Tech Translator

Chapter 284 Chip Cooperation Plan

On August 2, there was a heavy rain in the sky, and the employees of Qingci Technology went to work in the rain.

Li Hao put down the phone in his hand, with an unconcealable joy on his face.

Sun Kai called him, and the lithography machine project team had already produced a prototype of the lithography machine. Prepare to process smart chips, let him visit the process of processing smart chips.

After discussing with Professor Wang Rongzhe that day, Professor Wang proposed many simple solutions to solve the difficulties of the lithography machine project.

Sun Kai led the lithography machine project team and began to use these methods to try to solve the problems they encountered.

These several methods, not every method works, but these methods are considered for practical reasons. But it gave great inspiration to the researchers of the lithography machine project.

Following the train of thought of Professor Wang Rongzhe, they finally found a solution to the problem of lithography machines through collective wisdom.

Li Hao also took this opportunity to fine-tune the degree of participation of scientific researchers of different levels in the project.

In the past, Li Hao believed that scientific research must be led by high-end talents. The role of one scientist is greater than that of tens of thousands of graduate students.

But after this incident he understood. Human creativity is infinite, even if it is just a graduate student, he should have something he is good at.

At present, there are some problems in various scientific research projects of the company, and the researchers at the bottom level can also participate in and propose the solutions they think of.

Of course, these issues do not involve confidential projects, and even if they are known to all, they will not affect the development of the entire project.

In Wang Rongzhe's words, Li Hao is also an academic scientist. He has always believed in raising the level of technology. With the development of technology, all problems can be solved.

The company's scientific research rules and regulations were gradually established by him in the past, and his imprint is also imprinted on it.

But Li Hao is also a person who pursues pragmatism. Since the development of science and technology requires time and accumulation, there is a solution in the short term, and this method will still be used.

Why would he go to the library to find unknown technology and translate it when there is a way to save energy.

Li Hao found Zhou Yunsheng and went with her to visit the prototype of the lithography machine.

The vehicle they were in was speeding by in the rain.

Li Hao knew that Zhou Yunsheng had been reaching an agreement on chip cooperation with relevant departments in the past few days. He has been focusing on technology these days instead of paying attention to the progress of negotiations.

But when he came home at night, he whispered to Zhou Yunsheng, and basically understood that the chip cooperation was going smoothly.

He asked Zhou Yunsheng directly: "You have been negotiating with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Development and Reform Commission for the past few days. How is the progress?"

Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile: "We all want to do this well, but because of the distribution of benefits, it has not reached the level of satisfaction of all parties, and it is still under discussion.

But the basic plan has been released. This is the plan we discussed with experts. If there are no twists and turns in the future, this plan will be used as the skeleton, and it will only be a debate on some details. "

She briefly told Li Hao about the general cooperation plan: "Brother Hao, through various competitions and compromises, our cooperation with the country on chips is mainly to establish three companies. Through the cooperation of these companies, the future Collaborate to complete this project.

The three companies are Hongyun Carbon-based Semiconductor Electronics Factory, a state-owned enterprise wholly owned by the state. A company jointly owned by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, our company and Professor Wang Rongzhe, Phoenix Smart Chip Design Company. Qingci Technology Microelectronics Co., Ltd., which is wholly owned by us.

The general operation of the entire chip cooperation plan is that Hongyun Carbon-based Semiconductor Electronics Factory is responsible for the production of carbon-based semiconductors, and he is responsible for processing the raw materials for chips.

This is the result independently developed by Professor Wang Rongzhe, and the country enjoys full patent ownership.

Phoenix Smart Chip Design Company holds all the patent rights of smart chips. Among them, the Chinese Academy of Sciences holds 52% of the shares, our company holds 41% of the shares, and Professor Wang Zhe personally holds 7% of the shares.

He can grant smart chips to other companies. The first companies to accept the authorization are our Qingci Technology Microelectronics Company and some state-owned enterprises.

Qingci Technology Microelectronics Company is our own company and has nothing to do with them. It is mainly responsible for the production and sales of smart chips.

Let's go to see the prototype of the lithography machine, and the lithography machine will solve it. It is time to start building the chip factory of Qingci Technology Microelectronics.

Fortunately, the construction industry has been greatly developed now. As long as you are willing to invest your capital, no matter how high-end a factory building will be built in a short period of time. "

After Li Hao heard Zhou Yunsheng finished speaking, he pondered for a while and said, "I didn't expect the country to separate smart chips and set up two companies, responsible for the production of carbon-based semiconductor raw materials and the design of smart chips.

I think this is also the idea of ​​the state based on controlling this industrial chain. There should be no fewer companies that will obtain smart chip authorization in the future.

As for the chip design company, we were able to obtain these shares, which is quite beyond my surprise. For such a hugely influential smart chip company, the state must definitely control it.

Fortunately, our company that produces chips is independent, which can make the company more free.

On the whole the scheme is very good, and it is much better than forming a large group in which we only have a small stake. That would be a lot of constraints.

Now our company can move more freely and will not be affected by other aspects. "

Zhou Yunsheng felt that this negotiation was too smooth, and she said with some doubts: "Brother Hao, why do I feel that this negotiation is like God's help? Originally, the interests of smart chips are so important. I thought it would take a long and difficult negotiation. confirm.

As a result, only a few negotiations were carried out this time, some major differences were made up, and the framework for cooperation has been determined.

I feel that he is too fast, and it is a little unreal. When did our country's government departments become so efficient.

It may be due to the strong leadership that completes all the work so efficiently. But they don't care about some small interests, which is too surprising to me. "

Li Hao responded with a smile: "The current international environment is different. my country and the United States are competing for global supremacy. Now it is a situation of two superpowers and many powerhouses.

For example, the Petroleum Huayuan Futures Exchange officially established in the first half of the year. He is digging the corner of the petrodollar.

my country needs to reserve 200 billion U.S. dollars for importing petroleum products every month, and it usually needs to store funds for about three months in the world. That's $600 billion released.

This is just an intuitive benefit to our country, and many invisible benefits have not been calculated.

Now, the largest commodity imported by our country using U.S. dollars is not petroleum products but chips.

Our country has always wanted to make a breakthrough in the field of chips, but except for Godson's barely maintained, there is still a huge gap between other products and European and American products.

Now that we have developed smart chips, this is a product that can change the chip industry. Of course, the country wants to make it work faster.

I estimate that the country's response is very fast. Now some smart chip production lines have been established, and we will start production after the successful development of our lithography machine. "

Zhou Yunsheng nodded, and said in a relieved voice: "So it's like this, then I don't worry about it."

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