Tech Translator

Chapter 218 Virtual Reality Imaging Technology

When Li Hao and Bi Ye were discussing the application of wireless charging technology. Bi Ye received a message from the computer company.

They have embedded artificial intelligence programs into the operating system of virtual reality imaging technology. Completed the intelligent development of a simple virtual reality imaging technology operating system.

Bi Ye happily said to Li Hao: "Mr. Li, the intelligent operating system for the virtual reality imaging device I entrusted the computer company to develop has been completed.

I asked the computer company to connect the control system of this system to the parrot, so that the company's artificial intelligence parrot can control how the device presents a virtual scene. "

As soon as Bi Ye finished speaking, the parrot sent an urgent message to Li Hao.

"The company urgently applies for it, and it will take up 30% of my system computing resources for a long time. Is it allowed?"

Li Hao was taken aback when he heard this sentence. You must know that all the work in the company now only takes up 20% of Parrot's computing resources.

The main computing server of Parrot in Fangshan Data Center is a server group dominated by supercomputers.

What kind of project is it that suddenly takes up 30% of Parrot's computing resources.

After Li Hao opened the details, he saw that only one project had applied for this computing resource. Virtual reality imaging technology forms the computing needed for the virtual world.

He did not expect that virtual reality imaging technology would require such a large computing resource. If only they used virtual reality imaging technology to conduct complex scientific research.

He estimated that the current server units in the Fangshan data center simply cannot withstand large-scale computing tasks.

It seems that if this technology is really successful, he will quickly replace the parrot with a new home.

Li Hao asked Bi Ye curiously: "Director Bi, I just received a message from Parrot. Your virtual reality imaging technology takes up 30% of its computing resources.

How does your technology require such a large computing resource to run. "

He was really curious, because it gave Bi Ye technical instructions. The technical realization is to use complex photons to reside in the air, and use the reflection of light to form a light curtain. It does not require such a large computing resource.

In the end, what changes occurred in this technology in the process of adapting to the research and development of earth technology, which made its calculation so complicated.

When Bi Ye heard Li Hao's question, he directly explained: "Our virtual reality imaging technology first adopted the method of photon residence.

It turned out that our current technology can only allow photons to reside for a short time, about eight vibrations of a carbon atom. This can't be imaged at all.

After some exploration, we discovered that we hit different atoms with photons of different intensities. It will produce as long as the vibration frequency of photons is well controlled, the atoms that are hit will produce light.

Discovering this phenomenon, we ended up building devices that can hit atoms like air. Create a virtual scene.

Depending on the frequency of their photons and the type of atoms, different colors of light are produced. We have found the most important three primary colors of shade. "

Bi Ye briefly explained the principle of this technology to Li Hao. He didn't clarify the specific complex weakness phenomenon, which would be too complicated to explain.

Li Hao was surprised when he heard the news. Unexpectedly, the company's virtual reality imaging technology is produced by hitting different atoms with photons.

You should know that different air has different distribution of its atoms. must be calculated in detail. to display the virtual image.

This should be the reason why this technology takes up so much computing resources in Parrot.

"President Li, since Manager Ding has completed the writing of the intelligent operating system for virtual reality imaging equipment, I will show you the effect of the virtual scene.

In the past, the static display screen was completed. I don’t know how the dynamic display effect is. "

While Bi Ye and Li Hao were talking, he asked the laboratory staff to bring the virtual reality imaging equipment.

When Li Hao saw the staff approaching, he fixed his eyes on the equipment in the hands of the staff.

This is a box of about one cubic meter, with many fiberglass antennas arranged on it.

Bi Ye pointed to this device and said: "This is a virtual reality imaging display device made by researchers in our laboratory.

It can turn our room of more than 200 square meters into a virtual reality scene. "

Li Hao looked at the device and asked, "Director Bi, is this device the most powerful device you can produce? How is the miniaturization of the device going?"

Bi Ye waved his hand and said, "Of course this is not a device with the highest power. After asking Ding Yi, I learned about the maximum calculation of artificial intelligence, so I made such a high-power device.

It is important to know that the more complex the virtual reality scene is, the more computational data required increases exponentially. If the computing power can keep up, it is not difficult to make a device that covers the entire Yanjing virtual reality scene.

The smallest device we have now is a one-square-centimeter device that can display a virtual reality scene the size of a normal human palm. "

Hearing what Bi Ye said, Li Hao was very satisfied. He said to Bi Ye: "Let's experiment with virtual reality imaging equipment to see how it can generate dynamic virtual scenes."

Bi Ye saw that the staff had already connected the device to the fiber optic network. He turned on the switch of the virtual reality imaging device, and said to Li Hao at the same time: "I used to just show it statically, and I haven't seen the scene move yet."

Li Hao saw that the virtual reality imaging device was powered on. The door-to-door fiberglass antenna starts to light up. Constantly emitting red, green and blue light.

After waiting for a while, the three lights faded. Fiberglass antennas start to look crystal clear.

He suddenly saw some distortion in the air in front of him. Still flashing colorful light spots.

It seems that after reaching a critical point, the light spots suddenly spread out. Li Hao seemed to be in the primeval forest.

All kinds of equipment in the laboratory are transformed into animals and plants in the virgin forest. He touched the big tree next to him first. But I found that my hands couldn't touch anything at all.

He moved towards the table case recorded in front of him, and found that the original table case he touched had edges and corners. Unlike the tangled and complicated vines in front of me.

Li Hao saw small animals flying in the forest in the distance. There is even a grass-green snake on the big tree, winding around the trunk and climbing towards the bird's nest on the top of the tree.

He asked Bi Ye: "Director Bi, the virtual scene shown by this virtual reality imaging device is really real. I didn't expect you to be able to do this.

Can it turn people into other objects? "

As soon as Li Hao's words fell, maybe the parrot figured out what it meant, and saw that Bi Ye standing next to him had turned into a pine tree. There was no sign of anyone at all. Didn't notice until he was walking around.

While he was observing the forest scene, he saw the pine tree move. The entire screen disappears.

Taking a closer look, it was Bi Ye who turned off the virtual imaging device.

Bi Ye saw the meaning of the inquiry from Li Hao's gaze, and he explained: "Just now, the device sent a warning that too many photons were emitted, and the transmitting antenna will be damaged. You need to replace the transmitting antenna with a new one if you use it again.

This is also one of the weaknesses of this device. It is okay to use a static virtual scene, but a dynamic virtual scene needs to emit a huge amount of photons every minute. The requirements for the transmitting antenna are extremely high. "

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