Tech Translator

Chapter 366 Can really save lives

After Sun Kai got Zhou Yunsheng's consent, he immediately sent the photos to the company for promotion of the smart ring.

The reason why he is so anxious is that the sales volume of smart glasses priced at 50,000 yuan has not reached the sales volume they predicted during their market research.

Not even a third of forecasted sales were met.

This put great pressure on Sun Kai, and he wanted to take this shortcut. Facilitate sales efforts for smart rings.

After all, smart rings cost twice as much as smart glasses. The price of 100,000 yuan is the wealth that the working class can only accumulate in two or three years.

So its goal is very small, and its positioning is high-end products. Only people with small assets can afford smart rings.

Sun Kai's purpose is to find a way to highlight its high-end. It is to sell it in a luxury way, and make potential consumers think that wearing a smart ring is a very high-end performance.

During Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng's wedding etiquette, during the process of holding hands, they exchanged rings with each other. The smart ring produced by their company is used.

Of course, Sun Kai knew in his heart that the products used by Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng were different from those sold outside. The performance is completely different. The cost of these two specially customized rings is as high as 100 million yuan.

But the appearance of the smart ring is exactly the same, driven by Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng, it is enough to set off a trend.

This will greatly promote the sales of smart rings. Let their company completely turn around.

Sun Kai and some company executives rushed back to the company in a smart electric car.

The left-behind leaders of Qingci Electronics Company immediately became excited when they saw the photo sent by Sun Kai.

He ordered in a trembling tone: "Quick, put this photo on the sales interface."

The technicians were so busy that they quickly put the photos sent by Sun Kai on the company's official website.

Every netizen who wants to browse the smart ring, when they click on the website or mobile device client, the first thing they see is this picture.

This is Zhou Yunsheng and Li Hao wearing rings to each other when performing hand salute. The picture freezes the moment when they wear the rings together.

They wore bright red Hanfu wedding dresses for two years, with happy expressions on their faces. Coupled with Zhou Yunsheng's appearance.

This scene gives people a very warm feeling.

Sun Kai's prediction was very accurate. The picture of Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng's wedding scene was posted on the website.

Smart rings ushered in the peak period of ordering and increased tenfold. Immediately surprised many people, this growth is really terrifying.

Qingci Technology cooperates with logistics companies, and they themselves use intelligent driving trucks and drones to deliver goods quickly in major cities. It can be delivered to consumers within one hour after placing an order.

Consumers gradually began to place orders, and some people even changed the trajectory of their lives because of smart rings.

Du Zhongyu and his girlfriend Wei Wei are discussing the wedding ring they want to buy when they get married.

He carefully browsed the shopping website and said: "I think most people use diamonds now, which is too vulgar and doesn't fit our identity.

I think natural rubies should be used, which symbolizes our prosperous life in the future. "

His girlfriend Wei Wei uses smart glasses to project a virtual light curtain.

What was shown was the wedding ceremony picture of Zhou Yunsheng and Li Hao that was put on the website.

"Looking at the scene of other people's weddings, I feel that they are many times better than ours. Our weddings always have the meaning of nouveau riche.

According to your idea, you will be laughed at by our friends for a lifetime. I didn't know what to do before, but now someone has taught us a vivid lesson.

You can learn from others, these two are much higher status than us, and the weddings they recommend should become popular very soon.

I saw on the Internet that smart rings are only 100,000, and buying a pair of couple rings is only 200,000.

This is cheap glass compared to your ruby ​​ring. But I think our marriage should not be extravagant and wasteful, just achieve our ideal effect.

I think this smart ring is a good choice as a wedding ring. "

Du Zhongyu nodded and said, "This kind of thing is up to you. I will place an order to buy it immediately. My wife is still thrifty and will not be extravagant. I buy practical things."

The two of them were talking about changing their wedding ceremony and wanting to have a Chinese wedding.

We discuss every detail and strive to make every detail perfect.

They saw the sound of propellers outside the window, and the smart glasses they were using also alerted them.

"The couple version of the smart ring you ordered has been delivered, and the drone has successfully located your location. Please open the window, and the drone will deliver the goods to you."

Du Zhongyu snapped his fingers and praised: "This is really fast, and the delivery speed of Qingci Technology is really amazing."

The drone flew into the house after opening the window. He took out the smart ring he ordered.

After opening it, they realized that the ring was really exquisite. More than enough as a wedding ring.

Du Zhongyu and his girlfriend activated the men's and women's smart rings respectively.

When the smart ring is started, it immediately sends out a reminder: "Welcome to use Qingci Technology mobile smart devices.

We will use advanced artificial intelligence technology to provide you with good services.

This device has a special function, intelligent portable doctor. Solemnly remind you that Smart Doctor has efficient disease detection function.

But some of its means are for reference only and can never replace a real doctor. If you are judged to have a serious illness, please go to the hospital immediately.

Smart portable doctor, providing an online consultation platform. Select experienced experts to answer your questions online.

The World Health Organization has proven that modern medicine can only cure 25% of diseases. 75% of the diseases are incurable by modern medicine, please choose the treatment plan carefully.

You can provide your own treatment plan and real contact information. To contribute to future generations, to reject quack doctors starts with me. "

Du Zhongyu skipped the instructions directly and began to experience the functions of the smart portable doctor. Take a look at whether the functions praised by Qingci Technology are flashy and gimmick products.

Du Zhongyu's own test results came out soon: "Your physical health is very poor. High-intensity and unscientific exercise has caused you to have weak rhabdomyolysis. Please go to the hospital immediately to prevent kidney failure."

Wei Wei immediately said with concern: "Hurry up and go to the hospital, I told you that it's not good for you to learn to exercise according to the videos on the Internet every day.

People's physiques are different, if it is a gentle exercise method, it will not affect the body.

However, high-intensity exercise methods and a slightly poor physique will cause bad results. "

They went to the hospital, and it was detected that rhabdomyolysis had already occurred.

Du Zhongyu felt like he had narrowly escaped death, and he immediately thanked Qingci Technology on the Internet. And it is proposed that the smart ring can really save lives at critical moments.

There are also discussions about smart rings on the Internet.

Most of them praise Qingci Technology because of the smart doctor function of the smart ring. It really cost a lot of lives.

This ability has spread through word of mouth, and the smart ring has ushered in the moment of word-of-mouth explosion.

Many rich people don't care about the price at all, they hope that their bodies will sound an alarm. Can be reminded in time to prevent the deterioration of the condition.

The sales volume rose sharply. The official website of Qingci Technology issued a message, thanking consumers for their enthusiasm. The smart ring has been sold out and will urge the factory to replenish it quickly.

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