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Chapter 309 Three Little Milk Dogs

In the early morning of August 18, there was a breezy breeze outside, a bright moon and stars twinkling in the sky.

Li Hao's bedroom was very quiet, and the two of them were fast asleep.

I heard the noisy sound of "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" in the living room outside.

Li Hao was directly awakened by the sound, and he saw Zhou Yunsheng rubbing his eyes and waking up.

"What kind of sound is this? It seems to be the cry of some small animal." Zhou Yunsheng opened his eyes and said strangely.

"The sound hasn't stopped outside. Let's go out and have a look." While Li Hao was talking, he got up and turned on the light and walked outside.

After Zhou Yunsheng tidied up her clothes, she followed Li Hao out.

All I saw was a pool of blood on the carpet in the center of the living room, and two small animals, one yellow and one white, were struggling on it.

They recognized it immediately, it was a newborn puppy. They look so cute.

Egg Yolk dragged his tired body, and it crawled hard to its nest with a puppy in its mouth.

It may be because the egg yolk did not dare to bite hard. After walking a few steps, the puppy struggled to break free from its mouth.

It took the puppy again and walked towards its kennel.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Yunsheng said in a flustered tone: "I took the egg yolk to the veterinarian, and they said it would take three or four days before giving birth. I plan to put it in the veterinary hospital today for delivery.

It's too unexpected to give birth to three puppies in the middle of the night, what can I do now. "

"It's normal to be inaccurate in the due date of delivery. Sometimes people can't predict it accurately, let alone animals.

Now we can only rely on ourselves, you go and hold the two puppies and send them to the kennel. I'm going to clean up the yolk so it doesn't get infected. "Li Hao said calmly.

"I heard that when a bitch is pregnant, her aggressiveness will increase. Don't be bitten by the egg yolk, its bite force is amazing." Zhou Yunsheng said worriedly.

Li Hao walked towards the egg yolk, and he replied with a smile: "It doesn't matter. Dogs that have not been domesticated may be aggressive to a certain extent. The egg yolks in our family have been well domesticated, and there will be no such behavior." Condition.

A dog is reconnected with human nature, and its dog nature still has wildness, and it must be domesticated to become very obedient. I usually tease it, which is the process of domestication. "

After Li Hao finished speaking, he went to the egg yolk and squatted down, patted its head, and saw that the egg yolk had calmed down.

From head to buttocks, he combed the hair on the back of the egg yolk. Let the egg yolk relax and there will be no stress response.

All I saw was the egg yolk lying down and spitting out a yellow and white puppy with closed eyes from its mouth.

The egg yolk sticks out its tongue, constantly licking the little milk dog's body.

Li Hao tried to pick up the egg yolk, only to see that it struggled for a while, but there was no response.

Seeing the performance of the egg yolk, Li Hao knew that it would not resist, so he directly put the egg yolk in the center of the living room.

He went into the bedroom and took out the medicine box that was always in the house. Remove the swab and sanitizing solution and start sanitizing the yolk.

Then take out the prepared milk and other high nutrients. Start feeding the egg yolk to let it absorb nutrients and ensure sufficient milk.

Li Hao saw the egg yolk after eating, so he went to the kennel with the egg yolk in his arms.

Seeing that Zhou Yunsheng had already put the three little milk dogs in the kennel.

These three newly born puppies are very cute. They seem to be a little hungry, and they have been whining.

Li Hao put the egg yolk at the door of the kennel, and it quickly walked into the kennel. After a lick on each pup's face, Yolk immediately lay on his side.

These three little milk dogs seem to have discovered something? They struggled and tried to move forward.

The little white milk dog and the yellow milk puppy quickly found the belly of the egg yolk and began to drink milk.

Only the little yellow and white milk dog was left, probably exhausted from struggling just now. I tried many times but couldn't climb forward.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Yunsheng directly picked up the little milk dog and put it in the right place so that the puppy could also drink milk.

I only saw the small head of this little yellow and white milk dog pointing straight on the egg yolk belly, and it was hard to find the position.

It started to drink milk happily, and seemed to gain strength after two sips. He began to arch sideways hard, squeezing the two solid-color puppies beside him to the side.

It was only then that Li Hao discovered that this yellow and white puppy was the strongest and bigger than the two solid-colored puppies.

The two solid-colored puppies whined and yelled at being bullied, then shook their heads and crawled to the other side to start drinking milk.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Yunsheng burst out laughing.

"Brother Hao, these puppies are now fighting for food. Their sense of territory is too strong."

Li Hao looked at this phenomenon, and he fell into deep thought. These three little milk dogs were just born and knew nothing. But instincts embedded in their genes have made them scramble for food.

Why is the current society not like this? Under the glamorous appearance, it is actually a jungle society with bare fruits.

It can be deduced from this that various civilizations also have this mentality. He got the library of alien civilization, and can be 100% sure that aliens really exist.

Their earth civilization is developing silently, but they don't know how far the alien civilization has developed?

If the technologically advanced alien civilization discovers the earth civilization first. The most likely thing is that the earth civilization will cease to exist.

This must and must be the greatest possibility. Think about the Chinese civilization expanding from the Yellow River Plain step by step to occupy such a huge area. The local aborigines are called Yidi Rongman, where are they now?

Western colonists started the age of great voyages, where is the Mayan civilization today? Is there still an original Indian civilization in the Americas? All gone, only a few surviving tribes left.

Thinking of this, Li Hao suddenly felt a cold sweat on his entire spine. His original strategic plan was too steady and too comfortable. Basically, it did not provide much help for the development of earth civilization.

Now that the company has grown to a relatively large size, it is by no means a small shrimp that will be shot to death when encountering storms. He should also gradually release some technologies that affect the development of civilization.

Zhou Yunsheng patted Li Hao on the shoulder, and she asked suspiciously: "Why is your forehead still sweating while watching the little milk dog drink milk? Is it too hot in the room?"

"Looking at these three little milk dogs, my thinking is a little divergent. I opened my mind and figured out some things." Li Hao said indifferently.

"Let's tidy up the living room and go back to sleep. When these little puppies grow up, I'll take them for vaccination." Zhou Yunsheng didn't care about Li Hao's performance, she happily talked about her plan.

They took out their cleaning tools and began to clean up the marks left in the living room by the production of egg yolks.

After Zhou Yunsheng cleaned the carpet, he took a look at the three little milk dogs that were already asleep after drinking milk, and said: "The yellow and white puppy is male, and the two solid-colored puppy dogs are both female.

Male individuals in animals are generally extremely strong, and I didn't expect it to show it on the way to drink milk. "

Li Hao said meaningfully: "Nature is very cruel. Sometimes two similar animals can only drink milk, and the rest will starve to death."

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