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Chapter 177 Harmonious doctor-patient relationship

They left the two working dogs in the house, and Zhou Yunsheng took Zhou Yuanyuan, and she and Li Hao went to find Chen Siyu and the others.

After inquiring with the medical staff, I found out that Chen Siyu was in the lobby on the second floor.

When they came to the stairs, Zhou Yunsheng was going to pick up Zhou Yuanyuan and go straight to the second floor.

With firm eyes, Zhou Yuanyuan said to Zhou Yunsheng: "Sister-in-law, my mother told me to walk the stairs by myself. If you don't learn to climb stairs now, you may not be able to go upstairs in the future."

Li Hao looked at Zhou Yuanyuan holding the handrail of the stairs. Climb the stairs very slowly step by step. He was very emotional in his heart, and he admired Chen Siyu's education method.

Not every mother is determined to allow her blind daughter to exercise various life skills from an early age.

When they came to the second floor, they saw the lobby on the second floor. Both Chen Siyu and Zhou Lei are here.

A small high platform is arranged here, and there are many medical staff and many patients around here.

Li Hao saw that it said the Excellent Medical Staff Award Conference.

It can be seen from the situation on the stage that the outstanding medical personnel have been awarded. They are taking pictures together.

When they were doing activities, Li Hao asked the nearby hospital to observe. Along the way, he could clearly feel that the atmosphere of this hospital was somewhat different from other hospitals.

To be clear, doctors and patients treat each other with respect. There was no estrangement, no suspicion between them. This is rare in other hospitals.

When they walked off the stage, Chen Siyu was announcing: "To celebrate our honor of being awarded the top three hospitals, and to reward medical staff who have performed outstanding work after the hospital reform. We hold the first outstanding medical staff award.

We will also invite everyone to have dinner together in a while, of course due to the particularity of our work. We can't go to a restaurant together for dinner.

We asked the chef of the restaurant to prepare a sumptuous lunch for everyone directly. Send it to everyone in the form of box lunch.

Including doctors and nurses in the hospital, as well as patients and family members, everyone can receive a lunch box. "

After she finished speaking, there was warm applause from the audience.

Then some hospital staff began to distribute lunch boxes to everyone.

Li Hao also received a copy, which has a lot of food. Looking at its color and fragrance, it is not something that ordinary restaurants can make.

Chen Siyu saw the staff gradually disperse, and she found Li Hao and the others in the group again. To be precise, it was the first time he saw her daughter Zhou Yuanyuan.

She also held a lunch box prepared for Zhou Yuanyuan in her hand.

Chen Siyu and Zhou Lei came over, Zhou Lei greeted Li Hao and the others coldly: "You guys are here, let's go eat together first."

Li Hao also replied: "Okay, uncle."

Seeing the performance of the two of them, Zhou Yunsheng showed joy on her face. At least the two people closest to her are no longer in a state of cold war. With basic communication.

Chen Siyu led them into the lounge next to them. There are many doctors and nurses eating here.

Some doctors eat very fast. They quickly finish the meal in their hands, drink a glass of water, and then go out to work again.

Li Hao was very familiar with this scene when he was a child. It is not uncommon to see father and his colleagues doing this.

When they came to a square table, they sat down to eat with boxed lunches.

After Zhou Yunsheng sat down, she asked Chen Siyu, "Sister-in-law, why did you leave Yuanyuan alone in the office?"

Zhou Lei replied directly: "There is nothing we can do, just now we are awarding outstanding medical personnel, and we also allow patients and their families to visit.

In some exciting situations, the scene is very chaotic. Besides, the hospital is a public place, and we are not around. If Yuanyuan comes to the scene, we are afraid that something unexpected will happen to her. "

Zhou Yuanyuan said in her crisp voice: "Yuanyuan is fine, I have Benben and Eggy Yolk in the room with me. You don't have to worry about Yuanyuan."

They started to eat. Although Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't see, she didn't need others to feed her. Holding the lunch box in one hand, I began to eat slowly with a spoon in a small hand. Her box lunch is specially made, which contains various jelly-like dishes.

