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Chapter 334 Unyielding Samsung

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, this business war had already been going on for a week.

The companies where the alliance is located have shown their means and concentrated their vitality against the Samsung Group.

As long as they squeeze Samsung Group's smart products out of the market, many mobile phone manufacturers can get a lot of money.

It's not just that the Samsung Group has vacated the huge Chinese domestic market. As the world's top three large mobile phone manufacturers, the international market share they vacated is also very large. Let any company feel excited.

The alliance companies are full of confidence, and they still rely on products to speak in the field of smart electronics. The Samsung Group has nothing comparable to today's smartphones, and they can hardly stand up.

Nokia and Motorola, the previous overlords in the mobile phone industry, did not keep up with the trend of smart phone development. Even in Brilliance before, it was acquired by other companies.

The Chinese market has also witnessed the rise and fall of various smartphone manufacturers. Previous mobile phones such as Bird Gionee have gradually disappeared from the market.

It was just in the initial stage of smartphones, among the China Kulian, which is known as the "Four Magical Phones", only Huawei stood out, and ZTE struggled to maintain it with its huge resources. The remaining two have already been eliminated in the field of mobile phones.

In the past few days, the media has continuously followed up and reported, almost digging out all the shady stories of the Samsung Group, and many things are very shocking.

Consumers in China have begun to think carefully about the type of smartphone they choose, and most of them are no longer buying products from Samsung Group.

After all, there are too many smartphone manufacturers, and Samsung's mobile phones are not the most advanced. Consumers certainly choose better phones.

At the headquarters of Samsung Group in South Korea, Lee Jae-yong, the actual controller of Samsung Group, presided over the meeting in person.

He said solemnly: "Smart electronics business is one of our group's largest profit-providing products.

Major changes are now taking place in the global smart electronic device market. After the emergence of new varieties of electronic equipment in China, the entire market ushered in a reshuffle.

We at Samsung must seize this opportunity and let the group keep up with the trend of this equipment. People in technology must make breakthroughs as soon as possible to create our artificial intelligence equipment. "

After Li Zaiyong finished speaking about this question. His face changed slightly, he slapped the table heavily with his hands, and said angrily: "What is the person in charge of the Greater China region doing? Our smartphone sales in China have dropped sharply. Such an abnormal thing happened. Why didn't we respond well in advance, resulting in huge losses for the group."

Jin Bingcong, the person in charge of the Greater China region, also came to this meeting, he stood up and bowed to everyone: "I'm really sorry for causing trouble to everyone due to my work mistakes.

Let me now briefly introduce what happened in the Huaxia region. This time it is due to the business war launched by the smart device industry alliance led by Qingci Technology against us.

They attack us from all kinds of areas such as advertising, media industry, corporate shady, intellectual property rights and so on.

Their main purpose is to drive our smart phones and other products out of the Chinese market, and even seize our international market.

I have done emergency public relations, but the capital strength formed by these enterprises together is huge.

Huaxia is their field again and has a great advantage. The most important thing is that the quality of our smartphones is not as good as that of their smart devices, and has been abandoned by most consumers.

In this situation, there is nothing I can do. "

After hearing what Jin Bingcong had finished speaking, an executive of the Samsung Group proposed to replace Kim Bingcong. Make him responsible for losing China's market share.

Some executives believe that they should give up part of their interests to cooperate with Huaxia Company. They can still co-exist.

Li Zairong glared, and said seriously: "Everyone stop arguing, we have to get through this difficulty. The most important thing is to solve things

This is just a small matter for our group, and it is far inferior to the storm caused by note7 products in previous years. "

Hearing Li Zairong's words, many executives of the Samsung Group thought of the storm caused by the note7 smartphone.

At that time, the smartphones they produced were exposed by many American media, and the lithium batteries in the phones had the potential to explode.

Originally, some public relations fees for this kind of thing could suppress the news. The general public will not know, and will not take the initiative to understand these things. Wouldn't that affect them?

As long as the injured consumers are quickly compensated. Never admit it when you encounter diehards. This way no serious problems will arise.

But due to political reasons at the time, the United States began to put pressure on their consortium. This matter was detonated directly through the media.

At that time, their company's smartphones were immediately unsalable, and there was a backlog of many products. If their group was just a simple mobile phone company, they would have already gone bankrupt.

It all depends on the price increase of storage chips to make up for the interests of their company. According to the last annual statistics, the overall interest has increased a lot.

From the second half of 2016 to 2017, the Chinese market has experienced strong growth in mobile phones, computers and other electronic products, as well as big data cloud services.

The rapid growth of electronic product shipments has driven demand for related components, which require more powerful chips that can store more data.

The $122 billion memory chip industry has experienced an unprecedented boom since mid-2016, growing nearly 70% in 2017 alone.

At that time, their Samsung Group's mobile phone business had collapsed into sand in the Chinese market. However, they chose to push up the prices of mobile phone components such as storage chips, and to control the supply to the Chinese market.

For almost a year and a half, smartphone screens, memory, flash memory and other components faced shortages and price increases, which contributed a lot of profits to the Samsung Group, which has a complete industrial chain.

In terms of memory supply, there are only three manufacturers, Samsung, Hynix and Micron, and they have formed a price strategic alliance. Monopolized the entire storage chip supply market.

When Jin Bingcong heard what Li Zairong said, he immediately proposed a solution happily.

"We don't need to be afraid of Chinese companies at all. The smart devices they produce must use large-scale storage chips.

We can completely copy the practices of previous years to achieve the goal of defeating others without fighting.

Our company holds the pricing power of storage chips, since it suffers from mobile phones. We use the price increase of storage chips to guarantee the interests of the company.

Perhaps storage chips, an essential component of smart devices, can force Chinese companies to open up patents for smart glasses and other smart devices to us. "

Li Zairong nodded in satisfaction, and he asked many group executives: "What do you think of this idea?"

The executives of the Samsung Group, after careful discussion, agreed that this approach is the only way to deal with the current situation.

They have reached price strategic alliances with storage chip manufacturers such as Micron and Hynix. As long as they raise their prices, the two companies will immediately follow.

As a large multinational group, they must not be cowardly. Besides, they also think that their group still has the power to fight, and they will never admit defeat.

Li Zairong pondered for a moment, and asked the company's management: "China's Unisplendour Company has now produced a 32-dimensional storage chip, will it interfere with our plan?"

The chief engineer of Samsung Electronics immediately replied arrogantly: "Mr. Li, don't worry, the chip production of Huaxia Ziguang Group is very low, and the performance is much worse than our chips. If those companies in Huaxia use Ziguang's chips, then they will kill themselves."

Li Zairong was very happy to hear the news.

After the group reached a consensus, Li Zairong immediately made up his mind to use this method to deal with the alliance.

Samsung Group immediately announced it due to technical reasons.

They will increase the price of memory chips and limit the supply.

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