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Chapter 234 Parents Come to Beijing

After Li Hao arranged the tasks, they left the biology laboratory.

Chen Siyu left by car, and she went back to the hospital to prepare for eyeball transplantation, striving to perfect the eyeball transplantation, and preparing for Zhou Yuanyuan's transplant operation.

Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng went back to the company by car.

On the way, after Zhou Yunsheng checked the cloud intelligence platform with her mobile phone, she smiled and said, "Haozi, I have two good news for you now."

Li Hao looked at her and said, "Don't be a secret, just tell me if you have anything to say."

"I'm not kidding, it's just that I speak slowly." Zhou Yunsheng twisted the fat around Li Hao's waist with his hands, and continued: "I delegate the task of negotiating with other companies to Su Xiaowan. She It has done a good job, perfectly protected the interests of our company, and has reached an agreement with other companies.

The second thing is that I quickly applied through the website of the Food and Drug Administration, and it has been verified that our company's artificial organ project complies with the rules for using the green channel.

I have sent the sample to the Food and Drug Administration from the pharmaceutical and biological laboratory, and I estimate that the Food and Drug Administration will complete the review soon. We can accept applications from volunteers and carry out clinical trials. "

"I said that you have to delegate power, just hold the main power, and you don't have to do everything yourself. Now the results achieved by employees are also very good."

Li Hao learned that Su Xiaowan did a very good job, and he was very happy. In this way, he can strike while the iron is hot and continue to persuade Zhou Yunsheng.

Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile: "I know now that managing a company does not require a little familiarity. Gradually combine the content learned in textbooks with practice."

Li Hao thought that the artificial organ was mature, so he discussed with Zhou Yunsheng: "Yun Sheng, Director Du Xianyu and the others have developed an artificial organ. I think my father should be brought to Yanjing.

The medical level here is higher, and there are experts in biological laboratories to help him regulate his body. Let him use a better physical condition to prepare for an artificial heart transplant. "

"You used to let uncles and aunts come over, but they didn't want to come because of their work. Now that artificial organ technology has made a breakthrough, they should come over.

Do you pick up your uncles and aunts in person, or use them to come over by themselves. "Zhou Yunsheng asked Li Hao.

Li Hao thought for a while, and said: "I see that the production of artificial organs still mainly depends on the technology and feeling of scientific researchers. It happens that we are developing data simulation software based on virtual reality.

I need to host the program and don't have time to pick up my parents.

The completion of this project will allow the yield rate and various details of the artificial organ to be well controlled. Greatly enhance the success rate of transplant surgery.

Besides, my parents are not very far from Yanjing. My dad has a heart condition and is not fit to fly. They arrived in a few hours by high-speed train. "

After Zhou Yunsheng heard it, she made a suggestion: "Haozi, do we need to send a doctor to pick up my uncle and aunt? Don't cause a heart attack accident due to the long journey."

"I'll call my dad soon. He is an authoritative expert in the field of heart disease. He can better understand his physical condition and ask his opinion." Li Hao replied after thinking for a while.

His father was a very opinionated person and an authoritative expert in the field of cardiology. Help him make a decision without asking his father's opinion. The old man will have a lot of opinions.

The vehicle came to the company quickly. Zhou Yunsheng returned to the office to deal with the company's problems. Li Hao came to his office and dialed his father's phone number.

After seeing the call connected, Li Hao asked with concern: "Dad, how is your health recently?"

Li Hongliang said calmly: "The body is still the same, it hasn't suddenly deteriorated, but it can't get better. What do you want from me?"

Li Hao said directly to his father: "Dad, you should be familiar with our company's organ manufacturing project that I have been talking to you about."

"I also often read the news. Your cornea and hematopoietic stem cells are doing very well. They have solved a lot of problems. They have conquered many diseases that modern medicine cannot solve.

When my colleagues and friends heard that this technology was developed by my son's company, they all sent me sincere blessings. "

"Dad, our company has now successfully developed an artificial heart, which can solve your heart problems. I hope you come to Yanjing for a detailed examination and prepare for the heart transplant."

Li Hao spoke slowly, fearing that his father would suddenly be stimulated. affect his heart condition.

When Li Hongliang heard the news, his face immediately flushed. As a doctor, he knew that this situation was dangerous. Immediately took a few deep breaths and took Suxiao Jiuxin Pill at the same time.

Li Hao noticed that his father hadn't spoken for a long time, and asked loudly and eagerly: "Dad, how are you doing now? Why don't you talk anymore. I'll start the video call right away."

Li Hongliang's voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone: "I have nothing to do. I really didn't expect your company to have such strong research and development capabilities. I didn't even foresee that the artificial heart would be successfully developed so soon.

After I prepared for a while, I took care of all the finishing work and went to Yanjing. "

Hearing his father's voice, Li Hao immediately felt relieved, and asked his father, "Do you need our company to send a doctor to pick you up? I'm afraid something might happen to you on the way."

Li Hongliang politely refused: "There is no need for this. I know my current physical condition. Besides, the operation of my country's high-speed rail is also very stable, and there will be no problems.

Besides, I want your mother to prepare first aid medicine and bring the prepared first aid equipment at the same time. Even if something goes wrong during this excursion, emergency assistance is also available. "

Li Hao saw his father say this, and knew his father's usual behavior. This was by no means a polite word, so he felt relieved.

He said to his father: "I have already bought high-speed rail tickets for you this afternoon. You can board the train with your ID card, and you will be able to come to Yanjing this afternoon."

While he was talking just now, he used the computer to buy two high-speed rail tickets. She was just afraid that her parents would continue to procrastinate because they didn't handle trivial matters well.

"You, since the tickets are all bought, we will go there in the afternoon." Li Hongliang shook his head, knowing that the child cared about him, he directly agreed.

Seeing that his parents had agreed, Li Hao went to the computer company, with Ding Yi and the computer company's programmers.

Using virtual reality imaging equipment and Parrot's artificial intelligence technology. Jointly build a virtual reality data simulation software.

This software computer company has been designing since the development of virtual reality imaging devices.

Today is the final development stage. With Li Hao joining, it can be completed sooner. Just use the biological laboratory to test the performance of this software.

This software can improve the yield rate of artificial organs in biological laboratories.

It can simulate biological experiment is the function of all equipment. The debugging of each biological reagent component can reach the atomic level, and the quantity is controlled very precisely.

This is a standard that human beings can't even reach with machines and equipment. It can instantly find the best data among thousands of trillions of data sets.

After Li Hao finished the software, he saw that the time was almost up. The high-speed train that my parents took will arrive at Yanjing Railway Station soon.

He went to the train station with Zhou Yunsheng to meet his parents.

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