Tech Translator

Chapter 17 New Year's Day Party

Zhou Yunsheng was very satisfied with Li Hao's answer, and they took the subway to Tsinghua University.

Li Hao glanced at the time, and said to Zhou Yunsheng: "It's just noon now, let's go back to the company and wait for a while."

"You go back to the company first, I still have some things to do." Zhou Yunsheng thought of something, and she said goodbye to Li Hao.

Li Hao took his things, rode a shared bicycle, and walked towards his office. When he came to the office, his first step was to check the condition of the parrot.

It has advanced learning methods, and its intelligence is also very strong as the database becomes more and more abundant.

Li Hao checked Parrot's database, and as expected, it added 800 megabytes of files. This level of study is equivalent to ten months of study for an ordinary person.

Li Hao glanced at Parrot's accumulation of voice data. For Huaxia's speech recognition, the accuracy rate has now reached 73%.

Most of the data has been collected, and the progress is getting slower and slower. But now this level is enough to support the completion of translation software.

He continued to observe the core algorithm of the parrot, and gave it the priority of planning and learning. After setting up the program for the parrot, he took out a notebook and carefully checked the information on it.

Here are the alien civilization texts he translated. He doesn't know most of the alien characters now, but he can look them up by looking at pictures, and he specializes in mathematics. Also know a lot of words.

He estimated that it would take a long time to translate a technology.

The characters of alien civilizations are too special. It will take a long time to fully understand the details of a technology.

The progress is very slow at the beginning, and becomes rapid after accumulation and enrichment. With the information of alien civilization, his ambition is even bigger.

After reviewing the text, Li Hao remembered that Zhou Yunsheng told him yesterday that he wanted to make a simple website for his company.

He has many public models in his hands, and as long as the data is input, a simple website will be formed.

As long as he set it up, all the codes are written by parrots.

When Li Hao uploaded the website to the server, he heard the company's door open. He looked up at the door, and it was Zhou Yunsheng who came back with a bag of things.

Zhou Yunsheng saw Li Hao come out of the office and opened the bag in her hand.

"This is the food I bought in the cafeteria. It's noon. Let's eat together."

Li Hao took the food and asked her, "What were you doing just now?"

Zhou Yunsheng took out a stack of business cards from his bag, with the name, trademark and address of Qingci Technology printed on it.

Li Hao looked at her printing so many business cards, and said suspiciously: "In a few days, we will publish the information of recruiting temporary workers directly on the Internet.

Right now our company is too small to attract enough talent. What are you doing with these business cards? "

"What were you doing at the student gathering when you were about to graduate?" Zhou Yunsheng asked rhetorically.

"Chat, brag, watch the excitement." Li Hao said subconsciously.

Zhou Yunsheng shook his head, put his business card on the table, and said, "No wonder you set up a company, and no Tsinghua students came to the company.

This time before the holiday, our student union held a New Year's Eve party. In addition to commemorating graduation, it also functions as a large blind date market and talent market.

I use these business cards just to attract people.

In addition to temporary workers, we also need to recruit some people with real talents to build the company together.

I will recruit online in the afternoon and provide our company with finance and human resources managers.

In the evening, you also need to recruit some technical talents, and business cards are used to cast a wide net.

In a while, I will also give you a few talents who have not found a job so far.

You should have a common language with them and try to recruit them. "

"Okay, I'll try to invite them to work in our company." Li Hao took Zhou Yunsheng's information and nodded in agreement.

They began to eat, and then separated for the rest of the work.

According to the situation of earth science and technology, Li Hao continuously optimized the algorithm of Parrot. Make it more suitable for the current network environment.

Zhou Yunsheng is looking for financial managers and human resources managers suitable for the company on the recruitment website.

Build the framework of the entire company, after all, the company will enter the fast lane of development.

Work hard and the time will pass quickly. After they have finished their dinner.

After Zhou Yunsheng changed his clothes, he called Li Hao to go with him.

After Li Hao found out that Zhou Yunsheng had changed into Hanfu. She has a unique classical temperament, even her ordinary appearance is very attractive.

They walked towards the small auditorium of Tsinghua University.

When Li Hao was about to enter the auditorium, he suddenly saw a familiar background.

How does this look like pogo? How did he come? His experiment has entered a critical moment, and he doesn't even go out for dinner.

Taking a closer look, Li Hao denied it in his heart. Because this person is wearing a women's Quju Hanfu.

Bogo looks a bit more coquettish, but he is a 100% pure man. How can you wear women's clothing.

Zhou Yunsheng looked at him in a daze, tugged at his hand, and said, "Why are you in a daze, let's go in."

"It seems that I saw an acquaintance just now. I may have misread it. In our current class, there are no acquaintances except for a few people who have passed the postgraduate entrance examination and stayed in school."

Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng walked into the small auditorium together. He found that there are many people here, there can be more than a thousand people.

Most of the people should have gone to practice, but I didn't expect so many people to stay in school.

"Stay here and prepare to recruit people. I'll go backstage. Today is my first show. At the same time, I'm looking for someone to distribute my business cards."

After Zhou Yunsheng and Li Hao parted, she entered the temporary backstage. Li Hao looked at the information Zhou Yunsheng gave him.

He provided himself with two technical talents, both of whom have not yet found a job for some reason.

Wei Qingyun, male, 23 years old. Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University. Specialty is artificial intelligence big data analysis.

Ding Yi, male, 23 years old, from the Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University. The specialty is artificial intelligence target recognition technology.

Tsinghua University is a top university in science and engineering, according to the 2017 ranking.

The Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University has surpassed the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford and other famous American universities. Become the world's number one computer science major.

Especially in the most popular artificial intelligence major, Huaxia's scientific research results are by no means inferior to foreign countries.

From the Internet conference held a few days ago, we can see the clues. Many refreshing products appeared.

The program of the party has not started yet, and there is no food provided here.

The students sat around and chatted according to their respective circles.

"Du Qingyu, didn't you enter the blue-green factory to make mobile phones, why did you come back again?"

Du Qingyu replied: "I haven't found a girlfriend yet, so I took this opportunity to confess my love. I really don't want to give it a try.

From their work, we can see the future. I am much more confident now than before. "

Li Hao walked through the crowd, looking for his target. He had heard from many of the students and knew that most of them had jobs.

Came here to watch the show and experience the atmosphere. After all, it's a holiday today, so it's fine to stay in a rented house.

Some people just want to take this opportunity to make a bold confession. Li Hao reckons that the latter kind of person has a very small chance of success.

Confession is a sign of success in love, not the beginning of love.

I really want to follow the film and television drama, and confess without any emotional foundation. Those without the aura of the protagonist will only receive a good person card.

He looked to the front right, and suddenly saw the person Zhou Yunsheng mentioned, Ding Yi.

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