Tech Translator

Chapter 358 The chip factory goes into production

On September 28, the weather was still extremely hot. Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng led the convoy on the Beijing-Pan Expressway.

Today is the day when the microelectronics company of Qingci Technology Group officially put into production the chip factory.

Now Microelectronics' chip factory can already produce a large number of smart chips and a small amount of semiconductor high-end storage chips.

Li Hao's vehicle was driving at the front, and he took the company's chip-related executives to the BHX area of ​​Tianzhu, where the chip factory is located.

Their company is too busy these days, so they didn't prepare in advance to the chip factory.

Zhou Yunsheng was sitting in the car, and she said with emotion: "I didn't expect Hu Xiujie to handle things so quickly. I thought I had to wait for a while to build the chip factory, but I didn't expect it to be so many days in advance.

This is indeed a talent I have worked so hard to poach from SMIC. Even though they are nearly 50 years old, they are all people with grandchildren.

But she is really strong. There is no middle-aged person who is timid and pursues a prudent style of acting. "

"How can you only look at the results she has achieved without looking at the money spent on building a chip factory.

The chip factory of our microelectronics company, although the construction period is short. But it is five times the cost of similar factories.

With the cost five times higher than others, the construction materials are all new materials.

This is not enough to quickly complete the factory construction. That only shows that the people we selected are too useless. "Li Hao said flatly.

Zhou Yunsheng pushed him and said: "When I am happy, you always pour cold water on me. You can't make me happy for a while.

Besides, it is impossible to build a good chip factory even with five times the funds for a waste wood. "

Zhou Yunsheng showed off the smart ring on her ring finger again, and asked with heartache: "Brother Hao, our smart ring has not been officially released, but so many have been manufactured, it's a pity that they are all discarded.

Although Microelectronics produces high-performance memory chips, one square millimeter of chip can store 100PB of information.

But you asked to replace all storage chips with new types of semiconductor storage chips. Isn't this too wasteful. I don't think it is necessary at all. The high-end chip we used before has a storage capacity of 1TB. "

Seeing Zhou Yunsheng's pained look, Li Hao comforted him: "Yunsheng, that's not how the account is calculated. 100PB is equivalent to 102400TB.

The performance of the semiconductor storage chips we produce completely crushes the current storage chips.

The cost is lower than the cost of buying the tiny memory chips currently in use.

The choice of which memory chip to use is not obvious.

In the future, we will definitely adopt this kind of semiconductor storage chip produced by ourselves in an all-round way.

Smartphones and smart glasses, so to speak, undergo equipment upgrades. By the way, increase the price and release high-end products.

But the smart ring has not been released yet. The new smart rings we are producing on the production line now plan to replace the memory chips with semiconductor memory chips.

If you are a consumer, find two products that are about the same price. Its storage capacity is 100,000 times different. What do you think?

Consumers will definitely think that our company sells defective products. They will never agree with the reason for equipment upgrades.

It is impossible for us to damage the brand image of consumers and the company because of some small profits. It's totally not worth it. "

"What you said, I also feel that there is a big gap. If I really want to buy this kind of product in the future, people with a gentle personality like me can't bear it.

What about the products produced before, that is 600,000 units. Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile.

"This is easy to solve. Besides, the price of our smart ring is very low. Its high price is mainly determined by intellectual property rights and the services it brings.

It must not be officially sold, which damages our company's brand reputation. But it can be donated.

Especially the smart ring, which has the function of a portable smart doctor. This function is not affected by storage space.

It will definitely become a gathering place for trains and other vehicles, schools, public places and other crowds in the future. It is not necessary to have smart rings here to facilitate the detection of the physical safety of people passing by.

Our donation can also enhance the reputation of the company, which is completely killing two birds with one stone. "Li Hao said confidently.

Zhou Yunsheng agreed: "This is also a very good idea. I think it would be better if the army is added. The products we give away, others can never think that we put defective products on the market. It will not damage the company's reputation."

They soon entered the urban area of ​​Tianzhu and came to the high-tech industrial park in BHX District. Microelectronics' chip factory is built here.

The smart electric car quickly finds the parking place according to the electronic map.

Li Hao and the others got out of the car and looked forward. The semi-circular building not far ahead was the chip factory of Microelectronics.

The company executives who came with him included Ding Yi, the manager of the computer company, Sun Kai, the manager of the electronics company, and Yuan Dingfang, the general manager of the smart factory.

Li Hao took the lead and walked towards the chip factory. On the way, he saw many people he knew coming here.

There is the president of Huawei and the chairman of Xiaomi. The person in charge of Shen/Yang Machine Tool Factory. Many people related to the chip industry in China come here.

Foreign representatives include representatives of Qualcomm, Samsung Group, and the president of Intel Greater China.

Li Hao looked puzzled, and asked Zhou Yunsheng: "Yunsheng, I don't remember that we didn't invite these companies to participate in the ribbon-cutting event for the official launch of the chip factory."

"There is no invitation, but they came uninvited, and we have no way to refuse. We can't let the security guard let them in. It would be too offensive.

The core lifeline of domestic companies is mainly in the hands of American chip companies. Now that there are substitutes, they come here to check the situation.

Foreign companies mainly inspect the capabilities of our chip factories to deal with our emerging chip companies.

These are all matters related to their lifeline, even if we didn't ask for it, they came here with the cheek. "Zhou Yunsheng sighed.

After Li Hao listened to it, he was also touched. The field of chips is the largest material imported by China every year.

The key is that China's share of some core chips is very small. Generally, the United States monopolizes more than 90% of the high-end chip industry, and the rest of the world shares less than 10%.

It's not surprising that these people are concerned about the production of their smart chips. After all, this is a matter of life and death for their company.

As soon as Li Hao and his group approached the smart factory, they saw Hu Xiujie, the manager of the microelectronics company, coming out to welcome them.

He looked at Hu Xiujie, his face looked older than when he was recruited. There are many more wrinkles on the face, and now a lot of hair has turned white.

But Hu Xiujie's spirit seemed very full, and there was a kind of joy from the heart inadvertently revealed on her face.

Li Hao walked up and said, "Manager Hu, your speed is really fast. The chip factory was built in such a short period of time. But you are also so old, don't be too tired."

Hu Xiujie said nonchalantly: "I've reached this age, and it's only natural that my health deteriorates.

I am happier than anyone else to see domestic high-performance chips being put into production earlier. "

She said to everyone: "President Li sent a message earlier, saying that he doesn't like red tape, so we kept everything simple during the ribbon-cutting process.

We have arranged a simple ribbon-cutting event in the lobby on the first floor of the chip factory. Mr. Li and Mr. Zhou are invited to participate in the event. "

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