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Chapter 266 Father recovers

On July 13, there was light rain in the sky. Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng went to Yusheng Hospital by car.

Today is the day when his father was discharged from the hospital. The artificial organ transplanted into the body worked normally without any problems.

His father has been able to save himself from being hospitalized for a long time through recuperation. Take your medicines on time at home and have regular physical examinations.

Li Hao got the news last night, he wanted to go to the hospital at that time, but was persuaded by Zhou Yunsheng. Let him not disturb his father's normal schedule.

The vehicle is driving on the road, and the front wipers are constantly cleaning the windshield.

Zhou Yunsheng said with emotion: "Our artificial organ is still in the clinical trial stage, but it is the same as ordinary medicine. It has entered major hospitals. The approach of relevant departments this time has been recognized by everyone."

"It's a special matter. Anyone who encounters this situation will be flexible. If the government or the hospital dares to prevent the use of artificial organs. The families of patients who are dying and waiting for organ transplants don't know what will happen.

It is not everyone's satisfaction to do so now, anyway, the relevant departments are right. If there is an accident, it is estimated that our company will be sacrificed to the flag. "Li Hao said in a very calm tone.

Zhou Yunsheng also knew that if there was a problem with the artificial organ, their company must end badly.

She asked Li Hao curiously: "This time we are vigorously developing artificial organs, and it seems that no opponent jumped out to stop it. Some doctors whose interests have been somewhat damaged are silent.

I'm really not used to this, and I made Wei Tao ready to deal with the outbreak of public opinion. At the same time, let the legal department prepare for the expected multiple lawsuits. "

Li Hao said with a smile: "You are overreacting by doing this, one of our artificial organs is developing too fast, and the other is that the effect is outstanding.

Relevant parties whose interests have been damaged have no way to deal with it, and can only steal our technology and want to imitate this technology. Without success, they take no action.

In the eyes of patients who have not found a match, using artificial organs is life, and not using artificial organs is death. They have no choice but to use our artificial organs. This does not give other interest groups too much opportunity to react. "

Seeing Zhou Yunsheng listening carefully, Li Hao continued: "Through big data statistics, it is not only patients who cannot wait for a match to use artificial organs. There are also patients who are afraid of taking medicine for life after normal organ transplantation. They also choose not to exclude Artificial organs with abnormal reactions.

It should be known that after a normal organ transplantation, it is necessary to take a large amount of anti-rejection drugs except within one month after the transplantation is completed.

In the days of recovery, it is also necessary to continue to take anti-rejection drugs. The essence of anti-rejection drugs is to limit the body's immunity.

If the immune function of the human body is not good, many diseases will appear. This is also one of the major reasons for determining patient selection.

Like acquired immunodeficiency syndrome caused by hiv virus. It does not cause any disease by itself, but causes the body's immune system to collapse due to attacking lymphocytes. Only then has it become a terrifying disease that makes people talk about it.

The differentiation of the profession of doctors is completely dependent on patients. Our artificial organs have caused some doctor jobs to disappear.

But their basic medical knowledge is still there, and it can be more easily transferred to similar disease fields.

Every time medical technology develops, some doctor jobs disappear. Now people are used to this phenomenon. "

While Li Hao was talking, Zhou Yunsheng kept nodding. They talked all the way and soon came to Yusheng Hospital.

Even though it was raining lightly today, the flow of people in Yusheng Hospital was still constant.

Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng held umbrellas, walking like a hospital.

They went to the front desk to complete the discharge procedures. Afterwards, he went directly to Hongliang's ward, where Li Hao's mother, Wang Xiumei, was accompanying her father. Father Li Hongliang sat in a wheelchair and was wearing casual clothes.

Seeing Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng coming in, Li Hongliang said with a smile: "The artificial heart produced by your company is really good. I can feel my heartbeat is much stronger than before. I didn't expect my body to recover so quickly."

There was a smile from the heart on Li Hao's face. He saw that his father's face was not all pale, but also had a hint of rosy.

Walking over to push his wheelchair, he said modestly, "Dad, it's because of your good health that you can recover so quickly."

"I know my body. The product is good. I'm proud of you. Don't be too modest. We need to develop this product better in the future."

Li Hongliang patted Li Hao's arm and encouraged him.

"Well, I see. Mom, let's go out together, I've finished all the formalities." Li Hao responded and said to his mother.

He pushed his father's wheelchair as if walking outside, and it was still raining outside.

He was pushing his father's wheelchair, and Zhou Yunsheng was holding an umbrella beside him. They get into the car together.

Soon he drove to the house where his parents lived now, and returned to the room through the elevator in the underground garage.

When she came home, Wang Xiumei said, "To celebrate your father's discharge from the hospital, I'll go to the kitchen to make dumplings."

When Zhou Yunsheng heard this, she immediately got up and said, "Auntie, I'll go to the kitchen to make dumplings for you."

Li Hongliang supported the wheelchair and stood up slowly. He sat down on the sofa again.

Seeing this scene, Li Hao happily asked, "Dad, you can go now."

Li Hongliang panted and replied: "I can't walk, my body has not recovered to this level yet. But I can still achieve it by simply standing for a while and moving a few steps."

Seeing that his father was recovering well, Li Hao asked him, "Dad, after you recover, will you return to Liao Province or stay in Yanjing?"

Li Hongliang thought about it for a while, and said, "According to your mother, I will go back after I recover. Your mother is worried about the situation of the orphanage."

Li Hao didn't want his parents to leave, so he began to persuade him: "Dad, you are going to retire soon. Just stay in Yanjing and enjoy the blessings. I also have a lot of resources now, and you can support you in whatever you want.

Besides, you and my mother have been in Yanjing for so long, and their jobs have already been replaced by others, but there is only one resignation procedure missing. "

According to his father's hobbies, he persuaded him in a targeted manner: "Dad, you have been working hard to solve the problem of congenital heart disease. Now the artificial heart has been developed by our company.

But it still has some shortcomings. You are an expert in the field of cardiology. I think you should analyze the cases of patients more and find the difference between artificial organs and real organs faster. "

When Li Hongliang heard what his son said, his eyes lit up and he said, "This is a good idea, but it's from your mother."

Li Hao saw that his father was a little moved, and he came up with another idea: "My mother can't let go of those children, but nothing will happen to them in the orphanage.

My mother used to worry that many of the children who came out of the orphanage could not find a job. Let my mother open an institution like a school training class. Let them start a business together.

Our company will provide technical support, which is an Internet training institution. It is not limited to places and places, and can cover most people who come out of welfare institutions. "

Hearing this, Li Hongliang nodded and said, "Then I will discuss it with your mother at night, you wait for our news."

Li Hao was finally relieved. Hearing what his father said, he knew that the matter was basically done. He talked with his father for a while about his plan to work after recovery.

Li Hao smelled a scent, and saw Zhou Yunsheng brought a plate of dumplings from the kitchen.

Wang Xiumei looked at them and said happily, "Come and eat dumplings."

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