Tech Translator

Chapter 190 CCTV Interview (3)

The background music of the documentary suddenly became softer.

The camera moved from far to near, and the scene peacefully switched to Li Hao's office.

After Guo Xinyi sat down gracefully, she asked Li Hao, "Hello, Mr. Li, can I ask you about your original intention of creating Qingci Technology?"

Li Hao leaned on the chair, his eyes were a little confused, as if he was recalling something.

After a while, he came back to his senses and said: "At that time, my friend and I founded a network technology company, but I was kicked out of the company due to internal conflicts.

Looking back on my own abilities, I realized that it was impossible to work part-time, and I never wanted to experience the feeling of being dependent on others in my life.

In addition to starting a business, it seems that there is no skill. I can only bite the bullet and start a second business with the support of my girlfriend. "

"I think Mr. Li's ability is an excellent talent everywhere." Guo Xinyi praised.

She asked another question: "Mr. Li graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Tsinghua University. I heard from your friends that your computer programming skills are also very good.

But your company spans AI, physics, biology, and more. And have achieved remarkable results, how do you do it. "

Li Hao smiled and said calmly: "In the research unit, there are two kinds of people that are necessary, one is scientific research talents who are good at creation, and the other is management talents who are good at summarizing and managing.

I'm not boasting, I belong to the second type of management talents. I don't have to study in a certain field for decades like a professional scientific research talent. You just need to know a little bit about each field. Provide good logistics work for scientific research talents.

I am still a good Bole, good at discovering the Maxima hidden among the poor horses.

Some talents are not technically incompetent, but they do not have a stage to display their talents. Our company is to build a stage for these talents. "

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Hao would of course announce the reasons for the rapid emergence of new technologies in the company. Even for reasons that seem absurd. It is better than the effect of random speculation from the outside world.

"It turned out to be like this." Guo Xinyi said in surprise. In fact, she didn't understand either, she was just cooperating with Li Hao.

After Guo Xinyi pretended to be surprised, she continued to ask: "Mr. Li, your company has made major breakthroughs in three projects. Artificial intelligence, iron graphene batteries, and organ manufacturing. Can you talk about the reasons for creating these projects? "

As soon as Li Hao heard this, he knew that the reporter wanted to ask about the stories behind each project.

He said with a smile: "The establishment of these projects is very simple, there is no complicated and epic story.

Artificial intelligence and iron graphene batteries, this is completely the technology is basically mature, we are just lucky to make the first breakthrough. "

Li Hao does not want everyone to delve into the story behind the technology. If only to find out that he was involved in some of each technology. How to arouse others' suspicion?

Guo Xinyi was well prepared before the interview, and she continued to ask: "Mr. Li, how did I hear that your father suffered from a serious heart disease, and you only started to develop the method of organ production in order to keep your father alive."

"I didn't expect Reporter Guo's investigation to be so meticulous. Our company set up a project to develop organ manufacturing methods. My original intention was to save my father.

At that time, I just wanted to concentrate the company's efforts and seek peace of mind. Unexpectedly, accidentally, this project is about to succeed, and now all core technologies have been overcome. "

Li Hao's eyes were red. He was really moved. Even though he got this technology from the library, he never expected to finish it so soon.

He said from the bottom of his heart: "Here, I would like to thank Director Du Xianyu who presided over this project in the biological laboratory, and all the researchers in the biological laboratory.

It was their hard work that allowed me to see such good results. "

Seeing this, Zhou Yunsheng asked suspiciously: "When Guo Xinyi interviewed you, our company's hematopoietic stem cells hadn't been announced yet. How did they know about the organ manufacturing project, which has made a major breakthrough."

"She didn't know that I knew. Of course I answered according to what I knew. Originally, she knew about the production of the cornea. He asked this question in order to make the interview more effective.

After knowing the success of hematopoietic stem cells, the interview screen does not need to be changed at all and can be used directly. " Li Hao simply replied.

They continued to watch the documentary. After Guo Xinyi finished listening, she stood up, pointed to the company employees who kept walking outside and asked Li Hao: "Mr. Li has developed a small company into such a large company. Does he have any sense of accomplishment? I How do you feel that your company is very different from the companies I used to go to?"

Li Hao said with a smile: "From a newly established small company to a well-known technology company in the country. I still have a sense of accomplishment, which is enough to make me proud for many years.

You see our company is different from other companies, and you feel right. Our company is an innovative company, and everyone who has a good idea can experiment immediately. Employees also have plenty of free time.

We not only innovate in the field of scientific research, we also need employees to innovate in company management. "

Guo Xinyi asked in surprise: "Employees are doing other tasks at work, won't that affect their work efficiency?"

"The technology our company initially researched was artificial intelligence, and of course artificial intelligence must be applied to corporate management.

Every employee in our company has basic tasks every day. As long as they complete the basic tasks, the rest of the time is not allowed to leave the company. They can arrange the rest of their time as they like. "

"This is really a free working system. For an innovative genius, his work is completely unrestricted." Guo Xinyi praised.

When Zhou Yunsheng heard this, she looked at Li Hao and said, "Why do I feel like this is an advertisement."

"I'm just advertising. On such a big platform, how can I recruit more talents without some soft advertising." Li Hao said naturally, "This interview will be over soon, so I don't know what the result will be."

"How do you know it's over soon." Zhou Yunsheng asked curiously.

"You forgot what happened that day. According to the scheduled time, after Guo Xinyi finished asking questions. She wanted to continue asking, but you came in and interrupted her."

After seeing only the documentary, Guo Xinyi asked another question: "What is Mr. Li's ideal?"

Li Hao thought about it carefully, and said: "My ideal is very simple, that is, to develop Qingci Technology into the greatest technology company, which can be recorded in the history of civilization development."

"Your ideal is so great, it's a simple ideal. But it's really too difficult to realize." Guo Xinyi smiled.

"If you don't choose a more difficult ideal, you can easily achieve it. This is too unfulfilling." Li Hao said confidently.

At this moment, a figure flashed in front of the door, and the photographer changed hands. Take a picture of Zhou Yunsheng.

After Guo Xinyi saw Zhou Yunsheng, she immediately ended the interview.

Then the entire documentary ended, which took an hour. Play the highlights and credits of the interview. The most eye-catching thing is that the dubbing column says artificial intelligence parrot.

Thanks to YCWD for the reward.

Healing is a painful process. Can't concentrate on writing. Sorry for the late posting of this chapter. Not in good condition, some water. Lesson learned next time.

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