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Chapter 188 CCTV Interview (1)

May 1st, Labor Day. Li Hao and the others couldn't celebrate this festival, and the company was still busy.

Now the company's employees who take early leave, come back and stick to their posts. Keep the company's affairs running flawlessly.

Li Hao looked at the technical information that had been sorted out in front of him. This is a material processing technology specially prepared for Director Guo Jianzhuo. He took a break for a while.

Li Hao thought that he hadn't contacted his parents for some time. He called his mother Wang Xiumei directly.

"Mom, how is my dad's recovery? You and my dad don't want to travel this year. Where are you going?"

Wang Xiumei said calmly: "Your dad is recovering well now, in order to recover better. He has started to learn Chinese medicine to keep in good health, and he also used moxibustion to strengthen the body and eliminate evil. Now the effect is very good. The focus of the heart has stabilized."

"Then my dad needs to take good care of his health. Our company's organ manufacturing project is progressing very quickly. My dad's current situation will definitely wait for a heart transplant." Li Hao said happily.

Wang Xiumei said happily: "I know this. I saw the artificial cornea and hematopoietic stem cells you made from the news. I didn't expect it so soon.

Your father used to look down on Chinese medicine, always saying it was a feudal superstition. Rest now to take care of your body. I also started to learn TCM health preservation, and now I still praise TCM health preservation methods. "

Li Hao knew about his father's situation, as a doctor with a professional background. He used to look down on Chinese medicine therapy. After personally experiencing it now, I found that my thinking has changed after I found it effective.

He also had some doubts about Chinese medicine treatment before, but after Dr. Li Deren treated him, the effect is really obvious. He has a new understanding of Chinese medicine.

On the other end of the phone, Wang Xiumei continued: "Your father will take care of his body again, and we will travel again. We plan to travel in China, but we will not go abroad.

A few days ago, a colleague of mine went to Japan for a trip. There was hail and strong winds, so I couldn't come back. Going to a foreign country is too dangerous, and accidents are not easy to deal with. "

Li Hao also knew about the very strange Tokyo hail event two days ago.

Experts say that global warming, combined with El Niño, will lead to extreme weather.

But he felt that this phenomenon was very similar to the experiment of weather weapons. It's just that the parameters are wrong and the scale is not controlled.

"Mom, you don't need to go on a trip, you better rest at home. CCTV will broadcast an exclusive interview about our company at noon today. Watch it when you have time."

Wang Xiumei said in surprise: "It's on TV, it's really a great thing. I will definitely watch it."

They talked for a while, and Li Hao put down the phone. As long as my father's condition is normal, their organ manufacturing project is now progressing steadily. The shortage of organ transplant donors can be solved in the near future.

Li Hao continued to translate the scientific and technological materials in the library, in order to enhance the company's technological background. The time passed without knowing it, and soon it was noon.

With a smile on his face, Zhou Yunsheng said happily as soon as he walked into the office: "Haozi, the application of our biological company has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, not only for blood and its products, but also for hematopoietic stem cells.

Now the clinical trial in the hospital is a reporting mechanism, as long as it passes the review of the Food and Drug Administration. They can all apply for clinical trials, and now many hospitals have applied to us for clinical trials of hematopoietic stem cells. "

Li Hao put down the work in hand, he asked in surprise: "Didn't you say that it will take half a month last time, why is it done so quickly now?"

Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile: "Master Guan, you don't know how to handle things. Normally, things that can be done in a month, if you really need to rush them, a few days are enough.

This is not an exclusive interview of our company, it will be broadcast on CCTV. It contains the blood we make and the hematopoietic stem cells.

The leaders of the Food and Drug Administration feel that CCTV is reporting products that they have not approved, which is a bit embarrassing. Express it directly to us. "

"I didn't expect that there are so many benefits to be interviewed by CCTV." Li Hao said calmly, "Actually, I knew that there are many benefits after accepting an exclusive interview with CCTV. The most obvious thing is that we have become a well-known company, and I have also become a Celebrities. If someone tries to touch our company, it's exponentially harder."

Zhou Yunsheng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "You have created a golden body that is invulnerable to evil."

Li Hao said with deep empathy: "This is shaping a golden body. Otherwise, why would so many people ask for fame. After becoming a well-known person, they get too many benefits."

He has his own view of fame and fortune, and the pursuit of fame and fortune is everyone's normal ideal. This is also the propeller of civilization progress.

As long as you don't use extreme means, you will pay too much attention to fame and fortune. Those who pursue fame and fortune are normal people, this is human nature.

Zhou Yunsheng sat next to Li Hao, and she used a computer to open a set of CCTV programs.

"Let's stop talking, the show is about to start. We are the first episode of this series. Let's see how the show works. I think our company will be popular, but it depends on how they make the show. .”

They just opened the broadcasting interface of the CCTV set, just as the advertisement was finished.

In the sound of a mixture of chime bells, guqin, pipa and erhu.

It shows the process of the ancestors drilling wood to make fire, slash-and-burn farming, and raising silkworms and weaving clothes.

Then it showed the four great inventions of ancient times. Compass, gunpowder, papermaking, movable type printing.

A soft but sonorous female voice is constantly introducing the development of Chinese civilization.

The criss-crossing high-speed rail network, the large plane soaring in the sky, the space station in space, and the Jiaolong on the seabed.

In the end, three large-character entrepreneurs were formed from the fire that continuously gathered on the Huaxia map.

Li Hao looked at the opening, and he said with satisfaction: "The special effects of this opening are good, it not only highlights our country's ancient culture, but also has the essence of modern civilization.

It's just that this voice has a familiar feeling, but I can't remember whose voice it is. "

Zhou Yunsheng smiled and said: "I can't tell, it's the voice of a parrot, our newly designed soft female voice. When Guo Xinyi heard it the other day, she said she would recommend this voice, but she didn't expect to actually adopt it."

At Wu Qianyu's home, she and her husband Zhou Qiao were also staring at the TV.

She pointed to the TV and said, "How about the boyfriend my daughter finds? It's not much better than the young hero you think."

Zhou Qiao said with embarrassment: "To be able to be interviewed by CCTV at this age, and to make the company so big. It all depends on my own ability, and I can really be called a young talent."

He sighed, and said: "At that time, my father already had symptoms of dementia, and he was very stubborn in doing things.

I also comforted him, but I didn't want to really marry my daughter. I just want them to make do with it first, to deceive the old man. In the end, Yun Sheng heard that the child was too active, so he ran away from home. Ignore me until now. "

Wu Qianyu glared at him, and said, "This kind of thing is something you can do. If you really go to a foreign country together, you don't know what happened. Why are you so careless in doing things?"

"Forget it, go and be your filial son. Just don't affect our lives. I won't talk about it, let's watch TV." Wu Qianyu said rather speechlessly when thinking about the past.

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