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Chapter 242 Sharp Questions

After seeing Zhou Yunsheng finished speaking, Wei Tao stood up and said to the reporters: "Everyone is looking forward to the next session. That's right, it's the reporter's questioning session.

Our company's artificial intelligence parrot will choose which reporter to ask a question. This is a random selection, everyone has a chance. "

After Wei Tao finished speaking, he clicked on the box next to it, which was one meter high, 0.5 meters long and 0.5 meters wide.

This is a virtual reality imaging device newly developed by Qingci Technology.

I only saw that after the device was started, a small parrot with a red beak and green hair that looked like a meat ball emerged.

It showed bright eyes, and behind it was a supercomputer with hundreds of millions of calculations per second. Determine its intelligence and actions.

Soon it flew over the head of a red-haired foreign reporter.

Cruise has been staring at the little parrot, he knows that the artificial intelligence technology of Qingci Technology is very advanced. I didn't expect the augmented reality device to be so powerful.

Seeing that the foreign reporter was in a daze, Wei Tao reminded him, "This lucky foreign reporter asks questions."

Cruise reacted immediately, he picked up the microphone and said, "I'm BBC reporter Cruise, I have a question for President Zhou Yunsheng.

What is your company's artificial organs and foreign cooperation methods? What is the difference between the price in foreign countries and the price in this country, whether to designate hospitals to cooperate, and whether to accept commercial insurance. Thanks. "

Crews felt the question he raised was important because care is free in English public hospitals.

But the phenomenon caused by this free medical care is terrible. It takes two months to see a doctor after a cold queues.

Many people survived on their own, and those who didn't survive developed pneumonia or encountered flu. That would only be one more person in the mortuary.

Every year, countless poor people are directly dragged to death by hospitals. The medical system has become a persistent disease in their country, but there is no way to solve it.

The upper middle class and the working class with stable jobs all rely on commercial insurance to go to expensive private hospitals. Only in this way can their health be guaranteed.

After hearing Cruise's question, Zhou Yunsheng replied with a smile: "Our company's artificial organs are calculated according to the export price, and the export price is 100,000 yuan per group.

The currency that can be settled with Huayuan is calculated according to the exchange rate of the day. After arriving at the post, the buyer needs to bear the taxes and fees of the product, and our company provides free shipping.

Our company's artificial organs are completely open for sale, as long as they obtain the health and drug license of the country where they are located. will be listed immediately.

Regarding insurance, it depends on whether commercial insurance companies accept our products. We will only insure the freight on the product, other insurances are not responsible. These are all left to the market to operate. "

After Zhou Yunsheng answered the questions, Parrot chose a reporter again. This is a Chinese female reporter.

The female reporter immediately picked up the microphone and asked: "Hi, I'm Li Ya, a reporter from the Global Times, and I'm asking Manager Wang Tong. Why are artificial organs sold in groups instead of individually.

Transplanting a single kidney in this way costs significantly more than transplanting a double kidney. "

Hearing his question, Wang Tong replied with a smile: "Your idea is a bit wrong, and your understanding is a bit biased. You mean that multiple organs are worth 100,000 yuan. On average, each organ should reduce the unit price.

The real situation is that the cost of producing an artificial organ is 100,000 yuan. Our Zigong Instrument produces one organ or multiple organs, and its increased cost is negligible.

Therefore, we do not increase the price of multiple organs, and only calculate the price uniformly based on the organs produced by one cell.

I don't think anyone wants to produce a few more of his own organs. You must know that the preservation period of our organs is only one month.

Doing so wastes our company resources and will also be blacklisted. "

After Wang Tong finished answering the question, the parrot continued to choose the reporter who asked the question.

He was only seen flying over the head of a beautiful blonde reporter.

The female reporter immediately asked: "I am Yiwen Jielin, a reporter from Der Spiegel. May I ask Qian Minghua, if a person of the third gender wants to transplant reproductive organs of his inner gender, can they be produced through artificial organ technology?" .”

Qian Minghua picked up the microphone and said solemnly: "In my eyes, human beings have only two genders, male or female. There are only two genders recorded in our genes.

We cannot manufacture organs that are not genetically recorded. "

The female reporter still wanted to ask questions, and the parrot went away from the top of his head. It flew over the head of an American male reporter.

"Hello, Mr. Li Hao, I am Charles, a reporter from CNN. According to the information I have collected, your company's artificial organs are produced from pig wombs.

May I ask why you didn't mark it, this is a great blasphemy to some people. "

Li Hao replied with a calm face, not feeling annoyed at all by this reporter who sowed discord.

Rumors are like this, the sooner they are refuted and the more authoritative they are released, the rumors will be completely crushed.

"This American reporter, I don't know where you heard it. You can see from the live broadcast that our company's artificial organs are all produced by machines.

Of course there is this news, I think it has something to do with it. That is the core production equipment of our artificial organs. In terms of structure, Zigong Instrument uses the principle of bionics.

The function of the production organ of this instrument is mainly constructed by simulating the working principle of the pig's uterus.

If the problems of biomimicry affect certain groups, they can avoid the use of artificial organs at all.

Article 5 of our artificial organ voluntary application regulations clearly introduces that it uses the principle of bionics. Altogether the body structure of human and five kinds of animals was borrowed.

The five animals are domestic pigs, mice, rabbits, monkeys, and cattle.

If you feel uncomfortable using an artificial organ, please do not apply. "

After hearing Li Hao finish speaking, Charles' face flushed. This is a shame on a global scale. Start asking questions without doing due diligence.

The parrot continued to look for the reporter who asked the question, and soon found his target.

"Hello, I'm Russia Today's reporter Orisovich, and I want to ask a question to scientist Du Xianyu.

I checked your artificial organ application form, and you cannot apply for organs of the reproductive system. I would like to ask if your company can produce artificial organs that belong to the reproductive system. "

Du Xianyu responded with a smile: "This is not a problem at all in theory, but in practice it may have some impact on future generations.

If there are people who cannot restore fertility by any means, you can contact our company. After signing a specific agreement, the corresponding organs are customized according to the individual's physical condition. "

Wei Tao glanced at the time, and he said to the reporters: "The press conference will end soon, please parrot choose the last reporter."

The parrot hovered over the reporter and soon stopped on top of CCTV reporter Tang Ming.

Tang Ming picked up the microphone and asked politely: "I am Tang Ming, a reporter from CCTV. I would like to ask Mr. Du Xianyu whether the artificial organs you produce can conceive life. Don't get me wrong, what I'm talking about is animals like giant pandas and Siberian tigers. Protect animals like that."

Du Xianyu said with a smile: "I know what you mean, and some people present also understand that I used to conduct research on the human cloning project.

Now cloning human beings is not allowed by law, so we restrict cells to express a complete embryo. Besides, the gestation of embryos is very complicated, and we will not use humans for experiments.

Human cloning is theoretically possible, but in reality there is still a long way to go.

If necessary, we can help grow germ cells. Then find relevant units to do test-tube babies.

As for the cultivation of embryos to protect animals, we can fully achieve this together. But the success rate is somewhat low. "

After seeing Du Xianyu answering the questions, Wei Tao said to the reporters: "Our press conference on artificial organs from Qingqing Ceramic Technology has now officially ended."

After many media reporters heard about it, some reluctantly left the stage. Some are still guarding the door, preparing to interview them.

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