Tech Translator

Chapter 323 Signing the Overlord Contract

Fang Wenwen held his lotus fingers and was receiving representatives of many mobile phone manufacturers.

He originally came to the group headquarters to report on the construction of the smart platform and apply for the start of the smart platform.

As a result, when he was about to leave, he was directly arrested by President Zhou Yunsheng. Let him receive many mobile phone manufacturers who come to the company to seek cooperation.

Most importantly, Zhou Yunsheng did not tell him whether the group cooperated with these companies. He can only rely on himself to adapt to the situation, which not only makes them think that there is hope for cooperation, but also makes them feel a slight sense of distance.

In this way, he can make the final explanation whether the company agrees to cooperate or not. This tightrope-walking operation made Fang Wenwen take great pains.

Finally, he thought of a way to take the opportunity to promote the intelligent platform established by Qingci Yunshang and introduce the company's artificial intelligence capabilities to them.

Han Zhe looked at the representative sent by Qingci Technology. He was very disgusted with this representative. He didn't expect gays to sneak into Qingci Technology.

But still with a smile on his face, he pretended to have a pleasant conversation with many colleagues, and inquired about the cooperation intention of Qingci Technology from the side.

As a result, this woman-like representative was too tight-lipped. Basically did not find out any useful news.

In the end, he changed the subject and recommended an artificial intelligence platform to them.

Han Chul didn't care about what he recommended at first. But after listening carefully, I found that this platform is amazing.

This is the artificial intelligence technology previously used by Qingci Technology. They all know the advanced artificial intelligence of Qingci Technology. I didn't expect Qingci Technology to be so generous and announce artificial intelligence technology now.

Even if they don't cooperate with Qingci Technology, they have obtained efficient artificial intelligence technology, and they can go back to do business.

Add your own company's smartphone to this artificial intelligence technology. Finally, if the price is reduced to sell, it may be able to barely maintain the profit of the group, and survive half-dead.

Fang Wenwen smart glasses received the latest instructions from the company. The company has promised to cooperate with these mobile phone manufacturers. And sent the latest contract.

Seeing that the company had made a decision, he immediately felt relieved. With a specific guidance plan, with his talent, he will definitely facilitate this cooperation perfectly.

Fang Wenwen coughed twice, after he attracted the attention of everyone present.

Said in a flat tone: "I have just introduced to you that our company's artificial intelligence platform is a project I joined privately.

After all, as executives of the company, everyone should understand my thoughts. Everyone has a performance appraisal on their backs.

Now I officially inform you that the company has agreed to cooperate with all companies. But if you want to cooperate, you must abide by the cooperation methods we stipulate.

After reaching an industry alliance on smart devices. The more a company abides by the rules in the alliance, the more support it will receive. "

Han Zhe began to hear Fang Wenwen's narration, and his heart was full of joy. But after hearing Fang Wenwen finished speaking, there was only a coldness left in his heart.

When I came here, I felt like I was fish for the knife. But when the knife is really cut down, it will definitely be very painful in my heart.

He already knew without looking at the specific content that he wanted to cooperate with Qingci Technology. The overlord contract must be signed.

Fortunately, the company already has a plan, and their company is most concerned about whether Qingci Technology will cooperate or not.

It is a very successful thing for Qingci Technology to cooperate with them. They had no way out or the slightest solution, they could only agree to it all.

Promising to cooperate is nothing more than paying some benefits. Refusal to cooperate is out of the question. They refused to cooperate, but other companies did not necessarily refuse to cooperate.

Wait until someone else takes the authorization of Qingci Technology to produce smart devices. Their company has not yet achieved results, which will definitely cause dissatisfaction among consumers. are directly discarded by consumers.

Thinking of this, Han Zhe felt bitter. This is the consequence of backward technology, and no one can do anything about it.

Fang Wenwen saw that everyone either didn't have a smile on their faces, or they were full of embarrassing smiles. He said in a calm tone: "You don't worry too much, our company is very popular.

This is just a contract of intent, and companies that want to cooperate must sign this contract of intent. Although it has legal benefits, it is far from a formal contract, and you can go back if you don't want to sign a formal contract. "

Fang Wenwen briefly glanced at the company's cooperation agreement. He summarized the following cooperation plans.

These mobile phone manufacturers have the right to choose different core accessories of smart devices and perform some partial software display optimization.

In general, they just got a low-end smart device. You cannot change the smart device hardware yourself.

Even software can only add some branding. To change the ui interaction method, the core of the software is not allowed to be changed.

All mobile phone manufacturers that cooperate with Qingci Technology must join the Smart Device Alliance and work in accordance with the alliance's guidance.

These terms are very detailed, completely binding these mobile phone manufacturers into their group system, this is a complete overlord contract.

He used the virtual light curtain to announce the company's contracts in front of every executive.

Han Zhe stared closely at the light curtain in front of him, carefully reading the cooperation contract of Qingci Technology.

What he thought just now was not wrong. Qingci Technology's contract was completely a Bawang contract. As long as this contract is signed, it is bound to the ecological system of Qingci Technology.

Although it is not the most serious foundry they thought of, after joining this system, the company will have no autonomy at all in the future. With the change of this system, it will affect the development of the company.

But do they have a choice? Absolutely not. Even the Overlord contract must be signed. Because it means the company is alive or dead.

After signing this contract, some benefits will be lost, but the company will live well. The consequence of not signing this contract is already doomed, and it will definitely go bankrupt or be acquired by other companies.

Fang Wenwen looked at everyone with a smile on his face: "After signing this contract, we will be an official partner to help your company develop smart devices. If you don't want to sign this contract, you can leave now. Our company does not provide the second kind of cooperation." plan."

After he finished speaking, the employees of Qingci Technology brought over the prepared paper contract.

After hearing Fang Wenwen's words, many executives of mobile phone manufacturers who came looked at each other, waiting for others to sign the contract. But no one turned and left.

Han Zhe immediately picked up the pen and signed his name on the contract. And stamped with the company seal of Xiaomi Company.

With Han Zhe taking the lead, the executives who have obtained full authorization from the company signed the Overlord contract one by one.

After putting away the contract, Fang Wenwen said to them: "We are partners, and our group also provides many services. Our company will customize some smart device designs for you according to your situation.

Three days later, you have prepared the corresponding materials, and we will sign a formal contract. "

The executives of many mobile phone manufacturers left Qingci Technology directly with signed contracts of intent.

The next chapter will be posted tomorrow.

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