Tech Translator

Chapter 182 There Are Still Many Good People

Li Hao's eyes dimmed and his brows were tightly frowned. He walked out of the biology laboratory with his head down.

He kept muttering: "It must be a lie to say that I have kidney deficiency. This doctor is not good enough."

Zhou Yunsheng held the prescription in her hand, and she asked with concern at the same time: "Li Deren, an old Chinese doctor, said that you have kidney deficiency caused by excessive indulgence or staying up late.

He said that three points depend on medicine and seven points depend on support. Let you maintain good living habits, and your body will recover naturally. "

Zhou Yunsheng asked seemingly inadvertently: "The two of us are very restrained, where did you indulge in the transition?"

Li Hao was awakened by Zhou Yunsheng's tone, and he immediately explained: "I commute with you every day, where can I go. Didn't the old doctor Li Deren also say that staying up late was exhausting.

I guess I still work at night, thinking about the company's development direction and scientific research strategy. Kidney deficiency caused by excessive use of the brain and staying up late. "

Li Hao understood that this was when he used the alien library at night. Staying up late for a long time can damage your body. He often stays up until one or two o'clock in the morning. Sometimes the translation work goes well and he only sleeps for one or two hours a day.

Now that the company has entered a period of stable development, it seems that we will have to go to bed earlier in the future. He also wanted to live longer. Can translate more technologies.

I heard Dr. Li Deren say that if he continues like this, he may die suddenly. He was really a little scared.

He didn't want to die before he left school, and die young in his prime. It seems that I still need to ask Dr. Li Deren for more health knowledge in the future.

He just complained just now, because he thought he was in good health and could bear it by staying up late. I didn't expect such serious consequences, and I was really scared.

Zhou Yunsheng looked at Li Hao with a frightened expression still on his face. She held Li Hao's hand and comforted him: "I was joking just now, I don't know what kind of person you are.

Sometimes when I wake up, it is already early morning, but I still see you working in the study. I have advised you several times before, but you didn't listen. Now you know that the consequences will be serious, you must learn to combine work with rest. "

Li Hao nodded seriously: "This time I have a long memory, so I must combine work and rest. I am still young and I don't want to become a sick child."

They started the vehicle and drove towards the company. Li Hao has already brought Zhou Yunsheng to know about the achievements of the company's three major scientific research fields. You let her know about scientific research, and now go back to the company to continue working.

On the way, Li Hao said with a smile: "Yun Sheng, you asked a lot of common sense questions in the biology lab."

Zhou Yunsheng gave Li Hao a blank look, and said unhappily: "It's not my fault why you still look down on me. Who made me a liberal arts student.

When I was in high school, I was divided into arts and sciences, and I didn't take science courses at all.

Basic physical and chemical biology has never been learned, and you have never understood these things that you think are common sense.

Asking questions about something you have never learned for the first time, of course it seems ridiculous to you. "

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder you don't read the information on the cloud intelligence platform. It turns out that you can't understand what is written on it."

Li Hao didn't know until now why Zhou Yunsheng didn't read the information on the cloud intelligence platform.

"Here I'm going to give you a suggestion. On the cloud intelligence platform, it should be divided into a professional area and an ordinary area. Write so many profound things, except for professionals, who can understand.

I don't need to understand its principle, I just need to know what it can do. "Zhou Yunsheng put forward her suggestion.

They came to the company and parked the car. Saw an ambulance in the parking lot.

Li Hao said as he walked, "This is another company that has a problem. It seems that we still need to maintain our health."

When they walked into the elevator, they happened to run into the young couple from Honghu Company downstairs.

Li Hao saw that their arms were all covered with medical tape. There was blood on the edge of the tape.

Asked them: "Is your company organizing a medical examination?"

"Don't you know? Your company's Gundam mobilized the whole building to draw a little blood. It seems that his child has leukemia, and the bone marrow bank did not find a match. Let us help." Hu Yu was stunned for a moment, then said.

Zhou Yunsheng explained: "We just came back from going out, so we don't know about it yet. Let's go and see which floor you are taking blood from."

Hu Yu saw that the elevator was about to close, and they walked out quickly. She turned around and said, "We're taking blood on the seventh floor."

Li Hao and the others pressed the button on the seventh floor. In the elevator, he said: "Don't you, the president, understand the situation of the employees? As the company's top management, we don't even know that Gundam's family members have serious illnesses."

Zhou Yunsheng said speechlessly: "He never said that in the company. We are a company, not checking household registration. How do we know his family situation."

The elevator quickly reached the seventh floor, and Zhou Yunsheng and Li Hao got out of the elevator.

I saw a lot of people queuing in the lobby not far from the seventh floor. Three nurses were drawing blood from the crowd. Gundam kept thanking the blood drawers on the sidelines.

Li Hao saw that the people in their company had obviously finished drawing their blood. Some are still helping to maintain order. Now it is an employee of another company who volunteered to draw blood.

They heard the people who came talk about that employees from all major companies in the building came to donate blood.

He laments that there are still many good people in the society, in order to save a life that he does not know. Many people would love to give a little love.

Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng were at the end of the line, and they were also ready to donate their blood. In case the match is successful, this is not saving a life.

Zhou Yunsheng stood aside and said to Li Hao: "I just heard from Hu Yu that Gundam's child has leukemia. He was in the biological laboratory just now. You talked to Director Du. The hematopoietic stem cells newly developed by our company can treat leukemia."

"It can be cured, but it is currently in the experimental stage. The success rate is not yet known. I guess this can only be used as the last insurance. Now we still need to use mature technology. If we can't find a match, we can only use this kind of medicine." Technology, there is still a chance..." Li Hao explained.

He knew that the technology in the laboratory was still some distance away from success. No one chooses laboratory methods unless all methods fail.

Gundam's eyes were red with humility. I am constantly thanking those who came to draw blood.

The crowd gradually disappeared, and finally it was Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng.

When Gao Da saw them come to draw blood, he felt sincerely: "Thank you Mr. Li and Mr. Zhou. I didn't expect you to come to donate blood."

Li Hao raised his head and said, "That's not to say it's out of the ordinary, and we will do our best. If the matching can be successful, then everyone will be happy."

After the nurse drew blood, Gao Da asked the company's security. Help them move the big boxes of blood downstairs together.

When Li Hao saw that Gundam wanted to leave, he stopped him directly.

Gao Da came to Li Hao's side and asked, "Mr. Li, is there anything I need to take care of?"

Li Hao looked at Gao Da and said, "Let me ask about your child's condition. You should know that our company's biotechnology is very advanced. If the conditions are right, this is also a way of treatment."

What he said was very euphemistic, and he really had to rely on Gundam's own judgment.

Gao Da introduced: "My son has leukemia, which used to be chronic leukemia. I took him to Yanjing University Hospital for treatment."

He said gratefully: "In the past, his difficulty was only the treatment cost, but after coming to work in the company, the treatment cost has been resolved.

A few days ago, his condition suddenly worsened and he needed a bone marrow transplant to treat it. However, there was no match in the bone marrow bank. "

After hearing this, Li Hao made a suggestion to him: "You have time to send a copy of your child's urine to the biological laboratory. Let them cultivate a copy of hematopoietic stem cells.

This is also an insurance, if the matching is not successful. If the condition worsens again, you can only try this method. "

"Thank you Mr. Li, I'll take care of it right away." Hearing the surprise behind him, Gao Da ran downstairs immediately.

Thanks for the sand of time.

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