Tech Translator

Chapter 247 Near Space Communication Station

Li Hao stood in the courtyard of the smart factory, watching them make another large transparent balloon made of plastic.

Today is June 22, the weather is very sunny. He didn't expect that it was only three days, and Guo Jianguo and Yuan Dingfang led the scientific researchers and engineers to cooperate together.

A prototype of what he calls a brief near-space laser communicator has been built. Now officially ready to start the first experiment.

Zhou Yunsheng, who accompanied Li Hao, looked at the big balloon and asked puzzledly: "Why do you send the communication equipment to the adjacent space at an altitude of 80 kilometers. I think the big balloon can be at an altitude of more than ten kilometers away."

"Of course we have our own reasons for designing this height. This is the best height after many calculations.

The space of about 20,000 meters is the altitude where civil aviation aircraft mainly fly. There are also aircrafts flying frequently in the space below 20,000 meters. Especially low-altitude drones are popular.

The main purpose of the laser communicator is to carry out secure communication. All functions are designed to serve better communication.

If it is deployed at low altitude, it will be blocked by various interferences in the low altitude to block the transmitted signal.

Arranged in the lower-level space, it will also be disturbed by factors such as atmospheric airflow.

This will cause the instrument to stop, and it is very difficult to repair the machine at high altitude. "

"Our company's communication is really serious. I don't think even a big state-owned enterprise or the military has engaged in this kind of communication." Zhou Yunsheng looked at the big balloon and said suspiciously.

Standing aside, Gundam heard Zhou Yunsheng's question, and he explained: "Mr. Zhou, our company's foundation is still insufficient, and we can't compare with those big companies.

For data transmission, we use public networks. And those large state-owned enterprises, such as Aerospace Science and Technology Group and North Industries Group.

Communications between them are all connected by dedicated lines. The information will never be easily stolen by outsiders.

Let alone military communications, such communications are guaranteed in various ways. Even quantum communication is being experimented with now. "

"I just want to understand the basic situation." Zhou Yunsheng turned to Li Hao and asked, "Laser communication is greatly affected by the weather environment. How can we communicate if we encounter extreme weather?"

Li Hao said confidently: "Our laser communicator has a special reactive film blocked in front of the conventional laser transmitter.

It can change the properties of the emitted laser light, especially its strong penetrability and little signal attenuation. General rainy weather will not affect its communication function.

That is, extreme weather occurs, such as typhoon and other weather. Normal communications will also be affected. But it was only slightly affected. Besides, we have a weather instrument. If we encounter special weather, the weather instrument will also play its due role. "

After they finished speaking, it looked like a big balloon being installed by engineers in front of them. This is an approximate spherical shape with a diameter of about ten meters.

It is slightly larger in the upper part and gradually narrows in the lower part. The volume is about 550 cubic meters.

The entire sphere is composed of 88 petals of supermaterial organic plastic, which is only 30 microns thick, but it can withstand 1550 Pa atmospheric pressure.

Different from ordinary materials, metamaterials are a material discipline that has grown stronger in recent years.

It is the known structure of materials in nature. Arranged according to certain rules by scientists. Through hundreds of millions of attempts, recombine into different materials.

This material does not exist at all in nature, but it develops very special abilities.

Like the organic plastic that's assembling this giant balloon. It is very thin and light, with an overall weight of only 67 kg.

After Guo Jianzhuo assembled the balloon, he immediately ordered the scientific research personnel to conduct a pressurization test.

As the pump continues to inflate the balloon. It started puffing up.

There are scientific researchers on the side who are constantly recording data.

"The air pressure is 50 Pa, and the material is normal."

"The air pressure is 250 Pa, and the material is normal."

The researchers continued to experiment and soon reached the critical value of 1550 Pa for material design.

"The air pressure is 1558 Pa, and the material is normal."

After Guo Jianzhuo heard it, he ordered: "Stop the pressurization now, and observe the operation of the equipment at all times."

Guo Jianzhuo walked up to Li Hao and said, "This kind of critical space vehicle seems to be basically successful now. It has now perfectly met the design requirements.

After Yuan Dingfang, the manager, prepared to play with the pod, we started to fly the near-space vehicle. "

After Guo Jianzhuo finished speaking, he asked Zhou Yunsheng: "Mr. Zhou, have you greeted the relevant departments? There are extremely busy international civil aviation routes around Yanjing.

If we fly near-space vehicles, it will be bad if it affects the flight of the aircraft. "

"I have already communicated with the relevant departments. Your near-space vehicle, as long as you take off at the specified time according to the scheduled requirements. There is absolutely no problem." Zhou Yunsheng replied to his question.

Yuan Dingfang also came over and said to them: "The equipment has been prepared. It has eight sets of laser transmitters and eight sets of laser receivers."

Li Hao saw that they were all ready, and this time happened to be the given window time.

"Let's take off now and see if the near-space communication station we designed can function normally."

After Yuan Dingfang heard Li Hao's order, he began to ask the engineer to start the near-space vehicle.

Just see the machines inside the craft that control its air pressure. Seemingly slow, but extremely swiftly began to fly into the sky.

There is a rotating propeller under the balloon, which is mainly responsible for controlling its direction. At the bottom is a hanger, which is the laser communicator.

Watching the approaching space craft, getting smaller and disappearing from their eyes. They all enter the control center inside the smart factory.

The control center installed here is mainly to serve the future scientific research building. Their internal communication is done using fiber optic network.

The local area network built by themselves, relying on their company's security measures, does not worry about communication leaks.

Li Hao could clearly see from the screen of the control center that the near-space vehicle was slowly flying upwards.

They waited for a long time, and the near-space vehicle soon arrived at an altitude of 80 kilometers and hovered there steadily.

After the engineer sees the approaching space vehicle level off. He immediately transmits a set of data, which is relayed through the adjacent space communication station.

Soon this set of data was transmitted to Qingci Technology Headquarters located in the center of Yanjing.

After several back and forth communications, it proved that the laser communicator was sending a stable signal.

After Li Hao saw this situation, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "We have succeeded. In the future, our company's communications within Yanjing will be relayed by nearby space communication stations to prevent secrets from being stolen.

After the implementation of our satellite plan, we can form our own satellite communication network. "

After everyone heard the news of success, they all applauded enthusiastically. Everyone present knows how much benefit the secrecy of correspondence can bring.

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