Tech Translator

Chapter 264

After taking the Beijing-Xiong Line high-speed rail, the media began to focus on the high-tech performance of this high-speed rail.

The Global Times immediately pushed the article. Wireless charging technology promotes railway development.

Now the speed of the high-speed railway has reached its bottleneck. In the absence of technological breakthroughs, it is difficult to greatly increase its operating speed.

One of the most critical technologies is the brush technology. It is the energy transmission channel of the high-speed rail. When the high-speed railway is running fast, it is necessary to ensure that the brushes are in good contact.

Chinese researchers have worked very hard and have made this technology research a global leader. But it still has many limitations, which hinder the continuous improvement of high-speed rail speed.

And the iron graphene battery and wireless charging technology that are now appearing, their joint use has broken this pattern.

Carrying two more energy storage carriages in exchange for a large speed increase of the train is what every railway person is willing to achieve.

The People's Daily published an article that the intelligent unmanned train is about to set off.

A reporter from People's Daily interviewed Lu Hehai, chairman of the Railway Corporation. Chairman Lu said that the Railway Corporation is researching unmanned automated freight trains.

Use the current advanced artificial intelligence big data technology. And apply wireless charging technology. Through high-tech means, the train can automatically complete loading and unloading. The train has the function of automatic driving, and an intelligent freight train network is established.

Our country has built the world's largest unmanned dock. Its container throughput ranks among the top ten ports in the world.

Now the country is planning unmanned trains to build an intelligent freight transportation hub. Strengthen the main artery of my country's cargo transportation and support the rapid development of the Belt and Road Initiative.

The mainstream media reports are all about the technology adopted by this new railway and its impact on the country.

Other smaller media outlets are mainly interviewing passengers on the train.

I am a reporter from China Youth Daily: "What do you think about iron graphene batteries as an energy source for high-speed rail?"

A young man who was not very elegant replied: "I am very supportive of new technologies for high-speed rail. I have also learned about iron graphene batteries. It is just a high-efficiency energy storage battery. Its performance is very safe. I believe it It will not affect the operation of high-speed rail trains."

I am a reporter from "What is your opinion on the application of wireless charging technology to high-speed trains?"

A young man who looked like a college student replied: "This technology is very good, but as long as it doesn't delay my train ride, they can use any technology. I have no opinion on this.

But I hope that mobile phone manufacturers will launch mobile phones with iron graphene batteries as soon as possible. They are the first wave of manufacturers to purchase iron graphene batteries, and they are slower than the railway company. "

After this interview video was broadcast, it immediately caused a big discussion among netizens.

Netizen Muyang Dog Executioner: "How do you feel that these mobile phone companies are not as good as Mr. Tie, in terms of the degree of organization overstaffing and the speed of response to new technologies. Mr. Tie is not the last one, he is also in the ranks of the bottom.

As a result, Mr. Tie came to his senses and used new technologies to develop new projects. How can the engineers of those mobile phone companies be worthy of their salaries, and there is no news for such a long time. "

Netizen Black and White is not a cat: "One of these mobile phone companies counts as one. None of them are powerful. When the iron graphene battery first appeared, it was better to send a ppt than one.

When it came time to show the actual product, they all withered. Even if you take out half of the writing ppt to develop the technology, this technology should be successful now. "

Netizen Jie Sheng Ji Shi: "I am one of the engineers of the iron company, and I participated in the installation of wireless charging equipment. In fact, wireless charging equipment is very simple.

Qingci Technology has adjusted all the parameters, as long as the equipment is installed, it can be used. "

Netizen Dahuan Cobra: "Let's go to the official websites of major mobile phone companies to leave messages and send messages to their customer service.

Smartphones have feedback options, which brand of mobile phone do you use. Feedback on this matter.

We will work together and will definitely urge major mobile phone brands to concentrate on scientific research. We wish we could use smartphones with long standby times sooner rather than later. "

While they were discussing, Geely released a big news.

Geely Automobile has developed high-performance electric vehicles using iron graphene batteries. Our cars can travel a thousand kilometers on a single full charge.

After a detailed test, it has been driven continuously for 1,000 kilometers, and there are no problems with its battery performance, motor condition, and braking system.

Geely immediately released a promotional video for electric vehicles. Demonstrate the high performance of their electric vehicles.

Seeing this situation, BYD released their electric vehicles not to be outdone.

Most of the accessories are developed by BYD itself, and the company's engineers are better at battery management.

BYD cars look much lighter than Geely's. It can travel a distance of 1200 kilometers on a single charge.

Lei Jun, chairman of Xiaomi mobile phone, saw the situation reported to him by the manager of the public relations department. Immediately recruit Wu Yu, the deputy manager in charge of the research and development of the new mobile phone.

He frowned and asked, "How soon will our mobile phones be on the market, and what will happen to the iron graphene battery?"

Wu Yu said helplessly: "The shortest time is half a month to develop a prototype. I also saw the situation on the Internet.

But our mobile phones are completely different from high-speed trains and cars.

Their large device can rectify the current output by the iron graphene battery. Then connect to the electrical appliances, so that a very stable effect can be achieved.

However, we cannot install this kind of rectification device on the mobile phone. The iron graphene battery is in two states when it is working normally and when it is charging. Although the two currents are very similar, there are some slight differences.

The electronic components in the mobile phone are very sensitive, and they are easily damaged after being impacted by two kinds of currents. "

He continued: "It's not just our company that suffers from this problem, all mobile phone manufacturers have this problem. Our engineers haven't found a convenient way to solve this problem yet."

This is the chairman's assistant walking in with a folder. He reported: "Chairman, other mobile phone manufacturers have released ppts to promote their new mobile phones. Should we also carry out publicity work?"

Lei Jun thought for a while and asked Wu Yu: "Since there are two kinds of currents, can we make two power supply circuits like the old dual-card dual-standby mobile phones, so that they can each cope with the two states of the battery."

When Wu Yu heard this idea, he said pleasantly: "The chairman is still smart. Although this method is a bit crude, it is really effective. We can make a prototype tomorrow."

Lei Jun said with a smile: "It's still the local method that works, first solve the problem and then optimize the thinking."

He said to his assistant: "Announce it now, our company will release a new mobile phone prototype tomorrow."

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