Tech Translator

Chapter 259 Carbon-based Chip Processing Requirements

Zhou Yunsheng got up and said to Li Hao: "I will take Sister Zhu and Sister Xiaowan to sign the contract and formally confirm this matter.

And through this project, we will purchase advanced scientific research equipment for our scientific research building. This opportunity is very rare. "

"Yun Sheng, you are too anxious. You don't have to think about finishing everything in a day." Li Hao persuaded Zhou Yunsheng, fearing that Zhou Yunsheng would be too tired.

"I'm not sure about the general direction. It's agreed in the contract. Who knows what problems will arise in the future.

You forgot about our cooperation with Tsinghua University, it’s just that the details were not done well at the beginning. Never overestimate the integrity of bureaucrats. "Zhou Yunsheng looked at Li Hao, she insisted on her own ideas.

When Li Hao saw Zhou Yunsheng say this, he could only agree. Said to Zhou Yunsheng: "When buying equipment, try to buy a high-power centrifuge for nuclear raw material purification.

With this high-power centrifuge, greater progress can be made in the core materials of lithography machines. "

"Okay, I will ask for this kind of equipment." After Zhou Yunsheng finished speaking, she left the office.

After seeing Zhou Yunsheng leave, Li Hao called Zhu Yanbo's cell phone.

"Brother Bo, do you have time? I have something to ask you." Li Hao asked Zhu Yanbo.

Zhu Yanbo pondered for a long time, and he replied: "Let's meet in the park in front of the laboratory of Tsinghua University. Call me when you get there."

"Okay." Li Hao agreed directly.

He could tell that Zhu Yanbo's time was urgent. But still asked him out. Mainly for the carbon-based chip he developed.

Their company is very confident in developing a successful lithography machine. Now it is necessary to find a buyer for the lithography machine and build a chip industry chain belonging to its own company.

If lithography machines are aimed at the silicon-based chip industry, they will not be competitive in overseas markets except for state-owned enterprises such as Godson and Ziguang. European and American companies such as Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm will never purchase lithography machines produced by their companies.

Now it is necessary to overtake on a curve, and use the late-mover advantage to increase the use of their lithography machines.

The easiest and most achievable is to process other types of chips. Now only carbon-based chips can replace silicon-based chips.

Fortunately, Zhu Yanbo's mentor has been researching carbon-based chips. He only needs to be introduced by Bogo. Knowing the processing requirements of carbon-based chips, we can develop targeted lithography machines.

Li Hao went downstairs, and he drove to Tsinghua University immediately. At the same time get through Bogo's phone.

After the call was connected, Li Hao informed Zhu Yanbo that he had come to this place.

After waiting for a while, Zhu Yanbo came out wearing a lab coat.

Seeing his outfit, Li Hao asked suspiciously, "Brother Bo, is your lab's project schedule so tight now?"

Zhu Yanbo said helplessly: "There is no way now, the project has been unable to make a breakthrough. The country has made great progress in the field of quantum computers.

Colleagues in our laboratory are saying that we have not waited for the mass production of the carbon-based chips we developed. Optical quantum computers developed by other departments have entered the practical stage.

At that time, carbon-based chips can only be used in special fields. There is no way to popularize it, and the value it can bring is greatly reduced.

Just like in the previous industrial process, the steam turbine technology has been broken through. The steam engine is about to usher in another glory.

As a result, electric motors and internal combustion engines have developed rapidly, so steam turbines can only be used for power generation and power for large ships. "

After Zhu Yanbo finished speaking, he thanked Li Hao: "Haozi, the news you told me that day was too timely. Sure enough, after going back to comfort Han Xuan more, her temper immediately improved.

After I finish my work this time, we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate. "

"That's really congratulations. I didn't expect you to get married with your son." Li Hao wished Boge from the bottom of his heart.

Zhu Yanbo seized the time and asked, "Haozi, what do you want from me? I came out because of internal urgency."

Seeing that Zhu Yanbo was very anxious, Li Hao said quickly: "Our company is currently researching a high-performance lithography machine. I heard you said that the carbon-based chips you developed have not been able to be processed by the current lithography machine.

I'm not trying to form upstream and downstream mutual assistance in the industry. I want to know about the processing process of the carbon-based chip you developed, which requires the performance of the lithography machine. "

Zhu Yanbo tentatively asked: "The Ministry of Science and Technology said that it will launch a high-performance lithography machine project. Is this led by your company?"

Li Hao nodded and said, "Has the news spread so far now? This is something that has just been confirmed."

Zhu Yanbo widened his eyes, and said in shock: "I really didn't expect your company to have developed to this extent in a blink of an eye. I really can't believe it."

He grabbed Li Hao's hand and walked quickly to the laboratory. At the same time, he said: "I can know so early because my mentor has been talking about this project.

His good friend, Academician He Wanming, mentioned your company's lithography machine to him, saying that after it is developed, it will definitely solve the problems encountered in our laboratory. "

Li Hao followed Zhu Yanbo's footsteps, and he came to the laboratory.

Seeing Zhu Yanbo go straight to a certain room in the laboratory. Respectfully knocked on the door a few times outside.

He heard an angry voice from inside saying, "Come in."

After Li Hao came in, he saw a young man about 40 years old sitting there.

His first feeling was that he was too young, and he did not expect to become a doctoral supervisor at the age of 40. Also developed the world's leading carbon-based chips.

He originally thought that Bogo's mentor was an old man in his sixties or seventies.

Zhu Yanbo immediately said to his mentor: "This is my friend Li Hao, the owner of Qingci Technology. It is their company that presides over the development of high-performance lithography machines.

He came to me to inquire about the requirements for the lithography machine in the carbon-based chip processing process, and they designed the lithography machine in a targeted manner. "

Zhu Yanbo introduced to Li Hao again: "This is my mentor Wang Rongzhe."

Li Hao asked politely: "Hello, Professor Wang, I would like to ask you about the basic requirements of the carbon-based chip processing process."

Wang Rongzhe took out his mobile phone and took a photo of Li Hao.

After waiting for a while, he said happily: "It's really Mr. Li, of course we welcome your lithography machine, which is specially designed to customize the processing functions for our new carbon-based film.

Zhu Yanbo, please introduce to Mr. Li the basic requirements of our carbon-based chips for lithography machines. "

After Zhu Yanbo received his mentor's instructions, he directly introduced to Li Hao: "Our carbon-based chip is composed of carbon nanotransistors that my mentor has painstakingly developed.

It is different from conventional carbon nanotransistors, which is a three-dimensional structure of carbon nanotransistors.

It exerts power 300 times more powerful than conventional silicon chips. The most important thing is that its synergy is excellent. Through this attribute, the parallel computing capability of the chip can be greatly improved.

Although it has very good performance, it also requires very high processing equipment.

We need a lithography machine that can have a one-nanometer processing technology. It must expose the entire chip at one time.

Only through one process, the entire chip can be processed completely, and it must be accurate.

There is no possibility of secondary modification of this chip. Unlike silicon-based chips, those that fail to process can be made into low-end chips.

We also have special requirements for the processing light source. He cannot use natural light with a slightly lower intensity, and must use high-intensity lasers to complete it. There are certain requirements on the wavelength and intensity of the laser. "

After listening, Li Hao said confidently: "We can achieve all of these."

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