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Chapter 342 Configure Enhancement Liquid

September 12, at three o'clock in the morning.

A laboratory in the Qingci Science and Technology Research Building is still brightly lit.

Du Xianyu's eyes were bloodshot, and he hadn't rested for a long time.

He stared intently at the test tubes that were constantly reacting in front of him.

The strengthening liquid project he presided over has ushered in the most critical moment of research today.

The successful experiment today proves that the development of the strengthening fluid has been completed and can be transferred to industrial production.

If the experiment fails today, it means that the direction of their previous research and development is completely wrong.

It is still necessary to start the research and development of the enhancement solution from the beginning, and all the experimental data previously conducted need to be completely discarded, and only the experience accumulated from long-term practice remains.

Du Xianyu felt that there was a great burden on his shoulders. If it hadn't been for his misjudgment some time ago, because he had already developed an enhanced liquid with excellent effects, most researchers would explore the functions of the enhanced liquid.

This time they want to configure a safe strengthening fluid, and it doesn't take so long.

Du Xianyu remembered that Li Hao had praised them many times, and he thought that the laboratory would soon be able to research the effect that the strengthening liquid could achieve.

It is a pity that reality and ideals always backfire. The enhanced liquid they developed before had serious safety hazards. The scope of use is very narrow, and it is impossible to use it on a large scale.

Du Xianyu tapped his head with his hands to drive away the fatigue caused by long hours of work. Concentrate and start to observe the progress of this experiment.

They conducted a total of 135 sets of experiments this time, summarizing the experience accumulated in the previous period.

After hundreds of millions of simulations by the scientific research auxiliary system, 135 groups of strengthening liquid ratio schemes that are closest to success were found.

The bottom line of the successful configuration of the enhancement solution he requested this time is that it is safe and harmless, even if it does not play a slight role, it cannot cause harm to human cells.

It was the enhancement liquid that was configured last time that gave them a great shock. The effect of that strengthening liquid is very good, but because the medicine is too strong, it will cause too much damage to the cells. Not suitable for normal people to use at all.

The equipment can easily carry out the reagent reaction process, and various indicators are controlled within the standard range.

Soon all of the 135 tubes were reacted to completion.

After Du Xianyu saw that all the reagents had reacted, he immediately ordered: "Start testing all the reagents."

After the researchers heard about its distribution, they immediately began to test these reagents with equipment, and found the reagent that belonged to the safe enhancement solution.

Through long-term research and development in biological laboratories, they have made theoretical breakthroughs. It is known that the various ratios of substances in the fortified liquid have an impact on the cells.

Having deduced the perfect fortifier composition, all they are looking for now is to design the safest fortifier.

It is only necessary to analyze the components of the reagents to easily find out which reagents belong to the safety enhancement solution.

Time passed slowly, and the researchers carefully verified the equipment. Soon, more than half of the strengthened solutions were verified, and none of these reagents met the requirements they had designed in advance.

There have been many successful configurations of enhancement fluids that can exert performance. But the safest strengthening fluid they designed in advance has never been seen.

When Du Xianyu saw this situation, he suddenly became nervous.

He saw that there was less and less fortifying liquid left, and he was really worried that after all their hard work, they would not be able to successfully configure a high-safety fortifying liquid.

After all, scientific research does not require hard work to achieve ideal results. They need more luck.

Until cheers sounded in front of him, which immediately attracted Du Xianyu's attention.

Soon a scientific researcher reported to him: "Director Du, we have succeeded. According to the latest optimization method, we have successfully produced a new generation of strengthening fluid with excellent safety performance."

When Du Xianyu heard the good news, he finally showed a long-lost smile. Although his eyes were still bloodshot, his expression was no longer tired like before, but full of radiance.

He wiped the wet corners of his eyes with both hands, and his mood immediately relaxed a lot, and the heavy burden on him was immediately lifted.

A few months ago, Du Xianyu had already made a preliminary strengthening liquid.

However, after animal experiments and clinical trials by professional drug testers, this enhanced liquid formulated for the first time had huge side effects.

It acts as a medicine when used in small doses for a short period of time. It can regulate the human body's endocrine, hormone, lymphatic system and other systems that dominate human health.

It can also repair damaged neuron cells. The fortifying fluid exhibited a very strong effect.

But after continuing to experiment, it was found that once the use of this strengthening liquid reached a critical point.

It will cause liver cirrhosis and uremia in the user. To put it bluntly, this disease is liver necrosis and kidney necrosis.

Fortunately, their company has artificial organ technology. After discovering the clues, they immediately replaced the organs for professional drug testers. This has not yet happened to a single dangerous incident.

These professional drug testers are a profession that walks in a gray area. Since the advent of their artificial organs, they seem to have a new life.

In the past, these professional drug testers were the bottom of the society. They were really penniless people who fought hard at the cost of their own health.

The average price of each test drug needs to be paid by the company to which the drug belongs to about 50,000 yuan.

However, with the advent of artificial organs, the liver and kidney, the two organs with the greatest burden of drug testing, can stop the damage in time as long as there are irreparable lesions. These organs can be easily replaced.

In this era, as long as you don't encounter drugs that produce acute side effects. No professional drug tester died because of taking the drug.

After Du Xianyu discovered this situation, he immediately mobilized all the scientific research strength of the biological laboratory to carefully analyze the reasons for this phenomenon.

After careful research, they found that this strengthening liquid can only strengthen cells for a period of time.

After the effect of the strengthening liquid has passed, a large number of cells in the body that received the strengthening liquid will die at the same time.

These cells that have been infiltrated by the enhanced fluid produce a huge amount of toxins in the process of death.

The total amount of this toxin has far exceeded the detoxification function of the liver and kidneys. It caused a huge burden on the liver and kidneys, which led to the occurrence of this disease.

Du Xianyu immediately realized that the previous strengthening liquid formula had huge flaws. Only then did he make up his mind to find a safe formula for strengthening liquid.

After their analysis of the characteristics of Juyangcao, and the professional tester provided a verification site, he found out how the strengthening liquid works in human cells.

With the assistance of many technologies such as the scientific research assistance system, they have finally successfully prepared a safe enhancement solution.

Du Xianyu held this successful safety enhancement liquid in his hand, and he was very emotional. This will be a product that can be remembered in human history.

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