Tech Translator

Chapter 280 Smart Chip Success

July 25th was a sunny day.

Li Hao walked into the company wearing short sleeves and looked at the employee sign-in device at the company's gate. It was no longer a face recognition device.

Instead, it was replaced with a biomagnetic field detection device, which is very simple to use. Walk directly in front of the device and keep your body slightly closer, as long as you are within 20 cm.

Without contact, the device can automatically determine who came to the company.

Now the smart factory of biomagnetic field detection equipment has just been manufactured, and the output is still very low. Li Hao asked this equipment to be used in emergency situations in his company.

Li Hao recalled what happened in the past few days. He didn't expect that after the deployment of this biological magnetic field detection equipment in the company, the happiest person would be Gundam.

After he told Li Hao that he had this kind of equipment, the company was no longer afraid of disguised commercial spies to steal the technology.

You must know that they used to have a lot of security guards doing research. After a lot of hard work, he also caught a commercial spy who pretended to be an employee and planned to come to the company to steal technology.

As a result, after installing the biomagnetic field test, it took immediate effect. In an instant, two commercial spies who were about to steal technology were caught.

This kind of commercial espionage was impossible to guard against before. After they acted, they would disappear as soon as possible regardless of whether they succeeded or not. He also used superb makeup technology to pretend to be an employee of the company.

Fortunately, the company's technology confidentiality system is very standardized, and no major technology has ever been lost.

Now as long as you dare to come to Qingci Technology, everything will be folded on the biomagnetic field detection equipment.

Li Hao glanced at the memories of the biological magnetic field detection equipment.

He still has business to do today, so he made an appointment with Professor Wang Rongzhe today. This time I went back to the company to pick up some things.

Professor Wang sent him a message yesterday, saying that the smart chip he redesigned was processed by a simple lithography machine.

It already has the capability of a normal chip, but it is a little big. Slightly larger than a normal tablet.

If such a large chip is installed in the device, it will definitely not work.

But to verify the functions of this chip, it really has nothing to do with the size.

Li Hao quickly returned to his office, and he took out two special discharge pens that he put in the office drawer.

As Li Hao, who keeps his hands on everything, he gave Wang Rongzhe the microstructure design of the smart chip. Of course, it is not important to keep a hand, but it is an essential procedure.

Before the chip can start, it must be loaded with a bootloader. Otherwise, the chip will not be able to activate the intelligent logic module, which is similar to a defective product.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, Wang Rongzhe is studying a calculator. As a result, Li Hao bought a batch of computer parts and handed them to Wang Rongzhe for assembly.

In the end, he kept a hand and did not give him the operating system hard disk.

In this way, the hardware of the computer is many times more advanced than that of the calculator. But without an operating system, the effect it can achieve is zero.

Li Hao carefully recalled the boot program required by the smart chip. After making sure he hadn't forgotten, he took two discharge pens and asked his bodyguard Lin Bo to drive him to the laboratory.

He made an appointment with Professor Wang Rongzhe to meet in the laboratory.

The vehicle soon came to the laboratory, and Li Hao went to a room where he saw Professor Wang Rongzhe who was setting up the experimental site.

His good friend Zhu Yanbo is also here, and Zhu Yanbo is holding a rectangular box in his hand.

Li Hao saw a computer arranged in the whole room. It's just that this computer doesn't have a motherboard.

The motherboard of a computer is composed of various components. Except for the lack of chips, other electrical components are no different from ordinary computers.

Seeing Li Hao coming, Wang Rongzhe invited him to sit down and said happily: "The smart microstructure designed by your company is really outstanding.

I have tested the performance of this chip in detail using a chip simulator. All functional areas of the chip are operating normally. Try this chip today as a whole and see how much performance it can deliver.

In order to facilitate lithography machining, this chip is completely enlarged on purpose. But its capabilities are about the same as chips that will be formally produced in the future. "

After Wang Rongzhe finished speaking, he immediately ordered Zhu Yanbo to start installing the chip.

Li Hao just wanted them to wait, he hadn't activated the bootloader of this chip yet. Without this program, the chip will always be in a dormant state.

Seeing that Zhu Yanbo was holding a large chip, he carefully inserted it into the card slot.

Li Hao didn't bother, they only made one smart chip, and if it was broken, it would take several days to prepare another one.

After seeing Zhu Yanbo install the chip, Wang Rongzhe confidently pressed the start button.

As a result, there was no response on the computer screen, and he checked the data of the chip. It was found that the chip showed that the power was on, and there was no open circuit or short circuit.

Wang Rongzhe frowned, it shouldn't be like this. When he did the group test, there was no problem with every functional area.

When Li Hao saw this situation, he said directly: "Just now you moved too fast, and I didn't even have time to stop it. There is a small flaw in the intelligent microstructure of our chip.

If the chip is directly powered on, it will cause logic problems in the entire chip, which will cause the chip to fail to start normally. But this problem has been solved by us. "

While Li Hao was speaking, he carefully removed the smart chip from the card slot upwards.

All I saw was Li Hao laying the chip flat on the table. Hold the two discharge pens firmly with both hands.

The movements of his hands were extremely fast, constantly tapping the exposed pins of the chip.

This is actually just the simplest way to write binary code to the chip. Write a simple bootstrap program.

Let each functional area in the chip have a unified command, and coordinate multiple functional areas to play the performance of the entire chip according to the usage requirements.

After Li Hao finished typing, he put down the discharge pen in his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This kind of work is really not done by humans. Fortunately, the formal chip production line is handled by robots.

While Li Hao was resting, Zhu Yanbo reinserted the chip into the card slot.

Only this time the computer turned on normally, Wang Rongzhe was very happy to see this.

He clicked the mouse, and the installation of the Microsoft operating system was displayed on the computer screen.

Wang Rongzhe saw that the installation progress was gradually advancing, he laughed loudly and said: "We succeeded, it really is a smart chip. Our chip instruction set is not X86. It can also easily load Microsoft's operating system.

In this way, with the help of their ecological chain, they can develop rapidly by borrowing chickens and eggs. "

Then Wang Rongzhe said with some annoyance: "I even forgot that the chip needs to be programmed in advance. Although this is a smart chip, he doesn't need to write the chip instruction set. Instead, he can quickly process the data connected to the chip according to the actual situation."

When Li Hao saw that Wang Rongzhe had lost his mind, of course he wouldn't say that he saved his hand.

He said with emotion: "Smart chips have initially succeeded, and we can finally turn our attention away from chip research and development. We must find a way to build an ecosystem that belongs to our chips."

Li Hao knows that it is difficult to do this, but no matter how difficult it is, someone must start to do it.

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