Tech Translator

Chapter 192 The Shock of Foreigners

After Li Hao saw Guo Jianzhuo leave the office, he also returned to his office.

Just after translating a technology, I feel a little dizzy when I overuse my brain. Li Hao didn't continue to work, he rested for a while.

Unable to take time off, I went to the Internet to look at the reflections of foreign countries after the documentary was broadcast.

Li Hao's European and American news media have the right to speak. He first went to foreign news websites to watch how they reported this incident.

CNN, the mainstream media in the United States, mainly reports on the artificial intelligence field of Qingci Technology.

An entrepreneurial documentary in Huaxia, which fully reveals. In the field of artificial intelligence, Huaxia has made major breakthroughs.

We in the American scientific community have always been arrogant. We think that the technology is advanced, and it will take a long time for others to catch up with our development.

Now it has been slowly surpassed by others, from the field of intelligent translation of documentary reports and the use of company coordination and command. From these points, it can be seen that the application of their artificial intelligence technology is very mature.

Especially intelligent translation software with built-in speech recognition function. Can recognize the words spoken by the owner in a noisy environment.

This ability to accurately find target recognition in a noisy environment, if applied to precision-guided weapons. That is a very scary existence.

Of course, our artificial intelligence technology cannot develop like Huaxia. For example, China's Skynet system, they are all over every corner of the city.

Except for a few areas such as toilets, everyone's behavior is monitored by the Skynet system. Such violations of human rights cannot be tolerated by our great American people.

After CNN disparages China in some fields as usual. The reporter interviewed Thomas, a famous American artificial intelligence professor.

A CNN reporter asked Toms: "What is the difference between our country's artificial intelligence and China's artificial intelligence?"

Thomas cleverly replied: "There is a big gap between my country's artificial intelligence technology and China's artificial intelligence technology, regardless of the external performance.

In fact, the internal gap is not big at all, as shown by their public information. The type of artificial intelligence is big data computing, and their supercomputers are only medium-sized supercomputers.

In particular, the chips they use are products of our chip company Intel. As long as the export of advanced chips is restricted, their artificial intelligence technology is just a castle built in the sand. The foundation is not stable at all and will collapse at any time.

Compared with theirs, our artificial intelligence technology is only slightly different in software. Software is the strength of our country, after all, the language used in programming technology is our mother tongue.

I estimate that it will only take a year or two to catch up with or surpass China's artificial intelligence technology. "

Finally, CNN wrote in the news, calling on the country's advanced products to restrict exports to China.

When Li Hao saw this, he dismissed it. Judging from CNN's report, their goal is mainly to talk about high-grade chips.

But now they have found a replacement chip, the Godson chip. Wait until Parrot's core is upgraded again. Li Hao will transform Parrot's server into a supercomputer powered by Godson. No longer subject to the pliers of foreign hardware.

He turned to the BBC, the mainstream English media.

The BBC has put its main focus on organ manufacturing technology. They had already prepared and found the corneal transplant video and the hematopoietic stem cell transplant video interviewed by CCTV. And translate and expert commentary on it.

The BBC broadcasts the cornea transplant, and inserts expert commentary at the same time.

A well-known expert in the Department of Biology of Oxford University, he explained: "Don't look at the cornea, which is a very small organ, its composition is very complicated. We have also experimented before, artificially creating corneas. Even in the laboratory, if you want to Restoring the structure of the cornea is very difficult.

The most important thing is that the cornea can move according to the eye muscles, and it can be adjusted freely. The cornea we make is like a complex eyeglass, it is rigid and cannot change itself according to the situation.

However, the technology of Qingci Technology has solved this technical difficulty, allowing the cornea to adapt to the muscle condition of the eye, and artificially added many functions, which is better than the natural cornea. "

Then the BBC played a video of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. They have almost no clips. Play the entire video in its entirety.

This is rare when the BBC broadcasts Chinese videos. They can describe the disaster relief video as a public protest by adding text.

The expert continued to introduce: "From this technology, it can be seen that Huaxia Qingci Technology has made a decisive breakthrough in the organ production technology.

Since hematopoietic stem cells and hematopoietic progenitor cells can be artificially produced. The production of other organs only needs to go through continuous experiments, and there are no technical difficulties in technology.

I think we'll be using industrially produced organs in a few years. "

The BBC picture suddenly freezes in the laboratory, and the narrator points out: "You can see, if the research on hematopoietic stem cells is successful, the corresponding blood will also be successful.

There are exactly 34 kinds of vials placed in the laboratory, and there are 34 kinds of human blood types in total. From this detail, it can be clearly seen that Huaxia has been able to industrialize the production of blood and blood products.

As for why Huaxia's documentary was not broadcast, we think it is because of the length of the program, and some scenes that they think are not important have been cut out. "

Finally, the BBC broadcast a prophecy: "Our future life will be that every organ is broken, produced directly from the factory, and replaced on the operating table.

The human brain can live to about 200 years old, and each of our organs is replaced when it is broken. The human life span should be extended to more than 150 years old. "

Li Hao laughed when he saw this: "Modern medicine changes every disease, it has indeed cured many people, but it also has many limitations.

For example, Chinese medicine believes that the human body is a big cycle. Disharmony in one aspect will affect the whole person.

For example, teenagers masturbate and beat their pulse like a 70-year-old man. Even if it is only once a month, after a few years, there will be many symptoms of essence impairment, spleen and kidney deficiency, and all kinds of diseases. "

Li Hao checked some foreign reports, they mainly reported artificial intelligence technology and organ manufacturing technology.

European and American media do not report much on iron graphene technology.

Li Hao estimated that this is due to changes in energy sources. After its large-scale application, it will definitely hurt the interests of European and American financial groups represented by Wall Street giants.

Most of the media in Europe and the United States are controlled by consortiums. The European and American media are free to report things that criticize the government. But when it hurts the interests of the consortium.

They are all silent and will never report. The media that dare to touch this bottom line, the grave grass has been withered for nearly a hundred years.

Li Hao also looked at the opinions of people from European and American countries on their company.

Most of them have no opinions, and they almost listen to whatever the media reports. Everything they say is the same.

Seeing this, Li Hao shook his head and quit the extranet.

Thank you Feifei Feifei for my reward.

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