Tech Translator

Chapter 229 Competition to Display New Products

Wu Yu held three complete iron graphene batteries presented by Qingci Technology.

He also asked the staff of Qingci Technology for a promotional video they gave to reporters.

The reason why Wu Yu did this was to launch mobile phone products containing iron graphene batteries as soon as possible.

In the past, even if there was no technical core. The major mobile phone companies have to launch a new mobile phone every six months. For companies with fast R\u0026D speed, a new model of mobile phone is launched every month.

This is to maintain the enthusiasm of fans, otherwise in the highly competitive smartphone market. Unable to launch new products, it will soon be overwhelmed by new products from other manufacturers. The interests of the company have suffered a great loss.

The reason why he wanted a promotional video was that it was definitely too late to launch a new product. Only promotional videos of new products can be launched.

There are rumors in the market that as long as the ppt is done well, it is not afraid that it will not attract investment. What's more, they really have the technology, but they can only manufacture prototypes later.

Qingci Technology launched wireless charging technology, which disrupted all the layout of their company.

According to the technology provided by Qingci Technology, they analyzed the performance of the iron graphene battery rod.

A new phone has been produced with only minor changes in other parts. The biggest change is to replace the battery and replace it with a new flexible screen.

The company has sent the new phone to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for testing. After obtaining the network access qualification, it will soon find a foundry to produce it.

Unexpectedly, Qingci Technology launched wireless charging technology, and this key technology appeared. They will change accordingly. Fortunately, Qingci Technology did not enter the field of consumer electronics and shared its technology.

This technology is a major technological innovation for smartphones. I want to cooperate with this technology to play a perfect role. Their companies have to rewrite the software code and design the hardware environment. The time required for this is not short.

Wu Yu's face was very ugly. He knew that this change would be a process of reshuffle for the industry.

You must know that major technological breakthroughs have occurred in smartphones. There will always be a few mobile phone manufacturers that can't keep up with the times and go bankrupt or disappear from everyone.

Wu Yu took out his mobile phone and immediately told Chairman Lei Jun what he thought. Let the company prepare faster and strive to occupy a favorable position.

When the phone was connected, he reported the situation. Immediately, he was praised by the chairman, saying that his ideas are very creative.

After Wu Yu received the compliment, he immediately felt motivated. See that the vehicle has arrived at the company.

He immediately handed over the information on the iron graphene battery and wireless charging equipment to the company's engineers.

At the same time, he brought the remaining iron graphene batteries and materials to the chairman's office.

Chairman Lei Jun of Xiaomi Technology read the information Wu Yu got. He said solemnly: "This will be a technology that will change the smartphone industry. We must seize this technology and develop a mobile phone that matches it.

Wireless charging technology can also promote us to build the Xiaomi ecological chain. Our mobile phones must be able to remotely control the power control of each device. "

He then said to Wu Yu: "You first discuss with the engineers and the artist to make a promotional video for the next-generation product. We want to catch people first."

Wu Yu took the order to go back to work, and it only took him an hour. Using the information obtained from Qingci Technology, a complete promotional video will be made.

Then he frowned, if he could send out the promotional video now. It will definitely be questioned by others, saying that they fooled fans before they even made a prototype.

Wu Yu suddenly thought of a good way. He took the finished promotional video and re-shooted it after moving away with his mobile phone.

After that, I couldn't post this video with a virtual account.

That way if anyone else questions their company's product. It can be said that the product is in the project approval stage, and some employees secretly filmed and leaked the company's confidential information.

With the release of this video, it really caused a great sensation on the Internet.

Netizen Big White Bear: "Unexpectedly, just when the media reported on wireless charging technology, Xiaomi will use it in mobile phones. I am very much looking forward to this generation of Xiaomi mobile phones. I will save the money I plan to buy for mobile phones and wait for this mobile phone to be launched."

Netizens can pick the stars: "I really didn't expect Xiaomi to move so fast, I really want to experience how amazing the wireless charging technology is.

I watched the video played by the media. Is it true that a wireless charging device is placed in the company's property, and the devices of the entire company can be charged. You must know that its effective distance is one thousand meters. "

Enterprises that have obtained iron graphene batteries from Qingci Technology have seen Xiaomi doing this. I recognized at a glance that this is a self-directed and self-acted show, and I want to increase the popularity of my company.

Xiaomi's actions inspired them. It is a good way to find out that many mobile phone manufacturers have also started to release their mobile phone promotional videos in the same way as Xiaomi.

Huawei was the first to react. They changed the casing of a previous mobile phone and added wireless charging technology and iron graphene batteries to the promotional video.

After they released it, it also elicited a burst of cheers from fans.

Seeing this situation, the big blue-green factory released a promotional video unwillingly. Although these are two companies, they were incubated by the same company.

Product positioning and marketing methods are very similar. They all looked for big-name stars to play similar promotional slogans.

"Charge for one second and use for more than ten days, super battery life wireless charging."

Many other domestic mobile phone manufacturers, they are somewhat regretful. Why didn't I seize the opportunity and didn't buy iron graphene batteries, so I couldn't become a pig on the wind.

BYD has seen that mobile phone manufacturers have achieved good results in advertising.

They re-added some technical parameters to the new car promotional video they prepared and released it.

Their electric car battery is much more convenient than a smartphone. Even the wiring does not need to be changed, just add a battery control module. You can complete the modification of the whole car.

BYD immediately released a promotional video, trying to give the public the impression that BYD was the first to use iron graphene batteries in electric vehicles.

It is mentioned in the promotional video that the stored electricity of BYD electric vehicles can travel 1,000 kilometers. The entire battery can be fully charged in five minutes.

Support wireless charging technology, you can charge while driving.

They try to exaggerate the capabilities of their products, and of course they will not say that these technical standards are common to iron graphene batteries.

Seeing that BYD launched new electric vehicle products, Geely is not to be outdone by launching their new electric vehicles.

The reason why Geely is one step slower than others is that other companies are all conceptual products. Instead, they launched a prototype car using iron graphene batteries.

While this vehicle is just a battery change, nothing else has changed.

But it also caused a lot of buzz, claiming to prove how many kilometers a conventional-sized battery can support an electric car.

Geely conducts car test activities and goes directly to the expressway to personally verify and demonstrate the capabilities of their products.

Through the new product displays of major companies, this topic has been thoroughly heated up. aroused public interest.

They are all discussing the impact that wireless charging technology and iron graphene batteries will have on their lives.

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