Tech Translator

Chapter 371 Activating the Drug Testing Program

On October 8, Golden Week just ended. The outside is no longer noisy, today is the cold dew solar term, and the air in Yanjing is still scorching hot in this season.

Li Hao has a headache these days, he summed up the technology he translated from the library. It is found that his translation work of alien civilization technology has entered a bottleneck period.

He has deciphered most of the simple characters of alien civilizations through continuous guessing, coupled with modern code deciphering and linguistic judgment.

But for some extremely complex characters, there is no rule to follow at all. He has nothing to do with this kind of writing. You can't ask other people for help in this kind of thing, you can only use your own ability to translate.

It's not that Li Hao doesn't trust his relatives, Zhou Yunsheng and his parents, he still trusts them very much. But believing that they are tight-lipped doesn't mean they can keep secrets.

Nowadays, the development of science and technology is getting faster and faster, and the website is not subjective if you want to keep a secret, so you can keep it.

Scientist Yao Wenhua, who is in charge of studying brain waves in the biological laboratory, is currently researching a very cutting-edge technology.

Read people's subconscious mind by studying the deep-seated activities of brain waves. This is similar to the principle of hypnosis, which is to mobilize the deep memory of the brain.

However, this method can obtain clearer information than hypnosis without the active cooperation of the other party. The key is that even the strongest agent can't resist, not through hypnosis training.

This device reading process is not subject to people's subjective control. That is to say, the person being tested cannot hide his thoughts.

As soon as technology appears, its diffusion speed is amazing. Now this kind of equipment is still contact reading, and the success rate is very low.

But technology has developed to read brain waves remotely, and by then no one's secrets can be hidden.

Li Hao himself has glasses made of extraterrestrial civilizations, which are products of advanced alien civilizations that are many times higher than earth civilizations.

It has a lot of black technology on it, although Li Hao can't use it. But with some passive abilities, they can still play a role without opening them.

For example, he can calm Li Hao's subconscious mind and prevent any other equipment from detecting it. By looking at the Alien Civilization's library.

Li Hao knows that the universe reads memory. It's just very low-level technology. This should be a means for the alien civilization that manufactured this device to help their hosts resist memory probes.

He can guard against this kind of problem, but Zhou Yunsheng and his parents don't have its means of defense. Tell them there is a possibility of a leak. Even if there is a slight possibility of leaking, Li Hao will never say it.

In order to strengthen his knowledge base, he has worked hard to learn advanced mathematics, code deciphering, and ancient text deciphering.

However, there is very limited help for the translation of alien civilization texts.

Just when he was very worried about this matter and was not in the mood to work. Du Xianyu, director of the biological laboratory of the scientific research building, walked into Li Hao's office with a smile on his face.

Seeing Du Xianyu's expression, Li Hao asked in surprise, "Director Du, come here, is it because the wisdom-type strengthening liquid has made a major breakthrough."

Seeing Director Du Xianyu's expression, Li Hao knew that it must be a major breakthrough in the intelligent strengthening fluid.

It was two o'clock in the morning two days ago, and Du Xianyu called him excitedly. Tell him that the biological laboratory has developed a new formula of intelligent strengthening liquid, and now the intelligent strengthening liquid can be used safely.

Although the intelligent strengthening effect is only 80% of the previous one, it will not cause fatal damage to the neuron cells of the brain.

Based on this security, it is enough to offset the 20% effect.

Du Xianyu happily sat across from Li Hao, and he said excitedly: "Two days ago we researched a new formula of intelligent strengthening liquid.

I reported to you at the time that it was 20% less effective than the original formula, but turned out to be perfectly safe.

This new type of strengthening fluid has a targeted effect. Directly look for neuron cells that can withstand its medicinal effects. And specifically activate monosynaptic neuronal cells that do not play a major role in the brain's functions.

Even if the use of the strengthening fluid fails, it will definitely not affect the original function of the brain.

It will only cause some dizziness. Use the strength-type strengthening liquid, which has the function of repairing neuron cells.

In about three months, you will get rid of the symptoms of this kind of nerve damage. "

After Li Hao heard Director Du Xianyu's introduction, he happily patted the table, stood up and said, "It's great to be able to get this result. It's not just the smart enhancement that can be used safely.

It also has a linkage effect with the strength-type strengthening fluid. I'm wondering if their combined use will improve their effect. "

"Mr. Li, our biological laboratory has already thought of this idea. The combination of the old smart enhancement fluid does not work well, but the combination of the new two enhancement fluids works very well. It greatly reduces the probability of accidents.

The usage method of the smart strengthening fluid that we stipulate is to use it in combination with a certain specification of the strength strengthening fluid. "Du Xianyu said with a smile.

"I think you should also be able to think of this method. There is a scientific research auxiliary system. With the powerful computing power of artificial intelligence, how could you not think of this method." Li Hao sat down and said calmly.

He looked at Director Du Xianyu again and asked: "Director Du, you came to my office today because you want the group to cooperate with you in some work. You are usually busy with work, but you go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything."

Li Hao knew that Du Xianyu would never come to him for no reason. The goal you want to achieve is not related to scientific research projects.

Du Xianyu has very high authority in the field of scientific research. In terms of scientific research, except for new projects, Li Hao's approval is not required for other projects, and only needs to be reported.

"Mr. Li, we have gone through animal experiments and detailed tests. We have also passed professional testers to test the small dose of fortifying liquid that does not produce any effect.

It has been verified that it is completely harmless to the human body, and through simulation calculations, there is a high degree of confidence that this intelligent strengthening liquid will not damage the neuron cells of the user.

I want to start the human experiment of the intelligent strengthening fluid within the company, and start the drug trial plan related to him.

After all, the effect of the intelligent strengthening liquid is too powerful, and everyone is comparable to a superman after using it.

The cost of each bottle of Smart Booster is also very high. It can also guarantee the basic safety of the experimenters. I don’t think it’s worth it to use drug testers to complete it. "

Li Hao also felt that it was not worthwhile to ask a drug tester to complete this experiment, so he went to ask Du Xianyu: "Director Du, can you guarantee that after taking the wisdom strengthening liquid, it will never cause cerebral paralysis, brain death or cause physical damage?" other serious diseases."

Du Xianyu immediately shook his head and said, "Mr. Li, this will never happen. Our fortified liquid is already very safe, and the side effects are much less than some medicines."

Li Hao knocked on the table with his hands, thought for a while, and said, "In this case, we can start the drug trial plan, and the people who participate in this plan will be selected from the core members of our company."

After they discussed it, they immediately conveyed the news to the core personnel of Qingci Technology through the cloud intelligence platform.

I was too sleepy yesterday, so I forgot to edit the last chapter and posted it last night. It has now been modified.

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