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Chapter 306 Quantum Communication and Meteorites

Zhou Yunsheng sat on the office chair and said worriedly: "Our company adopts the method of virtual digital calling card and only cooperates with China Unicom. Will it affect the sales of portable smart devices?"

She was anxious that the company could not obtain a wireless communication patent. It was entirely because when she led people to discuss cooperation with Ericsson, she couldn't stand the squinting eyes of the other executives, so she turned against them directly.

Most companies in Western countries use this excuse as a reason. Refuse to cooperate with them.

Zhou Yunsheng also knew in his heart that this was actually the European and American consortium suppressing their company. But she still has some self-blame in her heart, it would be nice if she could be more tolerant.

"According to our accurate analysis using big data, removing the physical phone card will not affect the sales of equipment. In addition, we provide phone card signal adapters, and the overall sales should not change much.

It doesn't matter if you only cooperate with China Unicom. Smartphones now have dual-card dual-standby functions, and many people use mobile phone cards from different telecom operators.

After the mixed-reform of China Unicom, it launched merchant-customized cards such as Dawang Card. In order to buy this kind of mobile phone card, many people also started to use China Unicom's mobile phone card.

After China Unicom went through mixed reform, it became easier to deal with him. Mobile and telecommunication companies still have some bureaucratic style, why should we suffer this crime to cooperate with them. "Li Hao said calmly.

He thought in his heart: "I have already expected the situation that the cooperation will hit a wall. When the engineers designed the smart equipment, Li Hao had already asked them to prepare a backup plan, but he did not expect it to be used.

The use of virtual digital SIM cards for their devices has little impact on consumers and telecom operators.

Now communication base stations are all digitally controlled, and their smart devices have built-in signal receiving devices.

You only need to change some data on the server, without using a physical mobile phone card, you can directly receive the electromagnetic wave signal of the base station through the data mark in the device.

They negotiated cooperation with China's mainstream telecom operators, and only China Unicom after the mixed reform agreed to cooperate with their company.

He wasn't surprised at all, it was because the two companies' office style was too strong. Don't give your company a chance at all.

Netizens are discussing the mixed reform of China Unicom on the Internet. Some people say that telecom operators have been investing in the early stage. Even deserts, islands, and remote rural areas must have signals.

And like the United States, Europe, etc., the signal is only strong in urban areas, and there is no signal at all in remote places.

Telecom operators have been investing, and as a result, the investment has now been completed. Profit harvesting period is officially underway. But it began to restructure the enterprise and introduce social capital.

But through this incident, Li Hao felt that after the mixed reform, there are still advantages. At the very least, work efficiency has improved, and the rigid system has changed somewhat.

I heard that China Unicom has laid off 40% of its middle and senior managers. That doesn't mean they've been fooling around before. "

Zhou Yunsheng shook his hands in front of Li Hao's eyes, and found that Li Hao didn't respond. Pinch his nose. Seeing him wake up, he asked, "What were you thinking just now? I was in a daze."

Li Hao then realized that he was distracted just now, and his thoughts drifted too far. He seriously thought about what he was going to say to Zhou Yunsheng before his mind wandered.

He tapped his head, suddenly remembered, smiled and said to Zhou Yunsheng: "Speaking of communication, I remembered one thing, do you remember the meteorite we photographed at the charity gala that day?"

"What's the use of meteorites? It's not as good as my silk, at least it can be used as clothes. Yours can only be placed in the study, and we are doing charity." Zhou Yunsheng said indifferently.

"How can it be useless? It has been found to be of great use. After I took it home, I observed this meteorite when I was bored. I found that its type is very strange, and it looks like an iron meteorite. But some details are different from iron meteorites.

I put this meteorite in the Materials and Chemistry Laboratory so that researchers can use it to practice.

Unexpectedly, this meteorite gave us a big surprise. Most of its components are iron oxides, common substances such as water and dust.

But a special substance was found in it, which is a compound composed of hydrogen and iron.

It is composed of one iron atom and five hydrogen atoms. The structure of this compound has never been seen on Earth. Researchers named it iron pentahydride.

After the discovery of this substance, the laboratory explored the function of this substance while carefully observing the structure of this substance, and tried to produce this substance in the laboratory.

Ferric pentahydride has been analyzed by laboratory researchers for a long time, and now it can be produced through complex reactions under the condition of liquid nitrogen cooling. "

Zhou Yunsheng couldn't wait, she asked directly: "I don't understand what you said, but what benefits can this iron pentahydride bring. Is it related to communication?"

Li Hao saw that Zhou Yunsheng was a little anxious, and he said briefly: "Iron pentahydride is related to communication. The researchers in the materials and chemistry laboratory have passed various tests. Finally, they found that when iron pentahydride is irradiated with a laser of a certain frequency band, it A special light quantum is released.

The entanglement state of this light quantum is extremely stable, which is very suitable for long-distance wireless quantum communication.

The number of light quanta it produces is still very large, which can be used for the communication needs of carrying a large amount of information.

Previous experimental quantum communications have transmitted small quantities of light quanta, which can only be used for key propagation. The technology that our company is developing now can be like electromagnetic wave communication. Using light quantum as a carrier to realize long-distance quantum communication. "

Zhou Yunsheng's eyes widened in surprise, and he said in disbelief: "I never thought that an insignificant meteorite could lead to such an important technology.

Thanks to our company's scientific research personnel, we discovered the difference of this meteorite from the subtleties.

You must know that quantum communication technology is definitely the next generation of communication technology. Just because of its ability to keep the communication content absolutely confidential, it will be unstoppable. "

Zhou Yunsheng still knows quantum technology very well. After all, it is a cutting-edge hot technology that the public knows.

Huaxia has always been a leader in quantum technology. Now a quantum communication network from Yanjing to Shanghai Stock Exchange has been built.

The advancement of communication technology has always affected the development of society. Their company can master quantum communication technology in advance, and will definitely establish a leading position in future development.

Li Hao also said happily: "I also know how important quantum communication technology is. After I got the news, I immediately asked them to increase their investment.

At the same time, let Bi Ye, director of the physics laboratory, join them. Jointly develop quantum communication technology. "

After Li Hao finished the introduction, he said happily: "So now there is no need to worry about the low communication performance of our smart devices. Wait until the quantum communication technology succeeds in the near future. All problems will be solved.

What's more, there are still solutions for our smart devices. When encountering a good product, it is easy for consumers to compromise. Its vitality is also enough to wait until the successful development of quantum technology.

The next generation of communication technology will undergo major changes. The technology using electromagnetic waves as the communication carrier will be completely backward, and the technology patents owned by those companies will become worthless.

Don't look at them being proud now, thinking they can make money lying down, there will be times when they cry in the future.

In the future, we will customize new communication standards. Now the road is full of thorns, but the future is very bright. "

When Zhou Yunsheng heard Li Hao finished speaking, her face was filled with a confident smile again.

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