Tech Translator

Chapter 148 Wonderful Advertisement

When Li Hao returned to the company, he entered his office to work.

Zhou Yunsheng took the colored contact lenses and went directly to Honghu Culture Company. Let them shoot commercials for contact lenses and color lenses.

As soon as Li Hao opened the company's cloud intelligence platform, he saw messages from the smog removal teams sent to various cities by the company.

"The smog in Guangzhou has been cleared and we are rushing to Shenzhen."

"The smog in Xi'an has been cleared, and we are testing whether the equipment can clear the dust and sandstorms at the edge of the desert."

"The smog in Hefei has been cleared, and the work of clearing the smog is being tested in the Huangshan area."

Seeing that they were working normally, Li Hao was relieved. The company dispatched a total of ten work teams, each with an instrument, to test the instrument in major cities across the country.

Fortunately, Huaxia has a huge territory, and it can be found in both high mountains and extremely cold areas, as well as lakes and extremely hot areas. Almost all topography and landforms in the world can find similar regions in Huaxia.

Now the collected data is gradually aggregated to the data center, waiting for enough data to be collected, Li Hao will then analyze it.

The instrument collects enough data for analysis through big data. Improve its software and hardware facilities. Let it adapt to any environment and deal with most abnormal haze weather. This instrument can be officially sold to the outside world.

Li Hao opened the Internet, and he found that netizens were very curious about the work of clearing the smog. It is not only the media that continue to report on the work to clear the smog.

The team that clears the smog attracts crowds of people wherever they go.

Fortunately, the electron beam frequency of the instrument has been adjusted now. It does not interfere with electromagnetic signals.

Many media wanted to interview Li Hao and Qingci Technology, but he directly refused.

The product has not yet been officially finalized, if some unexpected situations occur during the experimental stage. Reporting is totally outweighed.

The media is now reporting with excitement and enthusiasm. If something happens to Qingci Technology, the media will probably be the first to turn around.

Li Hao has to wait for the official announcement of the instrument. Only when all potential problems are resolved can he be interviewed by the media.

Zhou Yunsheng said that because of her mother, it was not convenient for her to be interviewed. Li Hao was in charge of all the interviews.

Another reason is that the project that the company is preparing for has revealed some clues to the outside world.

It's not time for an official announcement yet. If he was asked directly by the reporter, no matter how he answered, it would not be the best result. It is also possible that some useful information can be ascertained by competitors.

He focused on social networking. Netizens cared about their software such as intelligent translation in the past, but this smog removal campaign made netizens remember their company.

I only saw that when he searched for the keyword Qingci Technology, all the results that popped up were asking Qingci Technology to go to their hometown to clear up the smog.

Netizen Four Seasons Onion: "Coordinated on the Inner Mongolia prairie, don't just pay attention to the smog in the big cities. The dusty weather here also affects production and life.

Sometimes the weather changes drastically and the sheep are prone to illness. I know it's selfish to ask you to clean up the dusty weather here. I just want to know when this instrument will be officially released? We raised money to buy one. "

The netizen said carelessly: "Coordinate mountain city, this is the central city in the west of China. The hub of the Belt and Road Initiative in the southwest region.

Other conditions are good, but living in a city surrounded by mountains, the smog is really annoying. Most of the time there is no strong wind blowing away the smog in the city.

Please come to us to clear the smog, it is best to leave one of the instruments. We Shancheng citizens are very hospitable, and we will never blame you for getting your clothes wet in the black rain. "

Li Hao also saw many cute comments from netizens, but he did not reply. Just to understand the demands of netizens. If he found some good suggestions, he would write them down and use them to improve the instrument.

The door of the office was opened, and Li Hao saw Zhou Yunsheng entering the room carrying takeaway.

She said as she walked: "We are such a big company, we should set up a staff canteen. I get tired of eating takeaway every day, and it's not good for my health."

"Now that all the funds have been invested in the development of the company, if our cornea and other products really want to sell well this time, we will build a staff canteen."

Li Hao doesn't want to eat takeaway either, but he still has to persevere. Wait until the company really has spare funds before considering adding a canteen.

Zhou Yunsheng handed the food to Li Hao, and she said happily: "Our commercials for contact lenses and color contact lenses have been filmed. Hu Yu's movements are really fast.

They combined the advertisements for these two products into one. It is more in line with the perception of young women today. I saw this ad was not bad either. "

Li Hao asked suspiciously: "Are they only targeting young female customers in their advertisements? You must know that young male customers are also very short-sighted.

Also consider contact lens sales, not just color contact lenses. The popularity of glasses can be better than that of colored contact lenses. "

"I have already thought about it, this time the advertisement is mainly aimed at female consumers. Male customers are more concerned about the performance of contact lenses.

After the video advertisement, we also released many soft articles. As long as he finds the advertisement, he will definitely search for this kind of invisible eye on the Internet. You can see the soft text advertisement we released.

The characteristics of our contact lenses can attract the main male customers, and there is no need to deliver targeted video advertisements. "

When Li Hao heard Zhou Yunsheng say that, he also nodded secretly. It's like a smartphone, except for Apple, which has a faith bonus.

Male users are more concerned about the CPU, memory and other performance of mobile phones. Most of them choose Huawei and Xiaomi.

Female users are more concerned about the appearance of the phone, the sophistication of the operating system, and the cuteness of the icons. I don't care about the performance of mobile phones, so the mobile phones of blue-green manufacturers have very low performance, but with their exquisite appearance, they occupy the market of most female users.

Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng finished their meal quickly, Zhou Yunsheng closed the shutters of this room, and used a projector to project the advertisement produced by Honghu Culture onto the white wall.

The scene begins with an urban girl choosing her contact lenses in an optical shop.

The girl who appeared on the screen was played by Hu Yu. She acted in her true colors, with an oval face instead of the big awl face of Internet celebrities.

As a non-net red face, she can have such a high popularity because her facial features are well coordinated and her makeup is very photogenic.

In the picture, while the girl is picking out glasses, she thinks about the reason for buying contact lenses

This is an actress who needs to wear colored contact lenses to play a fox in a movie.

She used to only take off her contact lenses and put on colored contact lenses. Because she does not have contact lenses and is highly myopic, she cannot see the performance of her companions. A lot of jokes were made, and the plot was screwed up during filming. I was scolded by the director a few times.

She wants to buy a pair of thin and light contact lenses, which can be worn on the outside of the contact lenses and a layer of color contact lenses.

However, she found that no contact lenses could achieve the effect she needed, and walked out of the optical shop in frustration.

But I'm seeing a new breed of contact lenses that can be personalized.

Girls directly order contact lenses with color contact lenses. Also directly choose the Wanhua pupil variety.

When she appeared in the movie plot. Wearing a Hanfu Ru skirt, the charm of the fox demon is brought into full play. Especially pick your eyes and give close-ups from all directions. The colors in each direction are different, which looks very coquettish.

Seeing the last scene, Li Hao applauded enthusiastically. Can't help but praise: "This advertisement is really exciting, it looks like a micro movie.

They did not use forced indoctrination to promote our company's products. However, they use various close-ups and psychological hints to continuously promote our company. The ad is ready to go out now, and I'm looking forward to the effect it will have. "

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