Tech Translator

Chapter 145 Personalized Manufacturing

Li Hao has been watching the engineer team finish testing all the instruments and equipment. Very happy with their work.

He saw that the equipment was running without any problems, so he said directly to Wang Tong: "Process some color contact lenses for me, and see how the bionic crystals are made individually, and how the products feel when placed in the eyes."

Zhou Yunsheng looked at him and said: "Brother Hao, we should try it, but we dare not try it ourselves, how about consumers to experiment.

You are not still wearing myopia glasses, I think contact lenses are better, our products have many advantages.

Several contact lenses can be processed, and you can replace the glasses. You have never worn color contact lenses, why experience this product. "

It is absolutely impossible for Li Hao to change his glasses. There is a library of alien civilization in his glasses. This is the capital of his life. It is the golden finger that changed his life the most.

He couldn't explain the real reason to Zhou Yunsheng, so he could only shirk it out of habit. After all, this kind of thing was an ideal choice, so he could say whatever he wanted.

"Yunsheng, I'm used to wearing glasses, but I've never been used to wearing contact lenses. No matter how good our products are, I don't know how to use them."

Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile: "So that's the case, you don't need to explain to me. Then let's try the colored contact lenses."

Wang Tong saw that Li Hao and the others wanted to observe the process of personalized customized products, so he directly invited Li Hao to the small house next to him. There are many devices in this room, especially the LCD screen on the wall, which can observe the scene of the whole factory.

He pointed to a telescope-like device fixed to the wall here.

He directly introduced to Li Hao: "This is an eye data detector. In order to make the manufactured color contact lenses more in line with the contours of the eyes. Before using it, you must test the specific data of the eyes, so that you will not feel uncomfortable when using it. "

Li Hao took off his glasses and put them in his jacket pocket. Use this instrument directly to test the data of his eyes.

At the same time, Zhou Yunsheng was also asked to test the data of her eyes, and was also going to make some color contact lenses for her, so that she could experience the effect of bionic crystals for herself.

After Li Hao finished the test, he asked Wang Tong: "I think this device is a bit complicated, and it must be expensive. How do our consumers use this method to test eye data.

If you buy a color contact lens or customize your own contact lenses, you need to find a professional department for testing, so that consumers will not buy products from us for the sake of trouble. "

Wang Tong immediately explained: "Mr. Li, it's not what you think. Our professional equipment is mainly used to detect the data of medical products such as the cornea.

Medical products such as corneas and intraocular lenses require surgical treatment in a hospital. Our products also enter hospitals through the unified procurement of the Health and Family Planning Commission.

Then the hospital will give us feedback on the specific data, and post it to them directly after the production.

Our direct-to-consumer products do not require such complicated instruments. Contact lenses only require consumers to provide the degree of glasses.

Then we developed a mobile app to scan consumers' eyes. Then you can place an order directly.

The purchase of color contact lenses is easier. You only need to scan your eyes through the mobile app, and after collecting enough data, you can place an order for purchase.

Through artificial intelligence, our background server will carefully distinguish the condition of consumers' eyes based on the collected big data of human eyes. The test results are very accurate and there will be no errors. "

After Li Hao heard what Wang Tong said, he was very satisfied. Nodded and said happily: "From this, we can see that you work hard. Only by being convenient to consumers can we make our products sell better. This method is very good. You need to collect good data and continuously optimize the software."

After Wang Tong heard Li Hao's praise, he smiled. He was very panicked when he was suddenly promoted to the general manager of the biological company. Especially seeing that the head office sent employees to assist him. He thought it was a precursor to his replacement.

Later, seeing that the head office did not have such intentions, he was very excited and devoted himself to the in-depth development of the company's products.

He asked computer companies to develop the software through the company's collaboration platform. Because of the repeated rejection of the design, he was called annoying by the programmers of the computer company.

However, he still did not change his original intention. Under his hard work, he finally developed an app software with excellent performance.

Wang Tong breathed a sigh of relief. Through unremitting efforts, he finally passed the test. After he saw Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng recorded the eye information. He operates directly in the background.

This information circulated throughout the company and was reviewed by multiple people. Directly issued by the parrot can only produce some.

Soon the smart production line started, and Li Hao stared at the LCD screen on the wall of the room. His vivid image is displayed, and the action of personalized customized products on the production line.

The equipment directly extracts the stored semi-finished raw materials. After several procedures, the complete color contact lenses are processed successfully. After packing, it was sent to the transport robot.

After they waited for a while, they saw a small disc robot dragging two bags of vacuum-packed contact lenses to them.

Li Hao said in surprise: "I really didn't expect the processing to be finished so quickly. This is really collecting data in real time and producing products in real time. Its efficiency is really too fast."

Wang Tong proudly replied: "Mr. Li, our processing method is very efficient. Now most of the equipment is running in the lowest mode. After the factory receives a large number of orders, the production line will be fully activated, and its efficiency will be faster."

Li Hao saw the robot come to him and picked up two packs of colored contact lenses. Whose product is clearly written on the packaging bag.

He handed a pack to Zhou Yunsheng and said, "Let's try this color contact lens and see how it looks in the eyes."

Zhou Yunsheng took the colored contact lenses from Li Hao, she held them in her hand to look at them, and said with a smile: "There are many colors in here, I won't scare you for a while."

"It's nothing? Color contact lenses are a very common makeup item." Li Hao said with some expectation.

Li Hao also observed the colored contact lenses in his hand, there were more than ten colored contact lenses in this vacuum bag. Blue, pink, green, and color gradients.

He saw that one of the most special ones was transparent contact lenses. Just because it is different from conventional color contact lenses, it should be a unique feature of bionic lenses.

I saw that this vacuum bag is packed very tightly, and there is a striking sign on the bag. If there is air leakage, please do not use this product. Remind people not to use contaminated products.

Li Hao tore open the bag directly according to the gap. When he touched the bag, he felt that it was different from other plastic products.

Ask Wang Tong directly: "I think this bag is different from ordinary plastic. You also used special materials for this bag."

Wang Tong introduced with a smile: "The material of this bag is bioplastic PHA, the scientific name is polyhydroxyalkanoate. It is a kind of energy storage substance in bacteria.

This kind of plastic can be decomposed by most bacteria, and it will degrade in about three months in the natural environment. Will not cause pollution to the environment.

Now PHA plastic is very cheap and environmentally friendly, so we use this amount for the outer packaging. "

Li Hao's eyes lit up, and he said: "I seem to have heard the name of this plastic. When I was in school, I remembered that there was a scientific research group in the Department of Biology. They were working on fattening bacteria. I saw their experiment in the news last year. It was a success, and I didn’t expect it to enter industrial production so soon.”

Zhou Yunsheng smiled and said: "You are right, it is a product researched by our alma mater classmates. After I learned about its properties, I asked the company's departments that use plastics to switch to this kind of plastic as long as they meet their requirements. Material."

Li Hao is happy with Zhou Yunsheng's decision. Now people pay more and more attention to environmental issues. The company's products use this kind of plastic packaging, at least it will not be boycotted by some environmentalists.

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