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Chapter 344 Who Tests the Medicine?

Du Xianyu went on to introduce: "The thing that worries me the most is the smart booster.

This smart booster works once and gets results that last a lifetime.

It can be taken multiple times, and after each dose, the effect will be strengthened to a certain extent, unless the limit of human neuron cells is reached.

He produces this effect, which is related to the characteristics of neuron cells. After the human body is born, the number of neuron cells is basically fixed.

The human body only relies on its own stem cells, and it is difficult to supplement neuron cells.

It is precisely because of this characteristic of neuron cells that the effect of the smart booster can last for a lifetime. "

"That's great. After the human brain is developed, the comprehensive ability will be greatly enhanced.

I didn't expect the effect of the strengthening liquid to be so good, it can keep the effect for a long time. This is really surprising. "Zhou Yunsheng said in surprise.

Du Xianyu sighed, and continued: "The previous wisdom enhancement liquid is almost a devil-like medicine. We found through animal experiments that if this enhancement liquid works in the brain, it will be beneficial to the brain without any harm.

However, the strengthening liquid failed to optimize the neuron cells in the brain, and its berserk energy would damage the neuron cells.

Through many experiments, we finally found a way to reduce the berserk energy in the enhancement liquid.

After comprehensive consideration, a safe version of the intelligent strengthening fluid was finally produced.

Although the berserk energy contained in it is very weak, the performance of the overall strengthening fluid has dropped significantly.

But it's theoretically safe and causes little to no brain damage.

Intelligent strengthening fluid can easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Most of the active ingredients act directly on neuron cells.

The structure of the brain is very complex, and our current scientific understanding of the brain is also very superficial.

If you want to formally experience the effect of the intelligent strengthening liquid, you need to go through a long period of experiments before you can really use it with confidence.

After all, this intelligent strengthening fluid is only safe in theory. Whether it induces neuronal cell lesions in practice, it is impossible to judge this situation at the current theoretical level. "

After listening to Du Xianyu's introduction of all the conditions of the two enhanced liquids, Li Hao said with emotion: "This effect is already very good, at least the enhanced liquid is basically safe. Now you can rest assured that people can use it in large quantities. "

Zhou Yunsheng has been checking the records on the cloud intelligence platform. She saw the production method of the enhanced liquid, and asked Du Xianyu with some doubts: "Director Du, I saw that you made these two enhanced liquids, the materials used and the processing procedures Basically the same. Why is there such a big difference between the two boosters."

Du Xianyu said with a smile: "The components of the strength-type enhancement fluid and the wisdom-type enhancement fluid are not basically the same, they can be regarded as almost identical.

The strengthening liquid is originally the same substance, of course it is synthesized from common raw materials.

Finally, we separate the initially obtained strengthening liquid by physical means. Among them, the fortifying liquid with many small molecules and high concentration is the intelligent fortifying liquid, which can easily break through the blood-brain barrier and directly act on neuron cells.

Of course, the intelligent strengthening liquid also has a partial effect on the cells of the whole body. Acts as a weak strength strengthening fluid.

The strength-type strengthening liquid is made of less fine residual materials, it cannot break through the blood-brain barrier, and all effective substances act on the cells of the body. "

Zhou Yunsheng suddenly realized, and said: "Now I understand, they are the same material with different concentrations, and the results are very different.

This condition is common in nature and is like the difference between a queen bee and a worker bee. A bee that has been fed royal jelly will eventually grow into a queen bee. And a bee that only takes a sip of royal jelly must be a worker bee.

Director Du, what is the cost between the strength type enhancement fluid and the wisdom type enhancement fluid. "

Zhou Yunsheng smiled and asked her most concerned question, the cost of the fortifying fluid. A lot of promotion work can only be done if the cost is not high.

"The cost of the smart strengthening fluid is 100,000 yuan per milliliter, and the cost of the strength strengthening fluid is 1,000 yuan per milliliter.

There is a hundred times gap between them because the purification method is too difficult. "Du Xianyu briefly introduced.

"This price ratio is already very good. Since the smart strengthening liquid is permanently solidified, its value should increase many times." Zhou Yunsheng analyzed in detail.

Li Hao saw that the two of them had been talking about these trivial snacks without getting into the topic.

He asked directly: "Director Du, the strength-type strengthening fluid is very safe, we only need to do a few clinical experiments to collect the performance it can exert.

But the effect of the intelligent strengthening liquid is too outstanding, and its side effects are somewhat serious. Who will we use to test the drug?

Could it be the professional drug testers you mentioned who don't even want their health in order to make money. "

"Who said that people should be used to test the medicine." Du Xianyu said in surprise: "We are just testing whether the wisdom enhancement liquid is potentially dangerous.

The intelligent strengthening fluid is given to the animals, and through their behavioral analysis, whether there is a problem with the intelligent enhancing fluid. "

Hearing what Du Xianyu said, Li Hao nodded secretly. There are so many mice in the laboratory, is it a waste to not use them?

If he uses human beings to carry out experiments and finally causes irreparable consequences, he will feel guilty for a long time.

Zhou Yunsheng asked Du Xianyu: "Which animals are suitable for the experiment of intelligent enhancement liquid?"

Du Xianyu thought for a while, and replied: "I'm going to experiment with most of the mammals to see what kind of consequences the intelligence-enhancing liquid will have if it is used in the mammalian brain for a long time.

But in the early stage, I plan to do experiments on dogs, preferably puppies who have just been born and their brains are developing.

Dogs are the more honest animals of all, and it comes in handy for testing and arrangement.

I will soon entrust the logistics staff to bring in a batch of puppies for the test of the smart enhancement fluid.

Physiological anatomy has now proved that among all pets raised by humans, dogs have the largest number of neurons and the highest IQ among pets. "

When Zhou Yunsheng heard that Du Xianyu was going to use a dog for an experiment, he directly put Beibei who came with her on the desk.

She was going to let Beibei participate in this experiment, after all, there was almost no danger in this experiment.

"Director Du, can this puppy of mine participate in the experiment?" Zhou Yunsheng asked expectantly with a flash of reluctance in his eyes.

Du Xianyu is very good at observing words and expressions, so he directly declined: "It is very painful to do experiments. President Zhou's pet dog does not need to do this at all. You can directly feed the strength-type strengthening liquid and observe the effect of the dog after taking the medicine."

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