Tech Translator

Chapter 262 Wireless Charging High Speed ​​Rail

On July 11, Li Hao watched the high-speed train from Yanjing to Xiongan New Area with a virtual light curtain in his office.

This high-speed rail train is no different from ordinary high-speed rail trains. But the most important thing about it is that there are no brushes above it, and there are no wires on the high-speed rail line.

This is a high-speed rail that uses iron graphene batteries and wireless charging technology.

A month has passed, and mobile phones using iron graphene batteries have not yet been released.

Unexpectedly, the first mature commercial application of iron graphene batteries was actually used in high-speed rail trains and high-speed rail stations.

The Jingxiong Line, the high-speed railway line from Yanjing to Xiong'an New District, was originally under construction, and they have not waited for them to erect the line network. Qingci Technology has released iron graphene batteries and wireless charging equipment.

At that time, Lu Hehai, chairman of the Railway Corporation, approached Zhou Yunsheng and said that he wanted to build a high-tech high-speed rail line using wireless charging technology.

When Zhou Yunsheng was discussing with him, when Li Hao heard the good news, he immediately agreed. If this project is successful, it will be a business card for Qingci Technology. The role of publicity is very important, and this is a living advertisement.

In order to dispel their worries, he also proposed that their company pay all the expenses. The railway company will make payment after the inspection is qualified and the operation is good.

In fact, Li Hao has already set his sights on China's high-speed railway and conventional railway network with a total of more than 100,000 kilometers.

If these lines are transformed into wireless charging methods, it will make the train more convenient and save corresponding electric energy. He wakes up laughing in his dreams.

Seeing this vivid scene, Zhou Yunsheng said with emotion: "If the virtual reality imaging device can be made the size of a mobile phone, it must be a major achievement in changing the communication industry."

"This depends on Director Bi Ye's ability. I guess it is very difficult to meet this technical standard due to limited materials." Li Hao analyzed by himself.

He glanced at the cloud intelligence platform, and said to Zhou Yunsheng: "Manager Yuan Dingfang is already waiting outside, let's go now.

I hope that the official opening to traffic today will pass perfectly, and there must be no accidents. This is also to promote our company's products. I really didn't expect the Railway Corporation to be so talkative. I thought state-owned enterprises were very rigid and slow to respond. "

Zhou Yunsheng covered his mouth and said with a smile: "You don't know the inside story, the construction of this railway, due to problems with the supply cables, may lead to delays in the project.

But its opening late will affect the national strategy of Xiongan New Area. Both the construction party and the railway company were sweating with anxiety.

Just read in the news that our product does not require cables and the construction time is very short. Only need to change the stations and trains to complete the transformation of the entire line.

It has no effect on the performance of the train, and it only needs to put iron graphene batteries in the first two cars of the car. It can run all day on a single charge. "

Li Hao said with emotion: "It turns out that there are still so many inside stories. I said how they reached a cooperation so quickly as if someone whipped a whip behind them."

They walked out of the office together and met Yuan Dingfang. Headed towards Yanjing Railway Station. This is the starting station of the high-speed rail line.

Li Hao looked at Yuan Dingfang's haggard face, and said with emotion: "Manager Yuan, your smart factory has worked hard these days. Not only do you have to process a large number of iron graphene batteries.

It is also necessary to manufacture wireless charging equipment and send engineers to assist them in the installation work. "

Yuan Dingfang said with a smile: "It's not too tiring, but I still want to thank Director Bi Ye, for the wireless charging device he designed, 80% of the accessories can be purchased in the market.

If all of them are produced by our smart factory, we will not be able to complete the order of the Railway Corporation even if we are exhausted. "

They discussed along the way and came to the outside of Yanjing Railway Station.

There are many policemen here to maintain order, and many spectators and passengers who are about to board the bus are watching here.

Li Hao and his team had access permits, and soon came to the interior of the train station. Other high-speed trains here are normal. However, the high-speed trains that are expected to go to Xiong'an New District are cordoned off.

As soon as Li Hao got out of the car, he saw Lu Hehai, the chairman of the Railway Corporation, walking towards him.

Lu and Hai are more like bureaucrats than corporate executives.

He showed a kind smile, and said to Li Hao: "Thank you to Mr. Li's company, you have helped our company a lot, and we have a happy cooperation."

"It's a pleasant cooperation. How is the train? The technology we provide is not bad." Li Hao stepped forward to shake hands with Lu and Hai, and said calmly.

It refers to the power control system provided by their company to the Fuxing production company.

The group of them walked to the Fuxing, this is a brand new Fuxing high-speed train. Engineers are testing him thoroughly.

Its appearance is more slender than that of its kind. Others haven't changed much.

The top of the train is smooth, without the brush fittings that all high-speed trains have.

Lu Hehai asked: "How is the situation of the train, especially the charging and discharging system of the iron graphene battery and the control system of the train."

The engineer replied immediately: "All systems are normal, and the car can be launched smoothly."

Lu Hehai waved his hand and said, "The driver boarded the car and opened the designated channel. We will start to meet the media for interviews."

Li Hao saw the train slowly leaving along the track. He followed Lu and Hai to the next hall.

After passing through a door, I realized that I had arrived at the waiting hall of Yanjing Railway Station. There are many reporters waiting here.

When they saw Lu and Hai coming in, they immediately gathered around to interview him.

The staff immediately began to maintain order, and soon CCTV reporters began to interview: "Chairman Lu, please use new technology to transform the Jingxiong Line. Can you ensure the safety of the train?"

Lu Hehai replied with a smile: "We often use new technologies for safety. Everyone knows the safety of iron graphene batteries. Even if there is an emergency collision, it will not cause secondary accidents.

This is safer than using traditional wires and brushes. Our engineers at the Railway Corporation have tested this system tens of thousands of times. A detailed plan has been formulated, enough to ensure that high-speed trains can take corresponding measures under any circumstances. "

The Global Times went on to ask: "Chairman Lu, will the operating cost of high-speed rail increase after using iron graphene batteries? Is there any benefit for you to adopt this technology?"

Lu and Hai responded confidently: "Thinking about it, using iron-graphene batteries and wireless charging equipment. The cost has not increased but decreased.

If you use traditional lines, not to mention the cost of towers and cables. Even routine maintenance requires a huge amount of money.

After using the iron graphene battery, it only needs to be maintained when the train is stopped. The charging equipment located in the station is also maintained by professional engineers.

After a comprehensive comparison, the cost of adopting new technologies is lower, and the longer the use of new technologies, the greater the operating costs.

Its benefits are also many, not just the obvious increase in security. He also said to shorten the construction period of the railway. In particular, it has a significant role in promoting the speed increase of high-speed rail. In the past, due to the influence of electric brushes, it was difficult to increase the speed without breaking through this technology.

Now only the train and the rails need to be considered. One important link is missing. "

He looked at the time and said to many reporters: "It's time to start the car. Let's get on the car and experience it together, and continue the interview in the car."

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