "

Netizen Dachengzi: "Some people are just hypocritical, you don't even think about it, really researching the technology to clear the smog will have an impact on our lives.

To know the two major causes of lung cancer, smoking accounts for 75%, and the rest is almost air pollution represented by smog.

Normal people, due to the cooperation of tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes, plus the immune system in the body. Almost never induces lung cancer.

In my country, there are only 300 million smokers, and the remaining 1.1 billion people do not smoke. The causes of their lung cancer are almost all related to air pollution. The most important product of air pollution is smog.

Not to mention the very deadly lung cancer, but ordinary respiratory diseases without smog as the cause. Its incidence rate will also be reduced to a very low level. "

Netizen Ping An Shi Fu also spoke: "Big Chengzi Netizens are talking about medical treatment. In fact, smog also has a great impact on traffic, and it will also damage ancient cultural relics that are exposed outside. If we really want to clear the smog, it will be beneficial to all of us." good thing.

Some social giants should not affect the development of science and technology because of their ignorance. We are not a silent generation, we must resolutely defend our own interests. "

Netizens' sharp-eyed speeches ended the quarrel on the Internet and attracted the attention of all netizens.

"Everyone stop arguing, look what I found? I found a beautiful anchor on Penguin Live. He is broadcasting a technology team.

I have watched the entire live broadcast repeatedly, and I can be sure that this team has completed the experiment of clearing the haze. "

In the end, this netizen posted the link of Hu Yu's live broadcast on the Internet.

A netizen took a pill: "Why is this scientific research team so young? It can be clearly seen that the leader is only in his 20s. The entire scientific research team is only about 20 years old.

People at this age are still in the stage of accumulating experience and learning knowledge. How can they finish a project that even the international hasn't finished. The mainstream scientific research teams in the world are all old men. "

The netizen Fatty Rabbit immediately retorted: "Stupid people are rare and strange. Go and see the scientific research team of our country's launch vehicle, the scientific research team of large aircraft, the scientific research team of genetic engineering, and the scientific research team of nuclear fusion.

Except the chief designer is a very old man. The frontline workers are all young people in their 20s and 30s.

This shows that our country has a complete talent training system, and the prime time for most scientific research talents is from 20 to 40 years old. "

Netizen Jinji announced the dawn and posted in surprise: "Isn't this person the chairman of the Iron Graphene Research and Development Company. It seems that the popular smart input method and smart translation software are also products of his company.

This is a new technology company that emerged last year, and their momentum is very strong. The most important thing is to concentrate on scientific research and rely on products to speak.

Some people even questioned whether the news of clearing the smog is true. The reality is here, so many people in Yanjing testify.

Besides, this black rain has given us very clear hints, and now other places are still shrouded in smog. Only the smog in the area centered on this scientific research team has been reduced or disappeared.

This is already solid evidence, and people don't need to question it.

This is not like the natural weather of the past few days. It snows almost all over the country, only Yanjing does not snow, this is the law of nature.

But all Yanjing has smog, only Haidian has no smog, this must be human intervention. "

After finding Li Hao and his research team, someone on the Internet called for them to go to this park together. See for yourself how the equipment for removing smog is.

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