Tech Translator

Chapter 381 Engineering Mecha

Zhao Jiang came to Li Hao's office soon, and he saw Li Hao sorting out the materials.

Out of the corner of his eye, he immediately glanced at some words on the information, and immediately processed the information in his brain, knowing the reason why he came here this time. This is because the group wants to arrange a new job for him, and it is also related to the robot project.

He sat across from Li Hao and asked, "Mr. Li, my new job is related to robots. This matches my talent very well."

Li Hao put down the information in his hand, and said with a smile: "Since using the wisdom enhancement liquid, you have all become monkey spirits. The results can be deduced from the details.

I am going to reintegrate the company's robot project, gather all talents together, and establish an intelligent robot company. Let you be the general manager and be responsible for the company's future robot strategic planning.

Each branch company has carried out robot projects if possible, but the overall situation is too messy.

No one can knead these fragmented forces together before, and now it is up to you to solve this problem, I am very relieved. "

When Zhao Jiang heard Li Hao's arrangement, he was secretly happy. Finally, I am in charge of a company by myself and give full play to my talents. We must seize this opportunity. He didn't worry about it before, not to mention that he has used the intelligent strengthening fluid now. The brain evolves into a super brain.

He immediately assured: "Mr. Li, don't worry, I will make all kinds of high-performance robots.

Let the group use any robots in the future to be found in the company. Instead of developing new types of robots according to their uses. Sometimes for various reasons, it is necessary to make do with it.

The company's robotics research team is very strong, and I already have a plan for how to integrate them. "

Li Hao was very satisfied with Zhao Jiang's statement. He checked the information on the desktop and said, "I believe you can integrate various projects. The group used to have many robot project teams. But there are also very powerful project teams.

Among them, you used to lead the project team of the smart factory, and you were very powerful in developing various industrial robots.

There are also educational robots developed by computer companies, and exploration machines developed by electronics companies. Micro robots for physics lab research. "

"They are all excellent teams." Zhao Jiang praised, "Mr. Li, I have not been idle in the smart factory these days. Researching a large-scale equipment, influenced by science fiction and games, I named it Engineering armor."

Li Hao stood up and said in surprise: "Mecha, is it Gundam, the kind of mecha in Evangelion?"

He was surprised. In his impression, with the company's existing technology, it was impossible to complete such a sci-fi mech.

Not to mention other technologies, it is just a continuous power output. Without miniature nuclear fusion, or an efficient miniature nuclear fission device, it is almost impossible to keep this behemoth moving continuously.

Zhao Jiang spread his hands and said, "How is this possible? We need to develop this kind of equipment. With the company's existing technology, even if all scientific researchers succeed in taking the intelligent strong liquid, their brains will evolve into super brains.

Even with such a huge team, without decades of accumulation, it is impossible to complete this complex equipment.

Even if we participate in energy and mechanical transmission, it will take a long time to solve it. "

When Li Hao heard that it was not what he thought, he was suddenly relieved. It would be too scary if Zhao Jiang really researched the mechs in science fiction. He even wondered if Zhao Jiang was from Earth.

He asked curiously: "Then what does the engineering mech you research look like? Has the research been successful now?"

"The research has been successful. After my brain has been strengthened, the super brain is really of great help to scientific research.

Design the design parameters of the engineering mecha, and I will lead the development of the parts of the engineering mech.

Since it is just a demonstration machine, the entire engineering mech is completed using mature technology.

In addition to my plan, all the equipment of the engineering mech is manufactured at one time. The equipment is assembled successfully at one time and can run perfectly without debugging.

This greatly saved the research and development period of the engineering mech. In just a few days, I made this large engineering mech. This was completely unimaginable before.

I am only now deeply aware of the meaning of the phrase that science and technology are primary productive forces. "

While Zhao Jiang was speaking, he used the smart ring to open the virtual light curtain, revealing a huge device. It can be seen by its contrast with the background characters.

This is a fourteen-meter-high humanoid device, and its appearance is somewhat rough.

The head is a complex of large antennas and various cameras. Has two arms, but no hands. Above are construction machinery such as buckets, hammers, steel drills.

The two legs are neither crawler nor tire. It is iron pillars folded together.

When Li Hao saw the engineering mecha, he nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly saw that the background picture of the engineering mech was a large construction site, as if the company's security guards were also there.

He asked curiously: "When you look at this engineering mech, it looks very bulky. It can only be used for large-scale projects.

I saw that his background was a construction site, where is this construction site. I looked in the background as if there was someone I knew. "

Zhao Jiang explained: "President Li, this is all about these two days. You fell into a coma and will be handled by President Zhou Yunsheng.

Our brother company Space Exploration Group came to the company and said that their space shuttle research and development progress is nearing completion.

It is necessary to establish an airfield that meets the requirements and conduct space shuttle testing.

Ma Yiming came to report to you. At that time, you were in a coma, and President Zhou Yunsheng took care of this matter.

She communicated with the country, and Yibei Province found a suitable place and is building an airport.

I was trying to test the engineering mech, so I used this airport construction job to experiment.

The security team led by Gundam, they also better absorb the strength-type strengthening fluid in order to strengthen their training. Also come to the airport construction site to exercise and help by the way. "

"Oh, so that's the case. Ma Yiming and the others are progressing very fast." Li Hao said happily after hearing what Zhao Jiang said.

He stood up and said to Zhao Jiang: "I'm curious about the engineering mech you developed. You don't have to worry about integrating the robot project. Let's go to the construction site to have a look."

"Okay Mr. Li, it's too slow to drive to the construction site. Let me see if there is a high-speed rail ticket. The construction site is not far from the high-speed rail station."

After Zhao Jiang said something, he started booking tickets.

After booking the tickets, he said relaxedly: "Fortunately, the Golden Week has passed, and the high-speed rail tickets are not tight now. I have booked three tickets."

Zhao Jiang knew that Li Hao usually travels with bodyguards, so he booked three tickets.

According to his understanding, after taking the strength strengthening liquid for a long time. It can dodge bullets, but it requires keen perception and long-term training. Li Hao definitely couldn't do it.

Seeing that Zhao Jiang finished everything, Li Hao told Zhou Yunsheng his whereabouts, and invited Lin Bo to go to the airport construction site with them.

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