Tech Translator

Chapter 153 Rising to Fame

Even with the rapid development of the Internet today, the influence of CCTV is still huge.

The news that the artificial cornea has been clinically tested, after it was broadcast on CCTV, immediately caused a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Every product will usher in voices of doubt. Some people who make such voices are showing the superiority of their knowledge. Some are here to show their sense of superiority and gain the admiration of others. The most hateful kind is black for black's sake.

I don't know when, people who specialize in Heiqing porcelain technology on the Internet gathered together to enjoy the products of Heiqing porcelain technology. Many people formed a small group, and they named themselves Heici.

This time, the Qingci Technology Branch manufactured the artificial cornea. Of course, they would not let it go, and carefully searched for various black spots.

Mao Tongling, one of the members of Heici, spoke on the Internet: "Don't be fooled by Qingci technology. The human body structure is very complicated. After tens of millions of years of evolution, our organs have formed various microstructures.

It is impossible to make up this microstructure with current industrial means, and the use of industrial products will cause many effects. For example, the use of artificial corneas may cause blindness. Everyone must keep their eyes open and be vigilant. "

As soon as this was sent out, it was slapped in the face by professionals. As a result, Mao Commander's account was hidden for two minutes.

With a lancet in his hand, the netizen directly refuted the Mao Commander: "It's really a mouthful at the beginning, and the rest depends on making up. Please read a few more documents and pull out a few scientific terms if you want to deceive people.

Also industrial products do not have the microstructure of human organs. You are ignorant, let alone the titanium alloy bone 3D printing technology that has been fully advanced.

This technology can perfectly simulate the characteristics of human bones one by one. Replacing any bone in the human body has almost no side effects. Even extremely complex bones can be printed by this technology.

You must have never heard of spinal cord repair, which uses a special collagen as a matrix. Human stem cells are cultured on it and induced to differentiate into spinal cord neurons. Through this technology, paraplegia caused by spinal cord damage, which was almost terminally ill before, can be cured.

I finally refute your statement about blindness caused by artificial corneas. You are obviously inversion of cause and effect.

When the cornea is damaged, the person becomes blind immediately. If you don't replace the artificial cornea, you will always be blind. After you replace the artificial cornea, it is possible to restore your vision. "

The cat leader is in the black porcelain, and he is still a logical one. He was hanged and beaten by professionals among netizens.

The others in Black Porcelain can be imagined. It is almost speechless to be bullied by others online.

Heici immediately changed the topic and continued Heiqingci technology from the side.

When they were trying to find a way, the public opinion on Qingci Technology on the Internet was almost one-sided, and it was all positive energy.

Netizen Siyu Goose summed up the achievements of Qingci Technology.

"I had never heard of the company Qingci Technology, and I was surprised that he suddenly appeared on the focus talk show and developed an artificial cornea.

Out of curiosity, I used a search engine to check the past achievements of Qingci Technology.

Found this company that has not been established for a few months. It is completely a dark horse among technology companies, an emerging unicorn company.

I carefully counted his achievements. Intelligent voice input method and intelligent translation software. This is their first announced product.

A programmer friend of mine told me that Tencent's compression software is all related to this company.

This company's artificial intelligence technology is very advanced, but if you think it is a software company, you are very wrong, their hardware is also very powerful.

The iron-graphene battery that caused a big storm on the Internet is still in the stage where people only hear the sound of stairs and no one comes down.

But according to the information I searched the patent office, the patent for iron graphene battery has been applied. my country's technology patents need to have certain real materials before they can be applied for.

Their second hardware product was a hot topic on the Internet a few days ago, first in the smog removal equipment that is still hot.

I was shocked by counting the development of Qing porcelain technology. This is a completely open company, running fast in various places. "

With the heated discussions among netizens, the products of Qingci Technology were gradually dug out by netizens with great powers.

Everyone looked at the many things around them and the technologies they were looking forward to. It's all related to Qingci Technology.

And this company used to be too low-key, and they were familiar with most of the technologies, but they didn't remember this company. After today's public opinion, they are even more impressed with Qingci Technology, an enterprise.

Some netizens reposted a piece of Qingci Biotechnology in the announcement just released.

"Now there are many pharmaceutical companies selling artificial corneas on the Internet. Please remember that these companies are all fake.

The artificial cornea provided by our company must be produced according to the patient's eye data. In order to maintain the best results, everyone's artificial cornea is different.

The data must be collected with professional instruments in the hospital. After we receive the data through professional channels, we will start production immediately.

Our company directly cooperates with the hospital to produce a cornea for each patient's data received. Not in stock and will not authorize any company to sell.

Besides, our current artificial cornea is undergoing clinical trials, and it has not yet reached the time for official sales. Consumers are requested not to be misled, we will protect our rights through legal means. "

It was this announcement that received 100,000 plus views within one minute. This product is unique due to the artificial cornea. It is naturally topical, and the CCTV report played a boosting effect.

Qingci Technology began to enter the public eye. They were only famous in a small circle before, but now most of the people in the country know about this company.

Netizens are discussing enthusiastically, and many people repost the video. Said if it is for the family members of people who are blind due to corneal defects or cataracts to watch the video. Cure the patient's disease as soon as possible.

Especially for those who are blind due to corneal defects, let them come to Yanjing immediately, and poor patients can also apply for charity help.

In this regard, netizens mentioned the Bright Road charity event launched by Yusheng Hospital.

Some people also took advantage of this atmosphere to donate to this charity plan. To help more people.

Heici hidden in the network immediately wanted to muddy the water, and they said sourly: "Look, unrelated hospitals have donated so much money. As the production unit of artificial corneas, Qingci Technology is indifferent. How cold-blooded their company is."

There has not been a large-scale rhythm of black porcelain, which affects the judgment of onlookers and netizens.

Some netizens immediately posted a message against him: "Another ignorant person, how did I find out that some netizens' IQ seems to be sent by charging phone bills, and there is no renewal yet.

Now there are a lot of software that can query company registration information. Such a convenient software is that some people don't want to do it, just open their mouths.

Look at Yusheng Hospital, doesn't this hospital sound familiar? The president of Qingci Technology has the word Sheng in his name. She is also a shareholder of Yusheng Hospital. That hospital is her family property, and you actually said that Qingci did not participate in charity activities. "

The Black Porcelain staff refused to admit defeat and left the field one by one. The majority of netizens were so disgusted that they wanted to die. With this wave of battles, they reversed. A lot of jokes arose. At the same time, he also increased the popularity of Qingci Technology.

After the CCTV report, the mainstream media followed suit. With the media reporting on the importance of the artificial cornea, the company Qingci Technology is well-known by most people and can already be counted as famous.

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