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Chapter 300: Smart Doctor

Li Hao quickly selected two representatives from among the many guests.

They are Wang Yada and Qi Xue, a young couple who just got married.

Because in the publicity, this smart ring is a couple ring. Those who were single or whose partners were not present did not sign up.

"You two are welcome to experience it. The operation mode of the smart ring is similar to that of smart glasses. You should get used to this smart ring first." Seeing them coming up, Li Hao happily handed the two rings to them.

He saw the two young couples experiencing the smart ring and getting familiar with its operation.

Li Hao faced everyone, holding his right hand in the air, and a close-up video introducing the smart ring immediately appeared.

"Our company's portable smart devices have their unique functions. The most basic smart phone only adds a virtual display function, and the brain wave control function is added to smart glasses.

As the most luxurious version, our smart ring also adds its unique functions. "

Li Hao paused for a while, looked at everyone's expectant eyes, raised his head and said: "What is the most important thing in a person's life.

Some say it is ideal, some say it is faith, some say it is family affection, some say it is money, some say it is freedom.

In short, everyone has their own views, and this issue cannot be unified in the whole world.

But if you have already obtained the most important thing in your heart, what else do you want to obtain. Or you have to have this thing in order to get what is most important in your heart.

Then it has only one answer, which is life and health.

Our smart ring is implanted with our company's most cutting-edge high-tech, human biomagnetic field analysis technology. "

After Li Hao finished speaking, the audience was silent. They all looked at Li Hao intently, and they wanted to know what kind of function this technology has?

Only to hear the voice ringing again, everyone concentrated and listened carefully. The reporters who were urgently writing manuscripts stopped.

"In layman's terms, the unique function of this smart ring is a smart doctor. It can always pay attention to the user's physical condition.

Not only can generate the user's health report, but also customize healthy recipes and exercise plans according to the user's health condition.

It also has a preventive effect on certain acute diseases. When acute heart and brain disease occurs, it is also the cause of most sudden death.

We feel that the process is too fast for a patient to suddenly break out from a healthy patient. But in fact, his body was already overwhelmed.

Even before the outbreak of the disease, the body will generate alarm signals. But these are all ignored by us, and we cannot check these alarm signals in advance.

The unique smart doctor function of the smart ring can detect these abnormalities in the user's body in advance.

Inform the user early so that he can get medical treatment as soon as possible. The vast majority of sudden sudden death can be avoided. "

After Li Hao finished speaking, there was warm applause from the audience. Modern medicine can treat most diseases, but for sudden death without any warning. Anyone who works intensively has this worry in his heart.

Li Hao was very moved when he saw the enthusiastic response of many guests.

Originally portable smart devices, just want to launch smart phones and smart glasses. There is no plan to launch a smart ring. One is that it is too difficult to use materials to manufacture, and it is not yet possible to mass-produce it industrially.

The most important reason is that Li Hao has never thought of adding technology equivalent to the brain wave reading technology to it.

But good news came from the biological laboratory. Li Hao made a major breakthrough in the relationship between energy and living things they studied.

He didn't expect this technology to make a breakthrough. The main scientific research force of the biological laboratory is concentrated in the human-computer interaction project team and the enhancement liquid project team.

But Dr. Li Deren of the biological laboratory relied on his lofty status in the whole company. He gathered a lot of researchers, even researchers from the Materials and Chemistry Laboratory and the Physics Laboratory.

Use this project to make a fuss and help him explore the combination of Chinese medicine theory and modern science.

As soon as they started to form, Li Hao received a report from the parrot. But Dr. Li Deren was also kind to him and cured his kidney deficiency.

This project requires very few resources, so Li Hao just let them develop.

Unexpectedly, this project team really made a breakthrough, taking the biomagnetic field detection technology as the breakthrough, and taking the meridian science of traditional Chinese medicine as the backbone. Surprisingly, they discovered the connection between changes in the human body's biomagnetic field and changes in certain physical conditions.

Qingci Technology also came forward to obtain the case information of patients in major hospitals in Yanjing who removed their private information.

Li Deren and the others have found the relationship between many diseases and the human body's biomagnetic field through summarization.

It's just that this detection sensor requires extremely sensitive nanomaterials. It is a nano-scale polymetallic compound material. The production of the material is extremely difficult and the output is very impressive.

After discovering this technology, it happens that the material requirements for smart rings are also very high. Li Hao officially incorporated biomagnetic field analysis technology into the smart ring as its core technology.

Li Hao came back to his senses, and he calmly said to everyone: "Our smart portable doctor is somewhat unqualified, it can only diagnose diseases and give advice on some diseases.

But it does not cure the disease, but we have solved that problem.

We have joined forces with well-known doctors to form an online consultation platform. The physical health data collected by the smart ring can provide accurate data guidance for doctors. Diagnose diseases more easily.

With the participation of the online consultation platform, it is enough to make up for its shortcomings.

The smart portable doctor uses big data cloud computing, and it can also diagnose the relationship between the doctor's prescription and the disease.

Some quack doctors and unscrupulous hospitals can be completely cut off. Let doctors no longer rely on the monopoly of knowledge to prescribe expensive but useless drugs to patients. "

Li Hao looked at everyone and said jokingly: "Our smart portable doctor detects diseases very quickly, and it already supports the inspection of most diseases, and supports all common diseases and physical conditions.

At the same time, we adopt extremely high data confidentiality measures. To suspected infectious diseases, such as acquired immune syndrome caused by HIV virus infection, tuberculosis and other diseases.

Male impotence, premature ejaculation. Women's number of pregnancies and miscarriages.

We can detect these, but we will absolutely keep them completely secret. Without the consent of the user, the data is only stored locally and will never be uploaded to the cloud server. "

As soon as Li Hao's words fell, there were people in the audience gasping for breath. This device is truly amazing.

This intelligent detection equipment should be put into use.

Infected with HIV virus, the premarital examination agency only informs the patient but not the spouse, resulting in the spread of the virus. directly ruined a family.

After being packaged, the prostitute pretends to be an innocent girl to find an honest man.

There are many similar phenomena, not to mention avoiding them all. Definitely avoid the huge portions.

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