During the meeting, Li Hao raised the biggest question he saw when he came to this hospital for the second time: "Sister-in-law, I found that the relationship between doctors and patients in your hospital is very harmonious.

This is not the harmony on the surface, but that they have no conflicts in their bones. I was surprised by this thing. "

Li Hao passed the observation just now. He found that in Yusheng Hospital, there was no confrontation between patients and doctors. The family members of patients also have great trust in doctors.

This seemed to him completely impossible. You must know that his father is a responsible doctor. Treat patients the same as you would treat your own loved ones.

That's it, and many patients and families. Does not understand his father's work. I always feel that my father is trying to cheat the money out of their pockets.

"You talk about this question." A look of pride appeared on Chen Siyu's face.

She explained with a smile: "Of course, our hospital's system is well designed. There is no conflict of interest between doctors and patients, so it will not affect their relationship."

Li Hao was very curious about the existence of such a system. He continued to ask: "Sister-in-law, tell me about the system in your hospital. I am curious about what system creates such a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients."

They had finished their meal while they were talking. When Zhou Lei heard Li Hao's question, he raised his head and looked at Li Hao, feeling that he had surpassed Li Hao in some respects.

Immediately, he felt confident returning to him, and said gently: "This system was planned by me, and the main purpose is the distribution of benefits.

When the doctor's income has nothing to do with the patient's medication, but with the patient's condition and recovery. Their relationship will naturally be very harmonious. "

Zhou Lei looked at Li Hao as if he was listening, he was a little flustered, and introduced carefully: "Our hospital system, first of all, makes doctors' income only related to patients' diseases.

According to the patient's condition, the doctor's treatment fee will be set after the doctor's diagnosis. For example, 500 yuan for a common cold, and more money if the condition worsens or there are complications. For example, the charge for viral influenza is 2,000 yuan.

The money is all the doctor's treatment fee, and our hospital does not take any of it. The doctor and the patient set a recovery agreement, and if it exceeds the time limit, the patient will be given a certain discount.

Of course, some diseases cannot set a recovery time. We will set the stage of recovery. Unless it is terminally ill, it will not make an appointment with the patient.

This fund has nothing to do with his base salary. See a patient to get a treatment fee.

In order to allow doctors to treat with all their heart, the doctors are rated by hospitals and patients. If the score is too low, he doesn't get patients. If there is no change for a long time, we will also dismiss him.

When patients enter the hospital, they are initially consulted by a team of experts. After finding out the specific symptoms, the patient selects a doctor from the expert team as a full-time doctor. Doctors with low scores can only get a basic salary, and they will not have patients to choose. "

After listening to it, Li Hao felt that it was very similar to the medical system in the United States. Zhou Lei added some ideas of his own. It is more in line with the situation of their hospital.

He asked suspiciously: "Then how does your hospital make money?"

Zhou Lei said with a smile: "Of course it comes from the patient. The cost of equipment testing, drug costs, etc.

Our hospital stipulates the frequency and type of instrumental testing for each disease. The testing fee for each instrument is open and transparent.

Doctors will only recommend effective medicines to patients, and explain to them the effects and differences of various products in detail. There will be no bias.

Whether it is a bottle of cheap medicine for fifty cents, or a bottle of imported medicine worth tens of thousands. It is a free choice of the patient. Doctors don't get a dime. In this way, they will not recommend expensive drugs to patients. "

After hearing Zhou Lei finished speaking, Li Hao understood. Doctors in their hospitals are only responsible for treatment. The treatment fee is fixed for each patient. According to the patient's treatment situation, determine his income. What medicines patients buy will not affect doctors' income.

In this way, the doctor-patient relationship has no direct interest linkage. In addition, the service attitude of the medical staff is good.

The patient's personality is also good. If he wants to make trouble, he will be invited out directly by the security guard. Those who can stay have good personalities, so the relationship between doctors and patients in the whole hospital is very harmonious.

After eating with them, Li Hao visited his company's artificial cornea transplantation. So he and Zhou Yunsheng left Yusheng Hospital.

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