Tech Translator

Chapter 330 Extreme Safety Test

When Zhou Yunsheng heard An Bingning's explanation, she nodded repeatedly, expressing that she understood the truth.

"I know that the reason why you conduct safety tests is to find out the safety limits that smart electric vehicles can withstand.

In normal intelligent driving, avoid these situations and ensure the safety of passengers in the intelligent electric vehicle.

It turns out that's what you thought about it. The lesser of two evils, this is one of the best options when there is no way to avoid an accident. It is very wise to let the accident cause the least damage. "

Li Hao was very happy to see Zhou Yunsheng understand.

They followed An Bingning into the laboratory for safety testing.

They have rented out the entire test site these days. Of course, the automotive safety testing laboratory is also included.

An Bingning accompanied Li Hao and the others to the waiting room. Engineers have already begun to arrange the testing site.

An Bingning unfolded a virtual light curtain in the room. An engineer in front of them broadcast the situation live to Li Hao and the others through the virtual light curtain.

With a curious expression, Zhou Yunsheng asked Li Hao, "Why are we hiding here? Why don't we go to the scene to observe. The feeling at the scene is so real."

Li Hao directly explained: "The scene is too dangerous, if the smart car is hit violently, the car shell or a certain part flies out rapidly, what if it hits someone.

Even the engineers are hiding in the safe house to operate the equipment. Who knows what dangerous situations will happen at the scene of such a large-scale sabotage experiment. "

"Without personnel participating in the scene, can we obtain accurate data?" Zhou Yunsheng asked with some concern.

An Bingning directly explained: "Don't worry, President Zhou, we have installed a professional robot in the car, and all its perceptions are the same as humans.

Through the analysis of sensors, it will truly perceive the damage caused by an accident to a person in a smart electric car.

There are detailed sensors installed in the car, which will send out various states of the smart electric car.

After we analyze this data, we can detect the limits of smart electric vehicles. "

While they were talking, the experiment ahead gradually began.

Seeing that the experiment had begun, they turned all their attention to the virtual light curtain ahead.

Only smart electric cars are seen, placed on a circular platform. The platform is slowly turning.

Metal hammers were constantly hitting the vehicles around him.

An Bingning explained: "This device simulates the damage caused to the occupants inside by simulating a smart car crashing into the car from different angles."

All I saw on the light curtain was a very large hammer hitting the smart electric car head-on.

The front windshield of the smart electric car cracked, and then the whole piece broke away from the window frame. But the glass didn't fall apart.

The good news is that the entire bracket of the smart electric car has not changed much. Effectively protect the safety of passengers.

It can be seen that the robot is firmly restrained on the seat by the seat belt. The airbags in front of the car have also deployed rapidly.

A robot inside the car gives the results of the experiment. Moderate injuries, broken arm.

Zhou Yunsheng pursed his lips and said, "Such a light collision can break the arm of the passenger inside, which is too dangerous."

An Bingning immediately explained: "President Zhou, this is not a light impact. This heavy hammer simulates the scene where a large container truck hits our smart electric car.

If it was an ordinary car, this impact would crush the car, and the people in the car would never survive.

However, the main frame of our smart electric vehicle is made of super-strength steel developed by our company, which is very hard.

Even if our smart electric car collides with a train, she will only be slightly deformed and will never be directly smashed. "

Zhou Yunsheng covered his mouth and exclaimed: "This function is really great, the previous small cars can't compete with large trucks at all.

As long as there is a car accident between them, the injured must be the occupants of the car.

Even if a car worth millions collides with a truck worth hundreds of thousands, millions of cars cannot withstand the impact of a broken truck. "

They continued to look, only to see five cars being replaced in a row. The heavy hammer hit every part of the vehicle continuously.

It turned out that even with this fatal blow, the passengers in the car were still safe. Most are not fatal.

The only mortal danger is simulating a scenario where a smart electric car collides with a tank.

Even with such a major impact, the overall frame of the smart electric vehicle did not break. The cause of the passenger's death was direct shock.

Seeing the results of this experiment, An Bingning was very happy.

"We have completed the first set of experiments, and now the engineers have collected the data received by the smart electric car.

They are analyzing in detail, waiting until the data is analyzed. A smart electric car will be automatically generated by the artificial intelligence parrot, and a solution is needed in case of this situation. "An Bingning said very happily.

After seeing the end of the experiment, Li Hao said with satisfaction: "The design of the smart electric car is very good, and the structural support of the smart electric car is also very good. Otherwise, super-strength steel alone would not be able to withstand such a severe impact.

Smart EVs are now in a position to survive a routine crash with their occupants. "

Li Hao is really satisfied with the performance of the smart electric car. This extreme safety test can almost represent most of the collisions encountered by smart electric vehicles.

Even in the worst continuous rollover, the passengers in the smart electric car were only seriously injured and survived.

This also means that smart electric vehicles have done a very good job in terms of safety and security.

Subsequent experiments continued to test the safety of smart electric vehicles to their limits.

The second experiment was to bury smart electric vehicles with a large amount of gravel and fine sand.

This is to explore the time that the smart electric car can persist when it is buried by the items on the truck in the event of a car accident.

This time it is to verify whether the emergency oxygen system and ventilation system in the smart electric vehicle are working normally.

Through this experiment, they verified the maximum time that the smart electric car can last after disconnecting the air convection from the outside world.

The third experiment was directly throwing the smart electric car in the pool. Detect airtightness of smart electric vehicles.

The fourth experiment is when a critical situation such as a fire in the car occurs, the smart electric car guides the passengers to save themselves.

They carry out various complex extreme safety tests. Although because of the different test items, the three intact smart electric vehicles can be tested in different items in turn.

However, due to the high intensity of the test, after the final test was completed, these smart electric vehicles were completely different.

But they also collected enough data to prepare emergency plans for various emergencies with artificial intelligence parrots.

When the artificial intelligence parrot is completed, Li Hao and the others can finally start to experience the smart electric car.

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