Tech Translator

Chapter 239 This is Absolutely a Miracle

CCTV continued to broadcast live the first artificial organ transplant operation.

Tang Ming said to the camera: "This is Jiang Yulan, the first patient in the world to receive an artificial organ transplant. She suffers from uremia, and her complications are already serious.

She must undergo an organ transplant to be saved, and today she will undergo a double kidney transplant. "

After Tang Ming finished speaking, Dr. Wang, the chief surgeon, immediately took the special insulated box from the nurse.

He followed the method introduced in the operation process and used the software installed on his mobile phone to scan the QR code on the top of the insulation box.

I only saw the red light flashing immediately in the insulation box. According to the introduction, this is to heat and unseal the frozen artificial organs.

This must be done by the insulation box according to a special process to better stimulate the cell activity of the employee's organ and prevent the cells inside the artificial organ from being damaged.

Only five minutes later, the screen on the insulation box displayed a line of words.

"The thawing of the artificial organ has been completed, and the kidneys supplied to Jiang Yulan are undergoing biomagnetic field testing."

After waiting for a while, the green light of the insulation box turned on, and a line of words was displayed on the screen.

"The biomagnetic field test has passed, and the activity of the organ meets the requirements. The incubator will be opened soon. Please complete the transplant within ten hours."

The chief surgeon, Dr. Wang, carefully took out the artificial organ from the opened incubator. Immediately they began organ transplant operations.

The whole process was broadcast live by CCTV. It caused great shock all over the world.

Chinese netizen Nan Tian Bei Xian: "I have been watching the live broadcast, and when I first came out, my organs were frozen, and I was thinking about how to freeze the cells of the organs to death at such a low temperature.

It means not to freeze the organs to death, but to freeze the organs. Relying on the doctor's experience, if the integrity of the organ cannot be detected.

Then there will be a medical accident, and the patient will never survive. I didn't expect that the technology is so advanced now. The function of this insulation box is not only to keep warm, but also to thaw the organs and check the integrity of the organs. "

English netizen Alexander: "God, this is really incredible. This must be a masterpiece of God.

After this technology matures, it will greatly enhance the average life span of our human beings just like the successful development of antibiotics. "

American netizen Jack: "I didn't expect to see this kind of technology in my lifetime. It is because of a strong understanding of cells that artificial organs can be developed.

When the professors and classmates at our school heard this news, they all agreed that it was another fake news for grandstanding.

After being confirmed and rebroadcasted by many authoritative media around the world, we all have to believe in the authenticity of this news. "

Outside the operating room of Huaxia Yanjing Renhe Hospital, Wang Hai was anxiously waiting for the result of the operation.

Many people surrounded the operating room, not only the experts from the hospital, but also the family members of the patients who came here admiringly.

There is also a large group of media reporters staring at the door of the operating room. This is the world's first artificial organ transplant. The news value it brings makes these reporters flock to it.

In the blink of an eye, six hours had passed. Suddenly, the light on the door of the operating room went out.

Then Dr. Wang, the chief surgeon, opened the door and came out. He saw the situation outside the door and understood the intentions of many media.

He took off his mask, smiled and said to everyone: "The operation went smoothly, and the double kidney transplant has been completed. Now the patient's vital signs are stable, and no rejection has been found for the time being."

As soon as his words fell, applause like a tidal wave immediately sounded.

When Wang Hai, who was standing aside, heard the news, he burst into tears immediately.

With the spread of the Internet, the news began to sweep the world.

CCTV urgently broadcast the news: "The first case of artificial organ transplantation was successful in Yanjing Renhe Hospital."

People's Daily: "Fast news, the artificial organ transplant operation was a great success, today is a day that will be remembered by history."

BBC: "I was shocked to hear that the artificial organ transplant operation has been successful. According to experts' answers, human beings will fully enter the age of centenarians."

Asahi Shimbun: "Huaxia Biotechnology will surpass our country in an all-round way. Their young scientific research team has developed artificial organs, which is enviable. However, our scientific research team is all monopolized by old men from the last century, and has long lost vitality."

CNN: "Huaxia's artificial organs have made a breakthrough, and many universities in our country jointly sent a letter to the parliament. Cancel the relevant clauses prohibiting human cloning, and fully catch up with Huaxia's technology."

American netizen Peter: "We will witness the birth of a new era, and we did not expect the first artificial organ transplant to be a great success.

My liver is not doing well, I really want to use these techniques soon. I don't know how long we will be able to use these technologies in the United States. "

French netizen William: "I hope that China will not ban the export of this technology. My attending doctor recommended my artificial heart made of iron.

After transplanting a heart made of this metal, it is impossible to live for a few years. Fortunately, while I was waiting for a transplant, I saw an artificial heart cloned from my own cells.

I'm looking forward to this technology saving my health, but I can't last long. Please the Chinese government allow the export of this technology for the sake of humanitarianism. "

Huaxia netizen Bei Zhi wants to fight: "I didn't expect it to be successful. This is not a scammer's project. I really regret that I didn't apply at the first time. Looking at the current situation, I have to wait in line for a long time.

Before hematopoietic stem cells came out, we knew the research and development strength of Qingci Technology. Your health is fine, just wait.

I watched live broadcasts by several media outlets, and found that the production of artificial organs produced by Qingci Technology is too low. It should be increased several times to meet the needs of everyone. "

Many media followed the path of artificial organs and came to major hospitals for interviews.

In addition, the Internet is very developed now, and everyone is self-media.

There are continuous reports of success in critically ill patients undergoing artificial organ transplantation.

With the spread of this news on the Internet, they are constantly increasing people's confidence in artificial organs.

In the blink of an eye, a day passed, and the next morning, after Qingci Science and Technology finished counting the results, it solemnly released it.

"The announcement about the clinical trial of artificial organs yesterday.

We produced a total of 26,124 sets of artificial intelligence yesterday, delivered 25,423 sets to the destination on time, and completed 18,427 surgeries yesterday.

Of the 18,422 cases of successful artificial organ transplantation, five cases were unsuccessful.

After our detailed understanding, these five unsuccessful patients were critically ill patients who died before the operation was completed.

We solemnly announce that after successful artificial organ surgery, the survival rate of patients within two hours is 100%. "

This extremely shocking news spread quickly through the Internet.

Jiang Qingyue, a well-known Chinese medical professor and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said in shock: "This is absolutely a miracle, even the organs provided by the human body do not have such a good success rate.

Rejection is the biggest obstacle to organ transplantation, and artificial organs do not have rejection. If the postoperative recovery of the patient is very good, it is definitely worthy of vigorous promotion by the country. "

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