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Chapter 172 Modified Pippi Shrimp?

After seeing Heidi leave, Zhou Yunsheng asked Li Hao in puzzlement: "What does she mean? Why didn't I understand."

"It seems that you are still an academic, and you don't understand some unspoken rules of the European and American business circles. In fact, this is very good, and being an upright company can avoid many problems." Li Hao said with a smile.

He then began to explain to Zhou Yunsheng: "You know that other than our state-owned enterprises in China, there are few listed companies in the world with strong ability to attract money.

Most of the benefits for all of them are not through the operation of the company, but the stock price he holds.

As long as the listed company does not have no limit like Zhangzidao. Typically, the overall stock price is significantly higher than the actual value of the company.

Tesla has come full circle to buy batteries from us. This is clearly some executives enriching their own pockets. Transfer all the company's funds in the name of normal purchases to affiliated companies they secretly control.

A battery purchased from our company for one thousand yuan can be turned into a battery worth several thousand dollars with a label. "

"After hearing your reminder, I remembered that the school teacher had explained this kind of case." Zhou Yunsheng said suddenly.

She then asked naively: "They do this, and the laws of Europe and the United States don't care."

Li Hao spread his hands and said: "It's done more covertly, and it's usually ignored. That's why it's called unspoken rules.

Besides, they can also increase the country's GDP by doing so. You know that GDP is the value of calculated exchange.

An ordinary stone, A sells it to B for 50 billion dollars, and B paints it a color and sells it to A for 50 billion dollars.

Together they generate a GDP of $100 billion. Now that the economies of European and American countries are going down, they have changed their calculation methods many times to boost their GDP.

Just like in the United States, even if you spend five cents, it will be counted in the GDP. Formal consumption is not counted, and even the transactions generated in the black zone are included in the GDP calculation. "

Zhou Yunsheng nodded and said, "Understood, so that's what happened."

She got up and said to Li Hao: "Now let's go to dinner, I don't want to eat takeaway now, let's go to the restaurant downstairs to eat. After working for a while, we will go home."

Zhou Yunsheng and Li Hao went out to eat. They came to the restaurant downstairs and ordered braised lion head and twice-cooked pork.

After eating, Zhou Yunsheng and Li Hao returned to the company. As soon as I got out of the elevator, I saw a reception room set up next to the elevator, and someone was waiting here.

Li Hao recognized him at a glance, this is Senior Colonel Bai Shengliang of the Science and Technology Committee.

He took a few quick steps, walked up to Bai Shengliang, and asked, "Senior Bai, why did you come to our company so late, and go to my office to talk."

At Li Hao's invitation, Bai Shengliang walked to his office with Li Hao. He said as he walked, "This is not the instrument I bought from your company. It can play a great role. I have been working on this instrument for the past few days, so I took the time to come here today."

When Li Hao heard Bai Shengliang talk about the high-frequency pulsed electron beam generator, he said to Bai Shengliang: "I am going to tell you that the production workshop of the military enterprise I am building will be completed in early June. You need to send someone to review it.

When they came to the office, Bai Shengliang sat down and said, "Don't worry, someone is responsible for this. As long as your company meets the standards, it will definitely pass."

Zhou Yunsheng also followed here. She looked at Bai Shengliang and asked, "Do you need me to avoid the topic you are talking about?"

Bai Shengliang waved his hand and said: "It's okay, you can listen as you like. There is no need to keep what I said confidential. I can't say anything that needs to be kept confidential."

When Zhou Yunsheng heard this, she sat beside Li Hao and listened to their conversation.

Bai Shengliang showed the straightforwardness of a soldier, and said directly to Li Hao: "Mr. Li Hao, I have two things to do when I come to your company.

The first thing is to want to buy some iron graphene batteries. The instrument we purchased from your company requires connecting cables to operate, which is inconvenient in some cases.

The second thing, I saw on your company's official website that your newly developed iron graphene battery has a high energy storage capacity.

Inquire about the iron graphene battery produced by your company, is there any one with higher output voltage and power, this five-volt battery is too narrow in use. "

Hearing Bai Shengliang's question, Li Hao understood his purpose, and replied directly: "We have not formally started industrial production of iron graphene batteries yet.

It is only in the process verification stage of small batches in the laboratory. Of course, for the 200 high-frequency pulsed electron beam generators you purchased, they will not use many iron graphene batteries, and our company can still provide them. "

Li Hao continued: "As for the high-voltage and high-power iron graphene battery you mentioned, of course our company has it. I remember that the company's official website introduced our fast-charging iron graphene battery.

It is rated at 220 volts and has a maximum current of 58 amps. Very high power. They are all used in any industrial field. Can completely compete with conventional fuel. "

Bai Shengliang said in surprise: "I didn't expect that your company really has this kind of iron graphene battery. Is there an introduction on the official website? I checked your company's official website before I came, but I didn't see the introduction of the fast-charging version of the battery."

After hearing what they said, Zhou Yunsheng began to check the company's official website.

After hearing Bai Shengliang finished speaking, she said angrily: "It's my fault. I was too excited at the time, and my hands slipped for a while. I put the introduction of the fast-charging iron graphene battery directly behind the ordinary iron graphene battery.

They are in the same article, if you don't read all the articles, you don't understand. I'll just set it up separately. "

Li Hao looked at Bai Shengliang's performance, and he asked pleasantly: "You want to buy a fast-charging iron graphene battery, do you want to transform Pipi Shrimp? I think the current technological level can be reached. After the electromagnetic ejection, you can The catapult early warning aircraft has ocean-going combat effectiveness."

When Bai Shengliang heard this question, he just smiled and didn't speak. He will not answer this question. No matter how many answers there are, certain secrets will be revealed.

Seeing Bai Shengliang's expression, Li Hao understood what he meant, and felt a little abrupt.

He went on to describe the benefits of iron graphene batteries.

"Our iron graphene battery, after the optimization of the circuit, is an iron graphene battery pack with a weight of thousands of tons.

It is fully charged in one go and only takes 20 minutes. The energy density it carries is much higher than that of petroleum.

Just like a fully loaded 100,000-ton giant ship, from China to the United States, he can go back and forth without charging along the way. "

After Bai Shengliang finished listening, he showed a satisfied smile. Standing up straight away, he said to Li Hao: "I have finished asking all my questions, and now I am waiting to bring back some iron graphene batteries. Can I bring some samples of the fast-charging iron graphene batteries you mentioned? "

"Of course, I'll ask the staff to prepare it for you. You can go directly to the iron graphene battery workshop on the seventh floor." Li Hao directly agreed.

Seeing Bai Shengliang go out, Zhou Yunsheng asked with a confused face: "Brother Hao, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand."

Li Hao said meaningfully: "Nothing? We are just discussing the advantages of converting civilian ships to all-electric propulsion.

We are just a manufacturer of batteries, as long as we provide high-quality batteries, no matter what the buyers use them for. "

Seeing that Zhou Yunsheng was a little dissatisfied, Li Hao found an animated movie to watch with her.

This tells the story of a river god, who was a big crab before he became a god, and was often domineering. After becoming a god, guard one side. He is revered as the Great God of River Crab.

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