Tech Translator

Chapter 252

Li Hao looked at the performance of the company's employees, and he was very satisfied.

This matter was discussed with Zhou Yunsheng after he heard that Han Xuan was pregnant that day. They talked about the fact that most people are now dual-employees.

Preschool children are difficult to educate and love group activities. The employees handed over their children to their parents, and worried about the generation gap in the education concepts of the two generations.

Send it to the kindergarten, and don't know the management level of the kindergarten. If you encounter a beast teacher, it will have a lifetime impact on the child.

Li Hao proposed this welfare package to better win over the company's employees. Zhou Yunsheng contacted the kindergarten a few days ago. Just took this opportunity to announce it.

After the employees celebrated, Sun Kai took them away gradually. Go back to your company to reward and commend the meritorious personnel.

Li Hao walked up to Zhou Yunsheng and said to her: "Yunsheng, you have been tired these few days. I have not been here for a few days. You take full responsibility for the company and manage the company in an orderly manner."

Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile: "It's nothing! It's also my responsibility. I'm relieved when you come back. I really don't understand those things about scientific research."

What did she suddenly think of? His eyes lit up and he said: "Director Guo Jianzhuo reported yesterday afternoon that their laboratory produced a metamaterial or some kind of alloy. I didn't understand it. But what he meant was that this material has very special properties and seems to have important uses.

I can see his joy overflowing across the Internet. "

Li Hao chatted with Zhou Yunsheng about the company for a while. He saw Zhou Yunsheng walk to the office and continue to deal with the company's administrative affairs.

He turned around and walked downstairs to see what material Director Guo Jianzhuo had developed. Can make him so happy.

Li Hao walked to Guo Jianzhuo's laboratory and saw that there were much fewer researchers than when he came last time. There are only a few experimenters sorting out items.

He quickly found Director Guo Jianzhuo in the materials laboratory. He is using a laser to hit a very thin one through a glass cover, which is two metal sheets stacked together.

The one on the left is purple-red, and the one on the right is blue-gray. The laser-ablated area in the middle is orange.

After Guo Jianzhuo saw Li Hao coming in, he walked over and said pleasantly: "Mr. Li, the idea you proposed really succeeded.

Unexpectedly, in the special solution, certain conditions were added. Metal ions can also undergo polymerization reactions.

They can also generate stable compounds, which will open up a new field of chemistry. The contribution to basic science and materials science is simply too great. "

Li Hao heard that Guo Jianzhuo had basically copied the technology of alien civilization. He said happily: "I just thought about it, but I didn't expect this wild idea to really succeed.

Director Guo, if you discover this phenomenon, you will definitely become famous in the history of chemistry. After you understand their patterns, you can publish the brief paper. "

Guo Jianzhuo said modestly: "This is the honor that Mr. Li and I have accomplished together. The author of the paper must also add Mr. Li."

Li Hao waved his hand and said, "I don't need to take this honor with me, it's the result of your lab's hard work.

I still want to see what kind of efficient performance the materials developed by this technology have. "

Li Hao saw that there were very few researchers in this laboratory, so he asked Guo Jianzhuo, "Why are there fewer researchers in our company?"

Guo Jianzhuo and Li Hao said: "It's not that the scientific research building is designing a decoration plan. The designer should design according to our needs. Most people go to observe the structure of the scientific research building.

And integrate the needs of your own project team to design a laboratory that meets your own project team. It just so happens that the research and development of this material has been completed, and we are fine. Experiments can be done by scientific researchers with internships. "

After speaking, Guo Jianzhuo pointed to the material on the test bench, and introduced to Li Hao: "This is the alloy composed of poly-copper material and poly-zinc material that I researched.

We use common metals to make metal materials in this way, but our company has limited equipment. I haven't found out what functions they have yet, just tested them in a conventional way.

When conducting research on laser communication stations, our laboratory tested the laser film proposed by Mr. Li.

Once again by chance, the high-energy laser hit between the poly-copper material and the poly-zinc material, and the vaporized material condensed to form a poly-metal material alloy.

But it still can't attract our attention. Let us pay attention to the fact that this new type of polymetallic material is like a mirror reflecting sunlight. It immediately disperses the laser light into fine laser beams through reflection and refraction, and hits other materials before we discover it. .

Its own material cannot withstand the equivalent of extremely high heat, but it has the characteristics of reflecting laser light, and this material is safe when it is irradiated by laser light.

One bad thing about this material is that it is extremely unstable. Decomposes easily in sunlight.

We are finding the best combination of these materials by laser melting two polymetallic materials. "

When Li Hao heard Guo Jianzhuo say so much, he asked suspiciously: "You have made great efforts to develop this material, do you see the prospect of this material?"

"Of course, we have been able to control the laser beam from two nanometers to ten nanometers through this material.

This is the finely controlled laser technology that many technologies dream of. Not to mention anything else, but the chips Mr. Li is very familiar with.

After the success of this technology, we can completely develop a lithography machine with a processing accuracy of two nanometers.

Although the performance limit of silicon-based chips is now seven nanometers, carbon-based chips have been developed, and its limit is much higher than that of silicon-based chips, which is the future development direction of chips.

Unless quantum technology explodes, lithography machines will still be used to process chips in the future. "

Li Hao said in surprise: "This material can actually make a lithography machine, we must make a lithography machine.

This is one of the biggest shortcomings in the field of machinery and equipment in my country.

The chips we import each year have surpassed oil and become the most imported product.

It is not that our country does not have high-quality chip processing technology. Loongson's chip design is good, but its quality cannot be improved because the chip production line only has a 27-nanometer lithography machine. "

Guo Jianzhuo said helplessly: "Mr. Li, I am very confident in producing this material. It is the core component of the new lithography machine.

But a lithography machine not only has excellent materials, but also requires talents in intelligent control and machinery. Our materials and chemistry laboratory does not have such talents. "

Guo Jianzhuo felt very helpless, he just wanted to brag more and win some research funding. Unexpectedly, Mr. Li asked him to develop a lithography machine. This is really difficult.

Through his speculation, plus the simulation of the virtual scientific research auxiliary system composed of the second-generation virtual reality equipment. He saw that this material had the possibility of making the core components of lithography machines.

"You only need to study the stable composition of this material, and the rest will be coordinated by other departments of the company. We must develop a lithography machine, which is the focus of our company's next step." Li Hao said proudly.

Since there is this opportunity, the company must seize it. Every discovery of a new material leads to a sea change in an industry.

He will take advantage of this opportunity to guide this change to the field of lithography machines.

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