Tech Translator

Chapter 362 Recovering the cost on the first day

In this small meeting room, all kinds of human beings are revealed.

Representatives of foreign companies like Intel and Qualcomm. None of them believed that Qingci Technology had this ability.

The Qualcomm representative asked the Intel representative: "Dude, can your Intel company reach this level of daily production? It's really scary."

The representative of Intel frowned and said: "Our Intel's output can be found on the Internet, although there are some differences in the data, but the difference is not too big.

The sum of all the chip factories in our entire company will definitely exceed this figure. But a factory is a monthly output that can reach this figure, and our company is a large-scale chip manufacturing factory. "

The representative of Qualcomm said with emotion: "I really don't know how Qingci Technology has achieved this level. Some of our company's chips are manufactured by Samsung Group. The output they give us in a month is not as high as that of Qingci Technology in a day." Yield."

While the two of them were discussing, an extremely sad expression appeared on their faces. The more advanced the technology mastered by Qingci Technology, the stronger the energy. The greater the threat to their company.

Now it is impossible to check and balance the development of Qing porcelain technology. I don't know how far this company can develop?

When they were sad, Huaxia's company was very happy.

With the huge chip production of Qingci Technology, they no longer depend on foreign chips.

In the field of international industrial manufacturing, there has always been an example of a product manufactured by Huaxia, which will immediately become the price of cabbage.

Just like the high-end large-capacity submarine optical fiber that China did not master before, the price of foreign companies is thousands of yuan per kilometer.

After Huaxia Company got hold of it, the price of this optical fiber became 50 yuan per kilometer.

Some people do illegal business, but no one does money-losing business. This kind of optical fiber sells for 50 yuan per kilometer, and the company must sell it at the cost price at least, so it will definitely not lose money.

But before this kind of technology could not be produced, foreign companies raised their swords and tried their best to cut flesh on Chinese enterprises.

They see the mass production of smart chips, and they will definitely wait for the price of smart chips at the price of cabbage.

This kind of cabbage price is not really equivalent to cabbage, it is to bring chips back to a rational price.

Later, after a small country was cut by the suzerain country, its GDP dropped sharply. Think about doubling the price of memory chips.

When the global market is depressed, the practice of the country's GDP growing by 1.2% instead, this kind of thing will no longer work.

The crowd immediately became agitated, and someone shouted in surprise: "Mr. Li is here."

Everyone immediately turned their attention to the door, only to see Li Hao, Zhou Yunsheng and Hu Xiujie coming to this conference room.

Li Hao walked through the chaotic crowd, he stood in the center of the conference room, and said to everyone: "Just now the company's employees have reported the output of our microelectronics company's chip factory.

Our company has such a high chip output, you don't need to worry about your company not getting chips.

Our company's chips belong to the prohibited export products stipulated by the Ministry of Commerce. But it can be used arbitrarily in China, and there is no special requirement.

Our company is open to all enterprises, including those who want to purchase smart chips or semiconductor storage chips.

Fill out the form from your smart device now. After turning on the smart device, we will push the application form to the people present.

Or let employees register. Put forward your purchase intention, and we will deliver the goods to you in the order of payment. "

When company representatives heard the good news, they jumped into action. Most company representatives apply through smartphones or smart glasses,

A small number of people immediately went to the reception staff and applied to them to buy smart chips.

Huawei, Xiaomi and other alliance companies previously participated in the hosting of Qingci Technology.

They immediately received a message from Qingci Technology.

Companies participating in the alliance can apply for a fast track for purchasing smart chips. Accept arrears for a certain period of time. 20% off other companies to buy smart chips.

When the companies participating in the alliance saw this preferential rate, they immediately burst into smiles.

Alliance companies have the right to enjoy this preferential rate, and none of them thought that Qingci Technology would be so generous.

When smart devices tend to be similar, the brand's reputation is also similar. As long as it is slightly cheaper, I will definitely buy my own company's products.

After someone signed the application form, he yelled at Li Hao: "Mr. Li, our company has decided to buy your smart chip, can we sign the purchase contract now.

Otherwise, I feel very nervous, afraid of delaying the production of the company's equipment. "

Li Hao nodded with a smile and said: "As long as you can make the company's decision, or obtain the company's authorization.

Of course, we can sign a chip purchase contract. There is no reason to push users outside as an enterprise.

I just want to remind everyone that our smart chip is a new product. Although it has passed exhaustive testing, there may be hidden bugs that have not been discovered. Please bear with me. "

Someone said happily: "Mr. Li, let's sign the contract immediately. There is no perfect product in the world.

Your chips are better than foreign chips, and the price is cheaper. The key is that it belongs to our Huaxia company, and you will definitely not get stuck in our necks for some reason.

With so many benefits, there is no reason why we should not buy chips from you. "

Li Hao told Hu Xiujie: "You can arrange for the company's employees to formally sign a purchase contract with them.

I remember that the company's contracts are all standard contracts, just pay attention to the output of chips and negotiate the delivery time of chips.

There is no problem in doing these details well. Don’t cause some things to happen because of the details. "

Hu Xiujie said happily: "Don't worry, Mr. Li, I will definitely arrange everything. I really didn't expect to see such a grand occasion. These people really trust the company, and I will definitely not let them down. "

Zhou Yunsheng also volunteered and said, "Seeing how few people are here, I'll go over and help you too."

They immediately led the company's employees to start accepting orders from these companies. Gradually sign paper contracts and electronic contracts.

After seeing the news on the Internet, the crowd quickly boiled over. In this ebullient crowd, even those who are constantly thinking, also have a phenomenon of blind obedience, and began to change their original thinking and signed a contract with Qingci Technology.

Representatives of many enterprises can either make their own decisions or receive authorization. Started to sign a contract with Qingci Technology.

After they signed the contract, they quickly left the meeting room. Return to the company with the contract.

Zhou Yunsheng wiped the sweat from her forehead. She took the compiled data and said in surprise: "How is this possible? The contract order on Sunday reached 30 billion yuan. You know, we are very interested in smart chips. The investment is less than 10 billion."

"It's not surprising. Besides, you didn't include the research and development costs. Including the research and development costs, the order is about the same as our sales this time.

This is why I want to vigorously develop chip companies. Just the first day of sales matched our costs.

No one can stand in front of our company. Do I have the momentum of the mast and scull being wiped out while talking and laughing? "Li Hao said calmly.

Kidney deficiency causes all kinds of diseases, and every flu will win the bid. (crying loudly) I just wanted to get up after I was busy, but I became a salted fish again. These two chapters were written with cooling oil to refresh my mind, and I couldn't hold on to the headache. I'm going to the hospital tomorrow, hoping to get better.

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