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Chapter 231 Bionic Student Aids Breakthrough

While waiting, Director Du Xianyu introduced the basic process of artificial organ production to them.

He pointed to the Zigong instrument and said: "This is an instrument designed by the wisdom of many scientific researchers in our biological laboratory. There are also many small animals that help.

It can completely simulate the process of the mammalian uterus conceiving life.

Various nutrients, temperature, hormone levels, and nutrients and metabolic wastes required for cellular respiration are required for the entire life breeding process.

Our instrument can simulate it exactly. The biological breeding process is very complicated, but we overcome the difficulties one by one. "

Chen Siyu looked at the device and asked Director Du Xianyu: "Director Du, since this purple palace instrument of yours can simulate the life-giving process of a biological womb, isn't it an artificial womb that can give birth to real life?"

After Du Xianyu heard this question, he was thinking about how to answer it.

Standing next to Lin Wen, he was holding a biomagnetic field detection instrument, ready to inspect the produced organs.

Since he accidentally helped the company catch a spy, he has been promoted and paid, and he has also been able to get an easy job with his skills.

After hearing Chen Siyu's question, he thought that they were also discussing this issue in private. Blunted: "Of course, you must know that Director Du is a researcher..."

"Do your own work well and don't get distracted." Du Xianyu reprimanded Lin Wen softly.

He said with a smile: "Although our Zigong instrument simulates the uterine environment of mammals, it can theoretically use embryonic cells to cultivate normal organisms.

But there are still many potential technical problems that have not been resolved. The risk of this project is also great. It is not suitable to conduct research now. "

"I just took the liberty to ask. Thank you Director Du for your answer, which satisfies my curiosity." Chen Siyu said politely.

All I saw was the green light on the Zigong instrument lighting up, and at the same time there was a humming sound.

Du Xianyu noticed this situation, and he immediately ordered: "Every part is ready, the artificial organ will be successfully cultivated immediately, and it will leave the instrument soon. We must do a good job in organ preservation."

All I saw were the experimenters standing on the side nervously staring at the exit of the Zigong instrument.

Several experimenters, holding special equipment like a spray gun, pointed at the place where the artificial organ came out, with very focused expressions.

All I saw was that the exit of the Zigong instrument opened, and a dark red heart was sent out from the exit.

Lin Wen immediately activated the biomagnetic field detector, staring at the data on the instrument, he quickly said: "The heart activity is 101%, which meets the requirements, please save it immediately."

The researchers who saw the spray gun immediately turned on the spray gun, and then a burst of white mist spread rapidly.

Li Hao felt that the air in the room seemed to have dropped two degrees Celsius, and the back of his hands felt cold.

When he saw the fog dissipate, he saw only a layer of ice on the surface of the artificial heart in the tray. It looks very crystal clear.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Yunsheng said suspiciously: "If you freeze the artificial heart directly, it won't freeze it to death."

"Mr. Zhou, of course not. What we want is a fully active artificial organ. We set the organ activity of a healthy adult as 100%. We will only keep artificial organs that are greater than or equal to 100% organ activity.

This is the refrigerant fluid we have painstakingly developed, which can make the water in the cells present a special structure of ice crystals.

This kind of ice crystal can protect the biological activity of the cell without destroying the structure inside the cell. After returning to normal temperature, it can resume its activity before it was frozen.

This can facilitate the transportation of artificial organs, and at the same time greatly enhance the preservation time of artificial organs. "

"I've heard about this technology. It's very similar to the current sperm bank preservation method or the storage of human egg cells. I remember news reports that many celebrities do this." After Zhou Yunsheng heard Director Du's explanation, she suddenly thought Get up and say.

When Li Hao saw this technology, he thought of many things. The most important thing is to have this storage method to facilitate the transportation of artificial organs.

He asked Director Du Xianyu: "Director Du, the method we thought of before was to equip basic-level hospitals with instruments, like PCR instruments, so that they can produce artificial organs.

How did you come up with this method? With this technology, we can directly supply it to major hospitals. "

When Du Xianyu heard Li Hao's question, he immediately replied: "Originally we wanted to equip the hospital with equipment and let them produce organs.

After the biomagnetic field detector can be manufactured, we collect the biomagnetic field data of various organs of the human body.

Through testing, it is found that if a layman produces artificial organs through instruments. The activity of cells is difficult to reach 100%, and the best is around 90%.

This is equivalent to installing a 50-year-old organ, although it can also solve the problem of organ damage. However, it will have a certain impact on the patient's postoperative recovery and future life.

After careful argumentation, we also discovered a kind of frog living in the Arctic. When it hibernates, a special ice crystal protection cell will form in its body.

This is how the frog survives the cold of the polar night in this way.

Our organ preservation technology simulates the frog's self-protection through bionics. To achieve the purpose of protecting the newly produced organs. "

While they were talking, the second organ was also teleported from the purple palace apparatus.

After Lin Wen tested it with a biomagnetic field detection instrument, he said, "The biological activity is 95%, which is unqualified."

Only to see this unqualified organ immediately discarded on the conveyor belt.

Du Xianyu pointed to the conveyor belt and said: "The unqualified organs will be sent to the acid pool for complete destruction. This is to prevent the unqualified organs from leaking out."

He watched Zigong produce two eyeballs and it would take a while. Just continue to tell them some interesting things in the scientific research process.

Du Xianyu said happily: "At the beginning, this project was only progressing at a steady speed, but since the research department of the company's headquarters has developed a virtual reality imaging device, we have also conducted rapid research through scientific research assistance functions.

Through our accumulated biological data, research assistance functions plus bionics. The close combination of these two technologies has thoroughly promoted the progress of our project.

For example, this Zigong Zigong Instrument, the environment of cell culture at the beginning, could not solve some outstanding problems no matter what.

It occurred to me that Li Deren found a biomagnetic field detection method by observing pigs. The scientists of our project analyzed the details of the pig uterus by observing the pregnancy process of pigs and collecting data at the same time with scientific research assistance functions.

The Zigong instrument simulates the state of the pig's uterus, plus fine-tuning. Finally overcome the technical difficulties and completely develop the Zigong instrument. We have broken through the most significant difficulty in organ manufacturing. "

Li Hao looked at Director Du Xianyu's relaxed expression, but he knew that the research and development process of this project must be very difficult.

Unexpectedly, they found another way to promote the progress of science and technology through bionics and solve many major technical problems.

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