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Chapter 160 The Battery Really Grows

Li Hao came to the sixth floor, where the scientific research team conducts scientific research. All equipment is newly purchased.

There are only some commonly used research equipment in it. If you want to do some special research, you can only borrow equipment from special research institutes.

After all, if special equipment is really used, such as ultra-strong magnetic field equipment, proton accelerators, synchrotron radiation, etc., it will take several years to build with the strength of the whole country.

This is an investment in basic science, and companies like them will certainly not make this kind of investment.

He walked to the iron graphene battery scientific research project team that he was most concerned about. They are conducting industrial process research on iron graphene batteries.

Professor Pan Guofeng has transferred all the information of the iron graphene battery, and the scientific research project team has produced the iron graphene battery a few days ago.

Li Hao believes that his company will soon break through the bottleneck of industrial production of iron graphene batteries. Because he left a hand when he gave Professor Pan the materials.

A key step is hidden, making the internal crystal shape of the iron graphene battery uncontrollable. This is why the iron graphene battery samples given to him by Professor Pan Guofeng are so strange.

Li Hao walked to the door, knocked lightly on the laboratory door a few times, and then opened the door to enter.

Found next to a row of pressure cooker-like equipment. There are six scientific researchers standing. The leader is about 40 years old, Bi Ye, director of the electromagnetic field with a scholarly temperament.

Next to him is Yao Jiang, the director of the battery project team, a young man of twenty-six or seventeen years old, with a Ph.D. led by Professor Pan Guofeng. I was recruited into the company just a few days ago.

In Pan Guofeng's scientific research team, he participated in the research of various projects of iron graphene battery.

Seeing Li Hao coming, Bi Ye walked up to him and said: "Mr. Li is welcome to visit, we are now conducting experiments on the industrial production of iron graphene batteries.

I have heard of hundreds of experiments before that did not solve the problem of crystal alignment. After Mr. Li's reminder, I calculated carefully. A strong electric field is used to guide the layout inside the iron graphene battery crystal. So far it seems to be working out pretty well. "

Li Hao saw the confidence in Bi Ye's eyes. Knowing that this person is not good at socializing, he praised directly: "Very good, how long do we have to wait to see the result."

Bi Ye looked at the time, then observed the data of the instrument, calculated silently in his heart, and said, "Just wait another 20 minutes."

Li Hao stared at this instrument like a pressure cooker, which is a device that generates a strong electric field and is also the place where the iron graphene battery crystals are finally formed.

The reason why he chose Bi Ye from many talents. It is because Bi Ye is an expert in the electromagnetic field, which is the talent that the company needs most in the near future.

He didn't tell Professor Pan Guofeng the technical information, and what he left was that strong electric fields can affect the formation of iron graphene battery crystals.

Only its internal crystals form with certain regularity. Only then will a battery with stable voltage and consistent current direction be produced.

Professor Pan Guofeng produced an iron graphene battery using a laboratory method. There are multiple voltages in each battery, coupled with irregular internal crystals, the resistance is very large, and the current is very disordered. There is no practical value at all.

Yao Jiang was afraid that Li Hao would be bored, so he wanted to show his own value, so he explained to Li Hao: "The production method of iron graphene batteries is the crystal growth method.

We synthesize gaseous iron graphene gas by high temperature and high pressure. At the same time, prepare a temperature-controlled crystal in the synthesizer.

When the iron-graphene battery gas enters the contract, due to the reduced pressure, at the right temperature, it begins to attach to the crystal to grow.

The law and state of its growth are determined by the strong electric field properties in the synthesizer.

After many experiments, we have now found two optimal strong electric fields. "

Li Hao knew the general method of making iron graphene batteries before. But for the first time, he heard the complete manufacturing process of iron graphene batteries.

He looked at this small synthesizer and said excitedly: "It turns out that it was grown. We produce iron graphene batteries, and we are almost catching up with farmers growing crops."

Knowing that Li Hao was joking, Yao Jiang continued to introduce: "Mr. Li, our iron graphene battery energy storage is the same, but there are two versions. One is the fast charging version and the other is the normal version.

The regular version has a rated voltage of 5 volts and a maximum current of 3 amps. The fast charging version has a rated voltage of 220 volts and a maximum current of 58 amps. "

Li Hao really didn't know the specific properties of the iron graphene battery. He asked in surprise: "Does our iron graphene battery only have two properties? The gap between them is too big. How about the applicable situation?"

"Mr. Li, we have calculated in various ways that only under the conditions of these two strong electric fields can the grown crystals be the most stable.

The regular version is for everyday use. We can also install control chips and transformers inside the battery, which can change the voltage and current output by the battery willingly. Enough to use it in any scene.

The fast charging version is suitable for industrial use and is used in large-scale energy storage devices. For example, energy storage equipment such as solar power plants, and backup power supplies for large factories.

Select two attributes for industrial production, and it is best to arrange production line production. "

Li Hao chuckled lightly and said, "I just want to know, and I should study it according to your established method.

How convenient is our company. After the emergence of this high-performance battery, it is up to the market to adapt to us. Instead of us adapting to the market, of course, the habits that consumers are accustomed to should not be changed. "

While they were chatting, Bi Ye had been watching the data inside the synthesizer and did not participate in their chat.

From this tiny detail, Li Hao could also see the difference between them. For a company boss, the more people like Bi Ye, the better.

"Okay." Bi Ye sipped lightly, interrupting Li Hao's chat.

Li Hao heard a sound of breathing from the machine, which should be the removal of the iron graphene gas in the machine.

Then I saw the cover of the synthesizer slowly open. A silver-gray cylinder is exposed from the inside. It has a metallic luster on the outside, and the overall feeling is very delicate.

Its diameter is the size of a penny. The length is about 10 cm.

Seeing this situation, Bi Ye directly ordered the researchers next to him: "Start testing the iron graphene battery, and hope this experiment will be successful. There is no need to adjust the parameters of the strong electric field."

After being tested by the on-site scientific researchers, he said excitedly: "President Li, Director Bi, and Director Yao. After testing, it meets the parameters of the predetermined design. Our experiment is a success."

Bi Ye showed a smile on his face, and said happily: "The battery has really grown out, and the growth is still very good."

After the test, the researcher said excitedly: "The performance is really powerful. Our short battery can store about 25 kilowatt-hours of electricity."

When Li Hao heard the news, he was very pleasantly surprised. Said to Yao Jiang: "You continue to test the iron graphene battery. At the same time, produce some first, and prepare to use it in our weather instrument."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, preparing to tell Zhou Yunsheng that the development of the iron graphene battery was officially successful. Small-scale production is possible under laboratory conditions.

He is very happy that the iron graphene battery can store so much energy, 25 kWh of electricity, which represents a battery stick, which can drive an electric car from Yanjing to Tianzhu.

He came to the door of Zhou Yunsheng's office, and saw his egg yolk and his sister-in-law's stupid, lying together, rubbing against each other.

Li Hao was very emotional, the two dogs were in love.

Not as good as the author of the dog, I wish you all a happy holiday.

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